this image contains text
,sSSs, d i g i t a l r i o t
SS cONfERENCE : main board conferences
S SS.,sSSs, fROM : lame user
,sS .,sSSSS tO : sysgod
l::l l SS,. sUBjECt : more leech access
:: S s,.,sS , dAtE : 01/01/97
- digital riot message header - no colour -
,sSSs, d i g i t a l r i o t
SS cONfERENCE : main board conferences
S SS.,sSSs, fROM : lame user
,sS .,sSSSS tO : sysgod
l::l l SS,. sUBjECt : more leech access
:: S s,.,sS , dAtE : 01/01/97
- digital riot message header - some colour -
,sSSs, d i g i t a l r i o t
SS cONfERENCE : main board conferences
S SS.,sSSs, fROM : lame user
,sS .,sSSSS tO : sysgod
l::l l SS,. sUBjECt : more leech access
:: S s,.,sS , dAtE : 01/01/97
- digital riot message header - violent colour -
d SS
i Ss,
g S,SS
i Ss, LKSSSs,.
l S S
- digital riot blockage logo - no colour -
d SS
i Ss,
g S,SS
i Ss, LKSSSs,.
l S S
- digital riot blockage logo - slime colour logo -
d s,s
i s,s s,s s,sSs,
g S s,ss,
i s sSs, LKSSSs,.
t s,s
a s,s
l s,s s,s S S s s
- digital riot blockage logo - bullet holed style -
ok this is the end of this cluster.. ermmm if anyone found the dOpe pack fromlast month please tell me where I can get it.. I need to see if it really was
released and if so, why I get no response from the dOpe seniors.. in other news
check out the 5th.. new group.. run by me.. cough any comments are welcome
send em and any requests to : lightningknight@hotmail.com
c ya
lightning knight 1997
SS cONfERENCE : main board conferences
S SS.,sSSs, fROM : lame user
,sS .,sSSSS tO : sysgod
l::l l SS,. sUBjECt : more leech access
:: S s,.,sS , dAtE : 01/01/97
- digital riot message header - no colour -
,sSSs, d i g i t a l r i o t
SS cONfERENCE : main board conferences
S SS.,sSSs, fROM : lame user
,sS .,sSSSS tO : sysgod
l::l l SS,. sUBjECt : more leech access
:: S s,.,sS , dAtE : 01/01/97
- digital riot message header - some colour -
,sSSs, d i g i t a l r i o t
SS cONfERENCE : main board conferences
S SS.,sSSs, fROM : lame user
,sS .,sSSSS tO : sysgod
l::l l SS,. sUBjECt : more leech access
:: S s,.,sS , dAtE : 01/01/97
- digital riot message header - violent colour -
d SS
i Ss,
g S,SS
i Ss, LKSSSs,.
l S S
- digital riot blockage logo - no colour -
d SS
i Ss,
g S,SS
i Ss, LKSSSs,.
l S S
- digital riot blockage logo - slime colour logo -
d s,s
i s,s s,s s,sSs,
g S s,ss,
i s sSs, LKSSSs,.
t s,s
a s,s
l s,s s,s S S s s
- digital riot blockage logo - bullet holed style -
ok this is the end of this cluster.. ermmm if anyone found the dOpe pack fromlast month please tell me where I can get it.. I need to see if it really was
released and if so, why I get no response from the dOpe seniors.. in other news
check out the 5th.. new group.. run by me.. cough any comments are welcome
send em and any requests to : lightningknight@hotmail.com
c ya
lightning knight 1997
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