this image contains text
.,sSSSSl llii i:: ::: : : . .. ..
,sSS S@
sS ok this is the colly well he requested a bunch of logos.. but Im pullingl
i them together into one larger colly that xCz/DAt requested.. hope I got
. that spelt right.. in ascii.. which is where I try to grab some space..
.if you want a request or something, find me there... :: ,sSSs: ,+, ,s,,sSMMSS
i ,sSs, j SSs, ,sSS .
S, ,mj SSs, . SGSS@ i
,sM oh yeah a colly title I guess ::
: lS l
. SSs ,s, - - packaged to the gills - - ,S,
, ta b le o f con t e nt s
, l l 1 - cRb logo l l ,
S 2 - mjoln logo S
. 3 - threaz thing . ,
, : 4 - elvis logo :
i 5 - XCLUZIWE logo i .
, S 6 - SAVE OUR SOULS logo S
,, 7 - SOS logo ,,
cheesy divider thingy that looks kinda smooth
: cRb logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS S
,sS .,. 1 SSSs, Ss,
lS lLK SSS S l
S space fer stuph S
: mjoln logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS . S ,S,
S . SS ,ss, S S SS SSS,S,,ss, S S,S,lSlSlSLKS,ss,SSlSl,ss, l,ss,SS ,ss, ,sSS ,ss,lS ,ss, SS,ss, Sl SSs, SSS l . . p . SlSl S l l l Sll l l l l lS
l l l l
- the o was a cunt and sucked so i got rid of it..
: threaz logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs,
l S
S SSs S ,sS j
, S ,S l Sl S
l sSs,S ,S S, S S, ,sSS,
S gS S SSl ,sSS
JSs,,s S S,
, SS ,sSS lS ,SS,
t S,. .,, ,SS, sSSs,
h ,sSSs,,sSSs
: elvis logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs,
+ SLKS , Ss,
.,sS S d SP S
S SS l Ss ,sS SSSs
S P ,sS S Ss, d
: XCLUZIWE logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS S
Ss, ,sS ,dSSS ,sSsssS
Ss, x S S e ,sS ss
Ss, c l u z i w ,sS l
Ss, S,. .,S ,sS l
Ss, ,sS l
SSs,S,sSS l
sorry it got
S a little fuct
right here..
but thats
the i, w and e in one
letter -LK
: save our souls logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sSSs S S l stuph bubble l sSSs S, ,S sSSs S, ,S SS l l S, ,S , , S S S S l l S S S SS Ss, sSSs .,s,..,s,. sSSs S, S S SS S sS Ss sSSs sSSs sS Ss sSSs SS S S , , SSs S S sSS S S , S SS SS SS S SS SS Ss,..,s,..,s,.ss,..,s,..,s,..,s,.,,..,s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: SOS logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS S
a S SS S a
v S,lS, v
l e SSSs lSSSs e l
i o S,S,Sp o i
u s,. S,SS,,. SS u
i r S, , r i
l s S,S S,S s l
, o ,sS Ss, o ,
, u lSS SSl u ,
,sS l Ss, ,sS l Ss,
,sSS s ,l, SsS ,l, s SSs,
: greetings and other mindless drivel! : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS S
greets : xPRESS/fORCE - alive or dead you rocked...
ExPLiZiT - dead but still great toonz
all 5th members.. ermm rok on..
drivel : total lines used by colly : 266
all artwork and doodling done by lightning knight of the 5th.. and no ripping will be tolerated under any circumstances.....
i iill lSSSSs,.
@S SSs,
,sSS S@
sS ok this is the colly well he requested a bunch of logos.. but Im pullingl
i them together into one larger colly that xCz/DAt requested.. hope I got
. that spelt right.. in ascii.. which is where I try to grab some space..
.if you want a request or something, find me there... :: ,sSSs: ,+, ,s,,sSMMSS
i ,sSs, j SSs, ,sSS .
S, ,mj SSs, . SGSS@ i
,sM oh yeah a colly title I guess ::
: lS l
. SSs ,s, - - packaged to the gills - - ,S,
, ta b le o f con t e nt s
, l l 1 - cRb logo l l ,
S 2 - mjoln logo S
. 3 - threaz thing . ,
, : 4 - elvis logo :
i 5 - XCLUZIWE logo i .
, S 6 - SAVE OUR SOULS logo S
,, 7 - SOS logo ,,
cheesy divider thingy that looks kinda smooth
: cRb logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS S
,sS .,. 1 SSSs, Ss,
lS lLK SSS S l
S space fer stuph S
: mjoln logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS . S ,S,
S . SS ,ss, S S SS SSS,S,,ss, S S,S,lSlSlSLKS,ss,SSlSl,ss, l,ss,SS ,ss, ,sSS ,ss,lS ,ss, SS,ss, Sl SSs, SSS l . . p . SlSl S l l l Sll l l l l lS
l l l l
- the o was a cunt and sucked so i got rid of it..
: threaz logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs,
l S
S SSs S ,sS j
, S ,S l Sl S
l sSs,S ,S S, S S, ,sSS,
S gS S SSl ,sSS
JSs,,s S S,
, SS ,sSS lS ,SS,
t S,. .,, ,SS, sSSs,
h ,sSSs,,sSSs
: elvis logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs,
+ SLKS , Ss,
.,sS S d SP S
S SS l Ss ,sS SSSs
S P ,sS S Ss, d
: XCLUZIWE logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS S
Ss, ,sS ,dSSS ,sSsssS
Ss, x S S e ,sS ss
Ss, c l u z i w ,sS l
Ss, S,. .,S ,sS l
Ss, ,sS l
SSs,S,sSS l
sorry it got
S a little fuct
right here..
but thats
the i, w and e in one
letter -LK
: save our souls logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sSSs S S l stuph bubble l sSSs S, ,S sSSs S, ,S SS l l S, ,S , , S S S S l l S S S SS Ss, sSSs .,s,..,s,. sSSs S, S S SS S sS Ss sSSs sSSs sS Ss sSSs SS S S , , SSs S S sSS S S , S SS SS SS S SS SS Ss,..,s,..,s,.ss,..,s,..,s,..,s,.,,..,s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: SOS logo requested by xCz/DAt : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS S
a S SS S a
v S,lS, v
l e SSSs lSSSs e l
i o S,S,Sp o i
u s,. S,SS,,. SS u
i r S, , r i
l s S,S S,S s l
, o ,sS Ss, o ,
, u lSS SSl u ,
,sS l Ss, ,sS l Ss,
,sSS s ,l, SsS ,l, s SSs,
: greetings and other mindless drivel! : ,sSSs, Ss, ,sSS SSs,SS S
greets : xPRESS/fORCE - alive or dead you rocked...
ExPLiZiT - dead but still great toonz
all 5th members.. ermm rok on..
drivel : total lines used by colly : 266
all artwork and doodling done by lightning knight of the 5th.. and no ripping will be tolerated under any circumstances.....
i iill lSSSSs,.
@S SSs,
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