this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : January Update March 1st, 1993
Note: The file ACDU0393.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*N/CACIDART APL 4916 20193 + ACiD Artists Application Form
*N/CACIDCOUR APL 3416 20193 + ACiD Courier Application Form
*1 AP-LGCY1 EXE 15782 22793 x Legacy Logo
*2 CE-CITA1 ANS 12604 12493 + Citadel
*3 CE-ROSE1 ANS 9695 11393 + Rose Garden
*4 EX-METLW ANS 13992 22593 + Metal Works
*5 FD-CLOAK ANS 15340 12393 + Cloak and Dagger
*6 FD-FG ANS 2398 12893 + Forbidden Grounds
*7 FD-LQD ANS 1408 12893 Liquid BBS Software Logo
*8 FD-WISH ANS 25472 20593 + Wish List
*N/CFILEID DIZ 306 22893 Acquisition FILE ID by Cerebrus
*9 FN-DRNET ANS 5502 12193 Dragnet
*10 FN-LOZ ANS 12696 20793 + Land of Zeist
*11 FN-MARSH ANS 14043 21493 + Mars Hotel
*12 IM-AC01 ANS 3234 22093 Alpha Centauri
*13 IM-EM01 ANS 7891 22093 + Electro Magnetic
*14 IM-PB01 ANS 2887 22093 Plan B 1
*15 IM-PB02 ANS 2453 22093 Plan B 2
*16 JD-CVRT1 ANS 414512 20193 x Covert Action 2
*17 KP-FORB1 ANS 2981 12193 The Forbidden Realm
*18 MH-ACID1 EXE 21101 22693 x ACiD Demo
*19 MX-ACID1 EXE 26778 22793 x ACiD February Members VGA
*20 RS-ACID1 EXE 54596 22193 x ACiD Demo
*21 RS-ELUSV EXE 25855 22493 x The Elusive Dream Loader
*22 SC-ACDII EXE 4643 20493 ACiD Logo 2
*23 SC-BITCH EXE 8976 22393 ...is BACK
*24 SC-PFED EXE 9440 21393 The Elusive Dream VGA ANSi
*25 SC-RICK2 ANS 952535 22893 x Force 10 Adventures Part II
*26 TK-AV310 EXE 91264 22793 ACiD Acquisition Viewer v3.10
*27 TK-BGATE ANS 3456 20793 + The Big Black Gate
*28 TK-PRSTN ANS 753602 21893 x+ The Pristine Tower
*29 TK-SCITY ANS 5551 22893 + Sin City
*30 TK-XAP2 ANS 5376 20793 + XAP Logo 2
*31 VN-THECT ANS 72053 22393 x+ The City Super-Scroller
*32 VS-ACD93 ANS 6063 22893 + ACiD Members List for 3/1993
*33 VS-ADREN ANS 15594 22093 + Adrenalin
*34 ZN-UNIQ1 ANS 2143 21193 UNIQ Logo
*35 ACDU0393 NFO 6324 30193 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 38 Average Compression Rate: 79
Total Bytes: 2,636,970 Average Of Bytes/File: 69,388
Total Bytes Zipped: 557,970
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : January Update March 1st, 1993
Note: The file ACDU0393.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*N/CACIDART APL 4916 20193 + ACiD Artists Application Form
*N/CACIDCOUR APL 3416 20193 + ACiD Courier Application Form
*1 AP-LGCY1 EXE 15782 22793 x Legacy Logo
*2 CE-CITA1 ANS 12604 12493 + Citadel
*3 CE-ROSE1 ANS 9695 11393 + Rose Garden
*4 EX-METLW ANS 13992 22593 + Metal Works
*5 FD-CLOAK ANS 15340 12393 + Cloak and Dagger
*6 FD-FG ANS 2398 12893 + Forbidden Grounds
*7 FD-LQD ANS 1408 12893 Liquid BBS Software Logo
*8 FD-WISH ANS 25472 20593 + Wish List
*N/CFILEID DIZ 306 22893 Acquisition FILE ID by Cerebrus
*9 FN-DRNET ANS 5502 12193 Dragnet
*10 FN-LOZ ANS 12696 20793 + Land of Zeist
*11 FN-MARSH ANS 14043 21493 + Mars Hotel
*12 IM-AC01 ANS 3234 22093 Alpha Centauri
*13 IM-EM01 ANS 7891 22093 + Electro Magnetic
*14 IM-PB01 ANS 2887 22093 Plan B 1
*15 IM-PB02 ANS 2453 22093 Plan B 2
*16 JD-CVRT1 ANS 414512 20193 x Covert Action 2
*17 KP-FORB1 ANS 2981 12193 The Forbidden Realm
*18 MH-ACID1 EXE 21101 22693 x ACiD Demo
*19 MX-ACID1 EXE 26778 22793 x ACiD February Members VGA
*20 RS-ACID1 EXE 54596 22193 x ACiD Demo
*21 RS-ELUSV EXE 25855 22493 x The Elusive Dream Loader
*22 SC-ACDII EXE 4643 20493 ACiD Logo 2
*23 SC-BITCH EXE 8976 22393 ...is BACK
*24 SC-PFED EXE 9440 21393 The Elusive Dream VGA ANSi
*25 SC-RICK2 ANS 952535 22893 x Force 10 Adventures Part II
*26 TK-AV310 EXE 91264 22793 ACiD Acquisition Viewer v3.10
*27 TK-BGATE ANS 3456 20793 + The Big Black Gate
*28 TK-PRSTN ANS 753602 21893 x+ The Pristine Tower
*29 TK-SCITY ANS 5551 22893 + Sin City
*30 TK-XAP2 ANS 5376 20793 + XAP Logo 2
*31 VN-THECT ANS 72053 22393 x+ The City Super-Scroller
*32 VS-ACD93 ANS 6063 22893 + ACiD Members List for 3/1993
*33 VS-ADREN ANS 15594 22093 + Adrenalin
*34 ZN-UNIQ1 ANS 2143 21193 UNIQ Logo
*35 ACDU0393 NFO 6324 30193 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 38 Average Compression Rate: 79
Total Bytes: 2,636,970 Average Of Bytes/File: 69,388
Total Bytes Zipped: 557,970
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