this image contains text
th s 0ne wuz dun f0r a sCene bBs alThough i DidnT manaGe ta GeT tHe
seCond one To thA guY who reQuested it since it LooKz better...
kd? - - --- --------
I stiLL tHinK tha style I usEd in tha oNe beloW lookz bEtteR
but AnyWay, if anyone knoWz of thIs boArd calleD endor contact me.
- - -- --------,sl:,kd?y,ss:l:s@s,y bs,y,ss@Y sssl: bs, :Ysss,.Y d ,ss,.s, l,, s,b, :YYs , ,ssss,Ys,y,sssoD:lss, s YY Y ,l yb, l4s,,s ,d ,l:,d,sl ,, d,,d , l,,l l : ,sl y,s ,,d , l l y,, ,,s ,@y,do ,s l ,,y, ,d,ss@y,d ,D s,sl:,,,ss,Dl , d ,yb ,::,,,, aass,y,d,d,sa ,,,l,sY,,o sssssss,,s: s,s,s,S ,b bl:bssss,l: obssd,ssdbYLl l,s,lyssYl:,,ssdybi:.ss, ,l:ssss ,, - - -- -------- , ,
another fine requezt from the 5th productionz..
send all reqz to ehsan@bahrain.com
seCond one To thA guY who reQuested it since it LooKz better...
kd? - - --- --------
I stiLL tHinK tha style I usEd in tha oNe beloW lookz bEtteR
but AnyWay, if anyone knoWz of thIs boArd calleD endor contact me.
- - -- --------,sl:,kd?y,ss:l:s@s,y bs,y,ss@Y sssl: bs, :Ysss,.Y d ,ss,.s, l,, s,b, :YYs , ,ssss,Ys,y,sssoD:lss, s YY Y ,l yb, l4s,,s ,d ,l:,d,sl ,, d,,d , l,,l l : ,sl y,s ,,d , l l y,, ,,s ,@y,do ,s l ,,y, ,d,ss@y,d ,D s,sl:,,,ss,Dl , d ,yb ,::,,,, aass,y,d,d,sa ,,,l,sY,,o sssssss,,s: s,s,s,S ,b bl:bssss,l: obssd,ssdbYLl l,s,lyssYl:,,ssdybi:.ss, ,l:ssss ,, - - -- -------- , ,
another fine requezt from the 5th productionz..
send all reqz to ehsan@bahrain.com
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