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Aheyo... beSt vIew tHis in HiRez mOde for maX
enjoYmnT or eLse itS n0t gOnnA mAke muCh sNse.
Did it In AppRox 15 minz aNd i ya t00 LaMe ta
knOw wot it iS, yer eiTher duMb or ya never
productionz heaRd of MetallicAs lack aLbum, in both cass,
1 9 9 7 . 5 yer lame. FirSt tiMe i Try tHis ShiT.
enjoYmnT or eLse itS n0t gOnnA mAke muCh sNse.
Did it In AppRox 15 minz aNd i ya t00 LaMe ta
knOw wot it iS, yer eiTher duMb or ya never
productionz heaRd of MetallicAs lack aLbum, in both cass,
1 9 9 7 . 5 yer lame. FirSt tiMe i Try tHis ShiT.
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