this image contains text
welcome to the kindred ascii logo cluster...
ok.. I have recently noticed a decline in the needs of people for art
i dunno... maybe its me.. or maybe its the quality of art that I produce..
anyway.. heres the deal.. you want a logo/template/header in ascii or anscii? good, mail me at lightningknight@hotmail.com or as lightning knight on any
board carrying fORCENet or electronet...
onwards... use page down and page up, cluster has been formatted for it..
T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
all this stuff has been done for ixnay for his use on his board kindred only
if you want one like this, email lightningknight@hotmail.com takes about 3 days
1 - simplified kindred logo 11 - coloured template
2 - solid form kindred logo 12 - coloured template 2
3 - colourised kindred logo 13 - kindred login
4 - colourised solid form kindred logo 14 - kindred login 2
5 - kindred message header 15 - colour kindred login 2
6 - another kindred message header 16 - colourised kindred login
7 - colourised kindred message header 17 - kindred logo
8 - colourised kindred message header 2 18 - coloured logo
9 - menu template for kindred 19 - prompt for kindred
10 - another menu template for kindred 20 - coloured prompt for kindred
simplified kindred logo - can go anywhere u need a black n white thing..
operated by iXNAY n u m b e r i n h e r e
h/p/a/v/c demos
a l l a f f i l i a t i o n s d o w n h e r e
solid form version of the above logo
,sSs, LKS
simplified kindred logo - colour version.. since there wasnt a given
colour scheme, enjoy this sik little style...
operated by iXNAY n u m b e r i n h e r e
h/p/a/v/c demos
a l l a f f i l i a t i o n s d o w n h e r e
colour solid form version of the previous uncolourised logo
,sSs, LKS
kindred message header ascii : the next one is in colour!
SS S from : lightning knight
.,sS to : ixnay
S,, status : sent
S,s usernote : founder of the 5th..
SSs, area : requests
. conference : forcenet
subject : your artwork is ready!
date : 29/05/97
LK ,S , time : 11:56 ,
kindred message header ascii 2 : so I lied about the colour!
SS : from : lightning knight
to : ixnay
: status : sent
.,s usernote : founder of the 5th..
area : requests
. conference : forcenet
: subject : your artwork is ready!
: date : 29/05/97
, , time : 11:56 ,
kindred message header ascii : the coloured one!! if this aint the right
scheme, just change the colours...
SS S from : lightning knight
.,sS to : ixnay
S,, status : sent
S,s usernote : founder of the 5th..
SSs, area : requests
. conference : forcenet
subject : your artwork is ready!
date : 29/05/97
LK ,S , time : 11:56 ,
kindred message header ascii 2 : ok so the last one was kinda ugly....
this is a negative green job. nicer... enjoy..
SS : from : lightning knight
to : ixnay
: status : sent
.,s usernote : founder of the 5th..
area : requests
. : conference : forcenet
subject : your artwork is ready!
: date : 29/05/97
, , time : 11:56 ,
menu template for kindred.. uncoloured version..
XSsm,. t h i s i s
SSb,Xs ,sSs, ,sSSl ,sSSl
S XSsm,.
s,s SSbsXs .,ssS XSsm,. XSsm,. .,ssS
d SSbsXs SSbsXs d
, r u n n i n g i n i q u i t y a 2 6 ,
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
, O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand ,
these two lines are reserved for the prompt for the iniquity bulletin board
system and any other junk that ixnay might wanna throw down here..
another menu template for kindred.. uncoloured version..
:::: ::::S:XSsm,.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::,::::s,s:::bsX::s::.,ssS::::XSsm,.::XSsm,.:::.,ssS::::
:::::::::::::::: ::::d::: ::::::bsX::s:::bsX::s:d::: ::::
:::: ::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ,sSSl:::: ::::
:::P,:::::::::: ::::S::SsS:::::::::::::S::s:::S::SsS::LK:
these two lines are reserved for the prompt for the iniquity bulletin board
system and any other junk that ixnay might wanna throw down here..
, f
, i
t .
, h
i e l
, , s e
, c
, , , r
, i p
, s a
menu template for kindred.. coloured version..
XSsm,. t h i s i s
SSb,Xs ,sSs, ,sSSl ,sSSl
S XSsm,.
s,s SSbsXs .,ssS XSsm,. XSsm,. .,ssS
S d SSbsXs SSbsXs d
, r u n n i n g i n i q u i t y a 2 6 ,
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
: O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand :
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
, O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand ,
these two lines are reserved for the prompt for the iniquity bulletin board
system and any other junk that ixnay might wanna throw down here..
another menu template for kindred.. coloured version..
