this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : March Update April 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0494.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0394 ANS 9539 033194 + March Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 129536 033194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.00
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 32672 033194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AE-APRLF ANS 3515 040194 The Humdinger
*5 AE-CH02 ANS 11091 033194 + Channel Zer0 2
*6 AK-ABSAR EXE 15083 033094 Absolut Arcadia
*7 AK-SKY1 EXE 65160 032794 SkyNet
*8 AN-WHAM1 ANS 35203 033194 + Whammy Bar
*9 BE-PI1 ANS 18609 040194 + Programmed Illusion
*10 DR-EOT1 ANS 22029 031194 + End of Time
*11 DR-TIC1 ANS 20114 040194 + The Icy Connection
*12 DV-DREAM EXE 36839 033094 Elusive Dream
*N/CFILEID DIZ 496 032894 Acquisition FILE ID by BE
*13 IM-PG1 ANS 44902 033194 + Power Grid
*14 KP-CH01 ANS 18115 031194 + Channel Zer0
*15 KP-EA ANS 23778 031394 + Electric Acid
*16 KP-ROC1 EXE 272301 032994 Realm of Chaos
*17 LD-CH01 ANS 28141 032694 + Channel Zer0
*18 LD-COD ANS 154871 032694 + Castle of Darkness
*19 LD-FR2 ANS 24423 032694 + Future Realm II
*20 LOGO0494 ZIP 11796 033194 Logo Assortment for April
*21 MX-DSD EXE 79008 032894 Distorted Magazine
*22 NEWZ0494 ANS 8181 040194 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 3
*23 RN-AE1 RIP 10909 032794 Awakened Earth
*24 RN-DSUN1 RIP 21692 032794 Dark Sun World
*25 RN-DU1 RIP 14539 031194 Danger Unlimited
*26 RN-EPIC1 RIP 11293 031194 Epic
*27 RN-IRID1 RIP 10089 031994 Iridium
*28 RN-SKY2 RIP 16041 032594 SkyNet 2
*29 RN-TTG1 ANS 29875 032294 + The Thieves Guild
*30 RN-WEB1 RIP 18824 031294 The Web
*31 SM-EOT1 RIP 49312 033094 End of Time
*32 SM-GODHD RIP 20259 032894 Godhead Silo
*33 SN-CH01 ANS 46261 040194 + Channel Zer0
*34 SO-SA1 ANS 19295 033094 + Soul Asylum
*35 SP-TEH1 RIP 51554 031994 The Eleventh Hour
*36 SPOON EXE 32384 033194 Spoon 1.0
*N/CSPOON INI 82 033194 Spoon 1.0 INItialization File
*37 SW-INSOM EXE 73272 033094 Insomnia Magazine
*38 SW-PSY EXE 123126 032894 Psychosis Magazine
*39 T2-DI1 ANS 5100 032394 Digital Illusions
*40 T2-DR1 ANS 30881 031694 + Death Row
*41 T2-EI1 ANS 25103 032894 + Evil Intention
*42 T2-TEH2 ANS 26416 032694 + The Eleventh Hour
*43 TC-TEH1 ANS 32593 033194 + The Eleventh Hour
*44 US-BV1 RIP 15210 032494 Beyond Vision
*45 US-DSUN1 ANS 24338 033194 + Dark Sun World
*46 VS-FED1 ANS 13195 032294 + Federation Network
*47 ACDU0494 NFO 7301 040194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 50 Average Compression Rate: 47
Total Bytes: 1,892,587 Average Of Bytes/File: 37,854
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,022,402
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : March Update April 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0494.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0394 ANS 9539 033194 + March Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 129536 033194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.00
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 32672 033194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AE-APRLF ANS 3515 040194 The Humdinger
*5 AE-CH02 ANS 11091 033194 + Channel Zer0 2
*6 AK-ABSAR EXE 15083 033094 Absolut Arcadia
*7 AK-SKY1 EXE 65160 032794 SkyNet
*8 AN-WHAM1 ANS 35203 033194 + Whammy Bar
*9 BE-PI1 ANS 18609 040194 + Programmed Illusion
*10 DR-EOT1 ANS 22029 031194 + End of Time
*11 DR-TIC1 ANS 20114 040194 + The Icy Connection
*12 DV-DREAM EXE 36839 033094 Elusive Dream
*N/CFILEID DIZ 496 032894 Acquisition FILE ID by BE
*13 IM-PG1 ANS 44902 033194 + Power Grid
*14 KP-CH01 ANS 18115 031194 + Channel Zer0
*15 KP-EA ANS 23778 031394 + Electric Acid
*16 KP-ROC1 EXE 272301 032994 Realm of Chaos
*17 LD-CH01 ANS 28141 032694 + Channel Zer0
*18 LD-COD ANS 154871 032694 + Castle of Darkness
*19 LD-FR2 ANS 24423 032694 + Future Realm II
*20 LOGO0494 ZIP 11796 033194 Logo Assortment for April
*21 MX-DSD EXE 79008 032894 Distorted Magazine
*22 NEWZ0494 ANS 8181 040194 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 3
*23 RN-AE1 RIP 10909 032794 Awakened Earth
*24 RN-DSUN1 RIP 21692 032794 Dark Sun World
*25 RN-DU1 RIP 14539 031194 Danger Unlimited
*26 RN-EPIC1 RIP 11293 031194 Epic
*27 RN-IRID1 RIP 10089 031994 Iridium
*28 RN-SKY2 RIP 16041 032594 SkyNet 2
*29 RN-TTG1 ANS 29875 032294 + The Thieves Guild
*30 RN-WEB1 RIP 18824 031294 The Web
*31 SM-EOT1 RIP 49312 033094 End of Time
*32 SM-GODHD RIP 20259 032894 Godhead Silo
*33 SN-CH01 ANS 46261 040194 + Channel Zer0
*34 SO-SA1 ANS 19295 033094 + Soul Asylum
*35 SP-TEH1 RIP 51554 031994 The Eleventh Hour
*36 SPOON EXE 32384 033194 Spoon 1.0
*N/CSPOON INI 82 033194 Spoon 1.0 INItialization File
*37 SW-INSOM EXE 73272 033094 Insomnia Magazine
*38 SW-PSY EXE 123126 032894 Psychosis Magazine
*39 T2-DI1 ANS 5100 032394 Digital Illusions
*40 T2-DR1 ANS 30881 031694 + Death Row
*41 T2-EI1 ANS 25103 032894 + Evil Intention
*42 T2-TEH2 ANS 26416 032694 + The Eleventh Hour
*43 TC-TEH1 ANS 32593 033194 + The Eleventh Hour
*44 US-BV1 RIP 15210 032494 Beyond Vision
*45 US-DSUN1 ANS 24338 033194 + Dark Sun World
*46 VS-FED1 ANS 13195 032294 + Federation Network
*47 ACDU0494 NFO 7301 040194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 50 Average Compression Rate: 47
Total Bytes: 1,892,587 Average Of Bytes/File: 37,854
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,022,402
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