this image contains text
C h a o s I n C . R h y m e p r e s e n t s . . .
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
overall group status
ok.. this month : the top story : the new web space.. check it often
for updates.. I did the whole thing HTML wise in about 2 days.. let
me know of broken links and stuff.. I only have 2 MB of space, so not
all the packs will be available.. Ill try and keep the majority there
but if you cant find it, mail me.. Ill send you a copy..
more news.. the webpage went up and then moved to www.fortunecity.com the reason??? they give you 6 MB of free space... hehehehe... ahem..
look for a page with more graphics when zodiac gets done with them
and java and cgi and so on and so forth... ermmm yeah.. I realise that
due to last months space crisis on cdrom.com, the incoming 5th pack was deleted... those who thought the group died.. hmmm fuck you.. we didnt Ive uploaded both files to the server again so they should be there
for further downloading..
in other news, klear distortion is real, real busy with life.. work so he is producing a few pieces here and there.. so Im promoting
evil milkman to the position of ansi head starting from the next pack
on the vga front, zodiac is being kept real busy by me so no new
vga pieces from him this month.. stay tuned as stuff moves around the
world during the month of september and hope for the next pack
mid-october as well as 5thNet which will keep all the boards together
as I will distribute it via internet email..
in further news about the webpage, the current location is :
and a secondary site which is being contructed will be located at :
this secondary site will take the place of the tripod page as soon
as it has been constructed.. due to the enhanced spae capacity
look for shockwave addins and cgi scripting once I have the time
to mess with it..
finally, the world hq will be going down on the 23rd or 24th of
september due to me moving to university.. after that, it might be a
telnet accessable board in england maybe..
- lightning knight -
- LKs Note : inet access is being jerked around with.. stay around -
.,+: memberlist as of september 15 1997 :+,.
overlord : kuru
founder : lightning knight
ansi head : klear distortion
ascii head : o p e n
hires head : zodiac
ans asc vga rip email
artists : lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com
klear distortion ehsan@arabian.net
zodiac zodzod@hotmail.com
evil milkman u n k n o w n
late riser late.riser@gismo.gun.de
* status unknown..
* new member
affiliated boards :
the electric cube - whq - 9 7 3 - 7 4 o 6 1 1
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8 7
rebels hideout - german distro - 4 9 - 6 1 o 3 - 2 3 1 9 5
axone - belgian hq - 3 2 - 2 - 7 5 7 9 2 1 8
lost spirits - memberboard - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o 1
- i s d n - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o 2
fortress - swedish hq - 4 6 - 8 - 7 2 2 7 8 8 1
web presence : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar
.,+: applying for membership to the 5th.. :+,.
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods
mail application form to me on :
lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work
call the the 5th.. world hq on +973 740 611
email lightning knight and attach the app and some work
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
.,+: info file by lightning knight of the 5th.. :+,.
S: logo by evil milkman of the 5th.. :S
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
overall group status
ok.. this month : the top story : the new web space.. check it often
for updates.. I did the whole thing HTML wise in about 2 days.. let
me know of broken links and stuff.. I only have 2 MB of space, so not
all the packs will be available.. Ill try and keep the majority there
but if you cant find it, mail me.. Ill send you a copy..
more news.. the webpage went up and then moved to www.fortunecity.com the reason??? they give you 6 MB of free space... hehehehe... ahem..
look for a page with more graphics when zodiac gets done with them
and java and cgi and so on and so forth... ermmm yeah.. I realise that
due to last months space crisis on cdrom.com, the incoming 5th pack was deleted... those who thought the group died.. hmmm fuck you.. we didnt Ive uploaded both files to the server again so they should be there
for further downloading..
in other news, klear distortion is real, real busy with life.. work so he is producing a few pieces here and there.. so Im promoting
evil milkman to the position of ansi head starting from the next pack
on the vga front, zodiac is being kept real busy by me so no new
vga pieces from him this month.. stay tuned as stuff moves around the
world during the month of september and hope for the next pack
mid-october as well as 5thNet which will keep all the boards together
as I will distribute it via internet email..
in further news about the webpage, the current location is :
and a secondary site which is being contructed will be located at :
this secondary site will take the place of the tripod page as soon
as it has been constructed.. due to the enhanced spae capacity
look for shockwave addins and cgi scripting once I have the time
to mess with it..
finally, the world hq will be going down on the 23rd or 24th of
september due to me moving to university.. after that, it might be a
telnet accessable board in england maybe..
- lightning knight -
- LKs Note : inet access is being jerked around with.. stay around -
.,+: memberlist as of september 15 1997 :+,.
overlord : kuru
founder : lightning knight
ansi head : klear distortion
ascii head : o p e n
hires head : zodiac
ans asc vga rip email
artists : lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com
klear distortion ehsan@arabian.net
zodiac zodzod@hotmail.com
evil milkman u n k n o w n
late riser late.riser@gismo.gun.de
* status unknown..
* new member
affiliated boards :
the electric cube - whq - 9 7 3 - 7 4 o 6 1 1
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8 7
rebels hideout - german distro - 4 9 - 6 1 o 3 - 2 3 1 9 5
axone - belgian hq - 3 2 - 2 - 7 5 7 9 2 1 8
lost spirits - memberboard - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o 1
- i s d n - 4 9 - o 2 1 3 1 - 7 4 6 9 o 2
fortress - swedish hq - 4 6 - 8 - 7 2 2 7 8 8 1
web presence : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar
.,+: applying for membership to the 5th.. :+,.
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods
mail application form to me on :
lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work
call the the 5th.. world hq on +973 740 611
email lightning knight and attach the app and some work
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
.,+: info file by lightning knight of the 5th.. :+,.
S: logo by evil milkman of the 5th.. :S

- title
- september news
- author
- lightning knight
- group
- (the 5th..)
- date
- 1997-09-13
- comments
- datatype
- character
- filetype
- ansi
- filetype info
width: 80
height: 121
icecolors: no
letter spacing: not specified
legacy aspect: not specified
- artist(s)
- group(s)
- content
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