:::: ::::S:XSsm,.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::,::::s,s:::bsX::s::.,ssS::::XSsm,.::XSsm,.:::.,ssS::::
:::::::::::::::: ::::d::: ::::::bsX::s:::bsX::s:d::: ::::
:::: ::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ,sSSl:::: ::::
:::P,:::::::::: ::::S::SsS:::::::::::::S::s:::S::SsS::LK:
these two lines are reserved for the prompt for the iniquity bulletin board
system and any other junk that ixnay might wanna throw down here...
p f
, a i
, r , c l
, h
, + , e
, . l
t ,
n , e
a .
kindred login template add the codes later..
lS SsSS S lP ,sS
S login :........................ S
Ss, pass :....................... ,sS
SSs,. phone : ............. .,sSS
kindred login template add the codes later.. another one...
t h i s i s k i n d r e d
y o u r o p e r a t o r i s i x n a y login : ................
s s y o u a r e o n n o d e 1
. . . , + , + , , , , , pass : ................. s s
, . . , + , + phone : ................
l o g i n b u b b l e s b y l i g h t n i n g k n i g h t
colour kindred login template add the codes later..
lS SsSS S lP ,sS
S login :........................ S
Ss, pass :....................... ,sS
SSs,. phone :.............. .,sSS
colour kindred login template add the codes later.. another one...
t h i s i s k i n d r e d
y o u r o p e r a t o r i s i x n a y login :.................
s s y o u a r e o n n o d e 1
. . . , + , + , , , , , pass :.................. s s
, . . , + , + phone :.................
l o g i n b u b b l e s b y l i g h t n i n g k n i g h t
kindred logo revisited... yet another thing for kindred...
: : :: :: :: :: i :: :: :: i
ii ii i i i i ili i ,sSs, i s,s i ili
lil lil ili ili ili iliSsSS ili SS ilisLK iliSsSS
k i n d r e d SS
SS affils go in here
+o ixnay S affils go in here
affils go in here
numbergoeshere affils go in here
kindred logo revisited... colour version for use with kindred
: : :: :: :: :: i :: :: :: i
ii ii i i i i ili i ,sSs, i s,s i ili
lil lil ili ili ili iliSsSS ili SS ilisLK iliSsSS
k i n d r e d SS
SS affils go in here
+o ixnay S affils go in here
affils go in here
numbergoeshere affils go in here
prompts for use with the kindred menu templates one coloured, one uncoloured
,sSSs, time : ,sSSs, time : area :
sSSs menu : sSSs menu : conference :
sSLKSs your command sSLKSs your command
,sSSSs, time : ,sSSs, time : area :
sSSSSs menu : sSSSs menu : conference :
sSLKSs your command sSLKSs your command
greets, crap, bitching and more stuff from lightning knight..
hey all...
well after doing all that I have little else to say.. other than I
am still short of work.. the whole cluster its no fucken cluster its a
colly, but fuckit.. can be bothered to change the sauce.. anyway.. yeh..
request more shit... at : lightningknight@hotmail.com - or -
lightning knight on any bbs carrying forcenet..
what else.. yeah ok.. I also release stuff with this other group called
d0pe, so if you requested some stuff and you dont see it in this pack
then check their latest releases... oh well.. greets..
people greets
lk would like to greet : kuru - pack?? packs!!!
harddisk - where the fuck are you?
klear distortion - the board is yours soon
goblin - thanks for all the help
rooster - we *will* get together and jam again
krisis - more mods follow...
legend - enjoy the warhammer logo..
lk would like to send a big fuck you to :
rythem - learn to fucking draw...dumb bitch..
group greets
lk would like to greet : fORCE, fUSiON, MAiDEN, XPRESS, the 5th..,
ACiD, iCE hafta.., CiA, FiRE, BLACK MAiDEN,
d0pe, LAZARUS.... cant think of anyone else
all groups who I support...!
C ya for this pack
- lightning knight
end of cluster - 560 lines of ascii all for one board called kindred
* all work produced above is the result of some work by an individual known
as lightning knight, pain was taken to ensure originality.. if you believe
some of this maybe a rip of something you have produced, state your claim
or keep quiet.. any ripping of the above work will result in substantial
beating of the ripper by members of the 5th.. *
ok.. I have recently noticed a decline in the needs of people for art
i dunno... maybe its me.. or maybe its the quality of art that I produce..
anyway.. heres the deal.. you want a logo/template/header in ascii or anscii? good, mail me at lightningknight@hotmail.com or as lightning knight on any
board carrying fORCENet or electronet...
onwards... use page down and page up, cluster has been formatted for it..
