this image contains text
C h a o s I n C . R h y m e p r e s e n t s . . .
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
overall group status
ok, a new month.. its getting colder here, there and everywhere.. oh well..
more news : a new member.. finally! welcomes and greets to spam boy for
applying and making me realise that I needed to write an app reader..
so he is in this month.. more from him as I get it.. he sent me stuff but
it was all menus and since I would like to remain on ftp.cdrom.com I dont
wanna be mistaken for a modding group like xPRESS.. who are too cool btw!! more on the new guy.. ermm dude.. contact me.. you like vanished..so thats
why youre on this months memberlist but have nothing in the pack..
hmmm originally this was going to be released on the 12th of november.. I
only realised that this was impossible around the 10th when I had no art
at all.. so Im releasing it on the 22nd instead.. live with it..
in other news, hail to new group aqua for releasing a pack this last month
carry on in style.. also, there are supposed to be new scene mags coming
out.. ermmm where?? if you have one/are starting one, mail me a copy coz
I dont have a clue on whats going on..
next pack will be out on the 12th of december... definately..
solo pack this month by : me!! ermm everyone else is on vacation or taking
a well earned break.. em! late riser and zodiac need to mail me
immediately with some work.. or else..
do not view my vga work in acidview.. for some reason it cant handle the
image well.. it messes up the RGB settings and dithers the image so that it is really fucked.. use at your own risk..
the web page is again being fiddled with by the people at tripod bless em! ermm next up is a next little thingie thatll be in javascript that should
rok.. ermm the java.. hmmm I dont think so.. its taking up too much
space for what it does.. so Im gonna try out a few image maps.. maybe a
guestbook or something..
- lightning knight -
- LKs Note : no more notes here unless shit happens to me!!! -
.,+: memberlist as of november 22 1997 :+,.
founder : lightning knight
ansi head : evil milkman
ascii head : o p e n
hires head : zodiac
ans asc vga rip email
artists : lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com
klear distortion ehsan@arabian.net
* zodiac * zodzod@hotmail.com
evil milkman n o n e
* late riser * late.riser@gismo.gun.de
* spam boy * tbird@sk.sympatico.ca
* status unknown..
* new member
* needs to submit work immediately
affiliated boards :
the electric cube - whq - d o w n u n t i l f u r t h e r n o t i c e
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8 7
rebels hideout - german distro - 4 9 - 6 1 o 3 - 2 3 1 9 5
axone - belgian hq - 3 2 - 2 - 7 5 7 9 2 1 8
lost spirits - memberboard - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o 1
- i s d n - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o 2
fortress - swedish hq - 4 6 - 8 - 7 2 2 7 8 8 1
sirius b - portuguese hq - 3 5 1 - 9 6 - 6 8 3 8 7 5
web presence : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar
group statistics :
members : 6
memberboards : 1
hq sites : 4
distro points : 1
web access areas : 2
.,+: applying for membership to the 5th.. :+,.
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods
run the appgen and mail the application form to me on :
lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work
catch me on irc as LKNiGHT and give me the info
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
.,+: info file by lightning knight of the 5th.. :+,.
S: logo by evil milkman of the 5th.. :S
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
overall group status
ok, a new month.. its getting colder here, there and everywhere.. oh well..
more news : a new member.. finally! welcomes and greets to spam boy for
applying and making me realise that I needed to write an app reader..
so he is in this month.. more from him as I get it.. he sent me stuff but
it was all menus and since I would like to remain on ftp.cdrom.com I dont
wanna be mistaken for a modding group like xPRESS.. who are too cool btw!! more on the new guy.. ermm dude.. contact me.. you like vanished..so thats
why youre on this months memberlist but have nothing in the pack..
hmmm originally this was going to be released on the 12th of november.. I
only realised that this was impossible around the 10th when I had no art
at all.. so Im releasing it on the 22nd instead.. live with it..
in other news, hail to new group aqua for releasing a pack this last month
carry on in style.. also, there are supposed to be new scene mags coming
out.. ermmm where?? if you have one/are starting one, mail me a copy coz
I dont have a clue on whats going on..
next pack will be out on the 12th of december... definately..
solo pack this month by : me!! ermm everyone else is on vacation or taking
a well earned break.. em! late riser and zodiac need to mail me
immediately with some work.. or else..
do not view my vga work in acidview.. for some reason it cant handle the
image well.. it messes up the RGB settings and dithers the image so that it is really fucked.. use at your own risk..
the web page is again being fiddled with by the people at tripod bless em! ermm next up is a next little thingie thatll be in javascript that should
rok.. ermm the java.. hmmm I dont think so.. its taking up too much
space for what it does.. so Im gonna try out a few image maps.. maybe a
guestbook or something..
- lightning knight -
- LKs Note : no more notes here unless shit happens to me!!! -
.,+: memberlist as of november 22 1997 :+,.
founder : lightning knight
ansi head : evil milkman
ascii head : o p e n
hires head : zodiac
ans asc vga rip email
artists : lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com
klear distortion ehsan@arabian.net
* zodiac * zodzod@hotmail.com
evil milkman n o n e
* late riser * late.riser@gismo.gun.de
* spam boy * tbird@sk.sympatico.ca
* status unknown..
* new member
* needs to submit work immediately
affiliated boards :
the electric cube - whq - d o w n u n t i l f u r t h e r n o t i c e
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8 7
rebels hideout - german distro - 4 9 - 6 1 o 3 - 2 3 1 9 5
axone - belgian hq - 3 2 - 2 - 7 5 7 9 2 1 8
lost spirits - memberboard - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o 1
- i s d n - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o 2
fortress - swedish hq - 4 6 - 8 - 7 2 2 7 8 8 1
sirius b - portuguese hq - 3 5 1 - 9 6 - 6 8 3 8 7 5
web presence : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar
group statistics :
members : 6
memberboards : 1
hq sites : 4
distro points : 1
web access areas : 2
.,+: applying for membership to the 5th.. :+,.
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods
run the appgen and mail the application form to me on :
lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work
catch me on irc as LKNiGHT and give me the info
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
.,+: info file by lightning knight of the 5th.. :+,.
S: logo by evil milkman of the 5th.. :S
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