this image contains text
C h a o s I n C . R h y m e p r e s e n t s . . .
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
overall group status
okay... another month another pack... some well actually none.. have
noticed that the release dates are getting closer to the beginning of
the month.. this is not a permanent thing.. we will release when
everyone in the group has contributed something or I get tired of waiting hmmm everyone had exams last month except me and evil milkman.. ermm wotelse oh yeh.. another hq site... axone.. call it.. why? coz its in belgium and belgium rocks.. err.. speaking of new members.. last month we had zodiac
and the day the pack was released I got a new app typical.. from
evil milkman.. he used to be in wizzard RA modding group?? and hes now
with us...
more news.. the decision was made and this pack was released.. ermm
big isnt it?? well ok.. we are now up to 5 members... late riser has
joined with some refreshing ascii that Ive seen.. and also some ansi..
on the vga front, zodiac is working overtime.. doing all this and exams..
quality is always good... ermmm hes also the head of the hi-res section..
another new member.. late riser.. from germany... ansi and ascii...
fleshing out that part of the group... his board lunatic is good.. call
isdn on both lines...!
a distro site in germany operated by attacking guard is online.. call that
too.. the sysop actually called long-long distance to apply so just call
and make him feel that it is worthwhile...
- lightning knight -
- LKs Note : all bahrain.com accounts are back on their feet -
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
ANSi department news
ok.. this is not kd.. hes been really busy... he managed to get some stuff
in for the pack... and thats about it... ermmmm he sez hes dead.... but
I think hell be around for the next pack to do some real news....
only other news in the ansi department is that we have 2 new doodlers..
evil milkman and late riser... bringing the group total to 5 both are
german and very very good.... enjoy this pack.. well be back sometime
in mid august....
- lightning knight -
- for -
- klear distortion -
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
ASCii section status
n o a s c i i h e a d - w e n e e d m o r e a r t i s t s
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
hires section status
ermmm... I dunno what to say.... but I guess Im the hi res head
so I must write something....... ok.... I think the group is growing
and getting more talented members... and more specialities... and we
are looking for more... and as a hi res member... I bet there are ..
lotta ppl ...who r really good with hi res graphics... but their talent
is hidden... so come on and join us... lets see wot ya got there.....
my nick is ZoDiaC .... the hi res Head... in fact ... the only..
hi res member... so guyz come on and join my section...
or any ... of the other sections ...in the 5th.. thats all
..Im sorry.. I bet most of ya got sleepy reading this thing... but
thats all I can do....
Just refer to the big general 5th-****.NFO file... to get all
information you need.... for more info... try to contact any of the..
members... for hi res related stuff ...contact me... ZoDiaC
if you need any special production ....make a request..well see wot
can be done...
Hmmm... I guess u all know... the ascii stuff can be viewed in any
viewer... really????!!! I mean edit or type will do.... The
ansi stuff can be viewed perfectly by ACiDViEW or RDA-ViEW ... I chkd
em myself..... they r goood.... and for the hi res stuff try to get
QPV...ACDSEE...Sea... pixbase... vpic... or any other VGA viewer you
- ZoDiaC -
.,+: memberlist as of july 6 1997 :+,.
overlord : kuru
founder : lightning knight
ansi head : klear distortion
ascii head : o p e n
hires head : zodiac
ans asc vga rip email
artists : lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com
klear distortion u n k n o w n
zodiac ehsan@bahrain.com
* evil milkman u n k n o w n
* late riser late.riser@gismo.gun.de
* status unknown..
* new member
affiliated boards :
the electric cube - whq - 9 7 3 - 7 4 o 6 1 1
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8 7
rebels hideout - german distro - 4 9 - 6 1 o 3 - 2 3 1 9 5
axone - belgian hq - 3 2 - 2 - 7 5 7 9 2 1 8
lunatic - memberboard - i s d n - 4 9 - 2 1 1 - 9 7 6 9 6 1 6
- i s d n - 4 9 - 2 1 1 - 9 7 6 9 6 1 7
web presence : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar
.,+: applying for membership to the 5th.. :+,.
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods
mail application form to me on :
lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work
call the the 5th.. world hq on +973 740 611
email lightning knight and attach the app and some work
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
.,+: logo and info file by lightning knight of the 5th.. :+,.
