this image contains text
:: s:: o
e sSSSSSSs a m :: f
r :: S P l :: .,sS .,sS
dOpe board that might never go up!! SSsSS ::
operated by maniac ::
- what do ya mean no background.. its there... is those :: things.. TM -lk
- cut into this baby right along this line.. yes right along this small line -
s o
e sSSSSSSs a m f
r S P l .,sS .,sS
dOpe bOard that might never go up!! SSsSS
operated by maniacdOpe
- colourised thing of the above black n white logo...
- warning below this line are the periodic ramblings of an ascii artist!! -
hmmmm ok.. I drew this coz I felt like drawing some more stuff for the dOpe
pack.. anyway... hmm yeah I checked on the name and realised, hey, maniac
probably aint gonna open it.. so if anyone else wants this one, mail me at
i need requests... damnit I get bored.. also, this y in the logo is fucked...i dunno.. fuck it.. Im gonna leave it..
e sSSSSSSs a m :: f
r :: S P l :: .,sS .,sS
dOpe board that might never go up!! SSsSS ::
operated by maniac ::
- what do ya mean no background.. its there... is those :: things.. TM -lk
- cut into this baby right along this line.. yes right along this small line -
s o
e sSSSSSSs a m f
r S P l .,sS .,sS
dOpe bOard that might never go up!! SSsSS
operated by maniacdOpe
- colourised thing of the above black n white logo...
- warning below this line are the periodic ramblings of an ascii artist!! -
hmmmm ok.. I drew this coz I felt like drawing some more stuff for the dOpe
pack.. anyway... hmm yeah I checked on the name and realised, hey, maniac
probably aint gonna open it.. so if anyone else wants this one, mail me at
i need requests... damnit I get bored.. also, this y in the logo is fucked...i dunno.. fuck it.. Im gonna leave it..
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