this image contains text
C h a o s I n C . R h y m e p r e s e n t s . . .
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
group news as of 10 march 1998 :
- pack delayed from january to early february :
because of some cheap assed muthers in the university
my computer and all parts were seized after the electric
cube was reopened on campus.. this pack has been compiled
solely on public access computers aside from the vga logos
which were done on a friends pc.. stay with the group for
the february release..
- pack delayed from early february to march :
hmmm why did this happen?? coz the unix cluster in the
university threw up onto cdrom.com and I thought that it
was released.. and it wasnt.. the pack was recompiled
on the regular pc now that Ive got it back..
- the electric cube seized :
the world hqs machinery was seized early january by
campus security after alleged links with the warez scene
were being investigated.. as of 12 feb 1998 the pc has not
been returned..
- pack for january is non-existant! :
this is the first pack of 1998.. there have been some
applications.. thank you.. we will release monthly onwards
- new member in the group! :
thanx and greets to all those who applied.. we have a
new member in the group.. OMNi of 510/RiOT will throw some
of his work this way.. check out his debut with the fifth!
- next pack release date :
next pack will be 5th-9802.rar and will be released on
or around april 25th of 1998..
- members wanted :
what the fuck?? where the hell are all the artists now?
if you can draw, apply.. its simple enuff.. thanks to those who have applied so far..
complete memberlist : valid as of 10 march 1998
s k i l l s
artistic types ans asc vga email
lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com zodiac zodzod@hotmail.com
evil milkman n o n e
omni praise@cnx.net
affiliated quality bulletin board systems : valid as of 10 march
the electric cube - whq - d o w
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8
rebels hideout - german distro - 4 9 - 6 1 o 3 - 2 3 1 9
axone - belgian hq - 3 2 - 2 - 7 5 7 9 2 1
lost spirits - memberboard - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o
1 - i s d n - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o
fortress - swedish hq - 4 6 - 8 - 7 2 2 7 8 8
sirius b - portuguese hq - 3 5 1 - 9 6 - 6 8 3 8 7
group stats :
members : 4
memberboards : 1
hq sites : 4
distro points : 1
web access areas : 2
web spaces : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar http://members.tripod.com/thefifth/index.htm
membership applications :
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods run the appgen and mail the application form to me on : lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work - or - catch me on irc as lknight5 give me the info
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
info file by lightning knight of the 5th..
logo by evil milkman of the 5th..
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
group news as of 10 march 1998 :
- pack delayed from january to early february :
because of some cheap assed muthers in the university
my computer and all parts were seized after the electric
cube was reopened on campus.. this pack has been compiled
solely on public access computers aside from the vga logos
which were done on a friends pc.. stay with the group for
the february release..
- pack delayed from early february to march :
hmmm why did this happen?? coz the unix cluster in the
university threw up onto cdrom.com and I thought that it
was released.. and it wasnt.. the pack was recompiled
on the regular pc now that Ive got it back..
- the electric cube seized :
the world hqs machinery was seized early january by
campus security after alleged links with the warez scene
were being investigated.. as of 12 feb 1998 the pc has not
been returned..
- pack for january is non-existant! :
this is the first pack of 1998.. there have been some
applications.. thank you.. we will release monthly onwards
- new member in the group! :
thanx and greets to all those who applied.. we have a
new member in the group.. OMNi of 510/RiOT will throw some
of his work this way.. check out his debut with the fifth!
- next pack release date :
next pack will be 5th-9802.rar and will be released on
or around april 25th of 1998..
- members wanted :
what the fuck?? where the hell are all the artists now?
if you can draw, apply.. its simple enuff.. thanks to those who have applied so far..
complete memberlist : valid as of 10 march 1998
s k i l l s
artistic types ans asc vga email
lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com zodiac zodzod@hotmail.com
evil milkman n o n e
omni praise@cnx.net
affiliated quality bulletin board systems : valid as of 10 march
the electric cube - whq - d o w
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8
rebels hideout - german distro - 4 9 - 6 1 o 3 - 2 3 1 9
axone - belgian hq - 3 2 - 2 - 7 5 7 9 2 1
lost spirits - memberboard - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o
1 - i s d n - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o
fortress - swedish hq - 4 6 - 8 - 7 2 2 7 8 8
sirius b - portuguese hq - 3 5 1 - 9 6 - 6 8 3 8 7
group stats :
members : 4
memberboards : 1
hq sites : 4
distro points : 1
web access areas : 2
web spaces : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar http://members.tripod.com/thefifth/index.htm
membership applications :
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods run the appgen and mail the application form to me on : lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work - or - catch me on irc as lknight5 give me the info
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
info file by lightning knight of the 5th..
logo by evil milkman of the 5th..
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