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
overall group status
okay... another month another pack... some well actually none.. have
noticed that the release dates are getting closer to the beginning of
the month.. this is not a permanent thing.. we will release when
everyone in the group has contributed something or I get tired of waiting hmmm everyone had exams last month except me and evil milkman.. ermm wotelse oh yeh.. another hq site... axone.. call it.. why? coz its in belgium and belgium rocks.. err.. speaking of new members.. last month we had zodiac
and the day the pack was released I got a new app typical.. from
evil milkman.. he used to be in wizzard RA modding group?? and hes now
with us...
more news.. the decision was made and this pack was released.. ermm
big isnt it?? well ok.. we are now up to 5 members... late riser has
joined with some refreshing ascii that Ive seen.. and also some ansi..
on the vga front, zodiac is working overtime.. doing all this and exams..
quality is always good... ermmm hes also the head of the hi-res section..
another new member.. late riser.. from germany... ansi and ascii...
fleshing out that part of the group... his board lunatic is good.. call
isdn on both lines...!
a distro site in germany operated by attacking guard is online.. call that
too.. the sysop actually called long-long distance to apply so just call
and make him feel that it is worthwhile...
- lightning knight -
- LKs Note : all bahrain.com accounts are back on their feet -
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
ANSi department news
ok.. this is not kd.. hes been really busy... he managed to get some stuff
in for the pack... and thats about it... ermmmm he sez hes dead.... but
I think hell be around for the next pack to do some real news....
only other news in the ansi department is that we have 2 new doodlers..
evil milkman and late riser... bringing the group total to 5 both are
german and very very good.... enjoy this pack.. well be back sometime
in mid august....
- lightning knight -
- for -
- klear distortion -
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
ASCii section status
n o a s c i i h e a d - w e n e e d m o r e a r t i s t s
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
hires section status
ermmm... I dunno what to say.... but I guess Im the hi res head
so I must write something....... ok.... I think the group is growing
and getting more talented members... and more specialities... and we
are looking for more... and as a hi res member... I bet there are ..
lotta ppl ...who r really good with hi res graphics... but their talent
is hidden... so come on and join us... lets see wot ya got there.....
my nick is ZoDiaC .... the hi res Head... in fact ... the only..
hi res member... so guyz come on and join my section...
or any ... of the other sections ...in the 5th.. thats all
..Im sorry.. I bet most of ya got sleepy reading this thing... but
thats all I can do....
Just refer to the big general 5th-****.NFO file... to get all
information you need.... for more info... try to contact any of the..
members... for hi res related stuff ...contact me... ZoDiaC
if you need any special production ....make a request..well see wot
can be done...
Hmmm... I guess u all know... the ascii stuff can be viewed in any
viewer... really????!!! I mean edit or type will do.... The
ansi stuff can be viewed perfectly by ACiDViEW or RDA-ViEW ... I chkd
em myself..... they r goood.... and for the hi res stuff try to get
QPV...ACDSEE...Sea... pixbase... vpic... or any other VGA viewer you
- ZoDiaC -
.,+: memberlist as of july 6 1997 :+,.
overlord : kuru
founder : lightning knight
ansi head : klear distortion
ascii head : o p e n
hires head : zodiac
ans asc vga rip email
artists : lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com
klear distortion u n k n o w n
zodiac ehsan@bahrain.com
* evil milkman u n k n o w n
* late riser late.riser@gismo.gun.de
* status unknown..
* new member
affiliated boards :
the electric cube - whq - 9 7 3 - 7 4 o 6 1 1
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8 7
rebels hideout - german distro - 4 9 - 6 1 o 3 - 2 3 1 9 5
axone - belgian hq - 3 2 - 2 - 7 5 7 9 2 1 8
lunatic - memberboard - i s d n - 4 9 - 2 1 1 - 9 7 6 9 6 1 6
- i s d n - 4 9 - 2 1 1 - 9 7 6 9 6 1 7
web presence : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar
.,+: applying for membership to the 5th.. :+,.
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods
mail application form to me on :
lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work
call the the 5th.. world hq on +973 740 611
email lightning knight and attach the app and some work
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
.,+: logo and info file by lightning knight of the 5th.. :+,.
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