T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
all this stuff has been done for ixnay for his use on his board kindred only
if you want one like this, email lightningknight@hotmail.com takes about 3 days
1 - simplified kindred logo 11 - coloured template
2 - solid form kindred logo 12 - coloured template 2
3 - colourised kindred logo 13 - kindred login
4 - colourised solid form kindred logo 14 - kindred login 2
5 - kindred message header 15 - colour kindred login 2
6 - another kindred message header 16 - colourised kindred login
7 - colourised kindred message header 17 - kindred logo
8 - colourised kindred message header 2 18 - coloured logo
9 - menu template for kindred 19 - prompt for kindred
10 - another menu template for kindred 20 - coloured prompt for kindred
simplified kindred logo - can go anywhere u need a black n white thing..
operated by iXNAY n u m b e r i n h e r e
h/p/a/v/c demos
a l l a f f i l i a t i o n s d o w n h e r e
solid form version of the above logo
,sSs, LKS
simplified kindred logo - colour version.. since there wasnt a given
colour scheme, enjoy this sik little style...
operated by iXNAY n u m b e r i n h e r e
h/p/a/v/c demos
a l l a f f i l i a t i o n s d o w n h e r e
colour solid form version of the previous uncolourised logo
,sSs, LKS
kindred message header ascii : the next one is in colour!
SS S from : lightning knight
.,sS to : ixnay
S,, status : sent
S,s usernote : founder of the 5th..
SSs, area : requests
. conference : forcenet
subject : your artwork is ready!
date : 29/05/97
LK ,S , time : 11:56 ,
kindred message header ascii 2 : so I lied about the colour!
SS : from : lightning knight
to : ixnay
: status : sent
.,s usernote : founder of the 5th..
area : requests
. conference : forcenet
: subject : your artwork is ready!
: date : 29/05/97
, , time : 11:56 ,
kindred message header ascii : the coloured one!! if this aint the right
scheme, just change the colours...
SS S from : lightning knight
.,sS to : ixnay
S,, status : sent
S,s usernote : founder of the 5th..
SSs, area : requests
. conference : forcenet
subject : your artwork is ready!
date : 29/05/97
LK ,S , time : 11:56 ,
kindred message header ascii 2 : ok so the last one was kinda ugly....
this is a negative green job. nicer... enjoy..
SS : from : lightning knight
to : ixnay
: status : sent
.,s usernote : founder of the 5th..
area : requests
. : conference : forcenet
subject : your artwork is ready!
: date : 29/05/97
, , time : 11:56 ,
menu template for kindred.. uncoloured version..
XSsm,. t h i s i s
SSb,Xs ,sSs, ,sSSl ,sSSl
S XSsm,.
s,s SSbsXs .,ssS XSsm,. XSsm,. .,ssS
d SSbsXs SSbsXs d
, r u n n i n g i n i q u i t y a 2 6 ,
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
, O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand ,
these two lines are reserved for the prompt for the iniquity bulletin board
system and any other junk that ixnay might wanna throw down here..
another menu template for kindred.. uncoloured version..
:::: ::::S:XSsm,.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::,::::s,s:::bsX::s::.,ssS::::XSsm,.::XSsm,.:::.,ssS::::
:::::::::::::::: ::::d::: ::::::bsX::s:::bsX::s:d::: ::::
:::: ::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ,sSSl:::: ::::
:::P,:::::::::: ::::S::SsS:::::::::::::S::s:::S::SsS::LK:
these two lines are reserved for the prompt for the iniquity bulletin board
system and any other junk that ixnay might wanna throw down here..
, f
, i
t .
, h
i e l
, , s e
, c
, , , r
, i p
, s a
menu template for kindred.. coloured version..
XSsm,. t h i s i s
SSb,Xs ,sSs, ,sSSl ,sSSl
S XSsm,.
s,s SSbsXs .,ssS XSsm,. XSsm,. .,ssS
S d SSbsXs SSbsXs d
, r u n n i n g i n i q u i t y a 2 6 ,
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
: O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand :
O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand
, O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand O cOmmand ,
these two lines are reserved for the prompt for the iniquity bulletin board
system and any other junk that ixnay might wanna throw down here..
another menu template for kindred.. coloured version..
:::: ::::S:XSsm,.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::,::::s,s:::bsX::s::.,ssS::::XSsm,.::XSsm,.:::.,ssS::::
:::::::::::::::: ::::d::: ::::::bsX::s:::bsX::s:d::: ::::
:::: ::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ,sSSl:::: ::::
:::P,:::::::::: ::::S::SsS:::::::::::::S::s:::S::SsS::LK:
these two lines are reserved for the prompt for the iniquity bulletin board
system and any other junk that ixnay might wanna throw down here...
p f
, a i
, r , c l
, h
, + , e
, . l
t ,
n , e
a .
kindred login template add the codes later..
lS SsSS S lP ,sS
S login :........................ S
Ss, pass :....................... ,sS
SSs,. phone : ............. .,sSS
kindred login template add the codes later.. another one...
t h i s i s k i n d r e d
y o u r o p e r a t o r i s i x n a y login : ................
s s y o u a r e o n n o d e 1
. . . , + , + , , , , , pass : ................. s s
, . . , + , + phone : ................
l o g i n b u b b l e s b y l i g h t n i n g k n i g h t
colour kindred login template add the codes later..
lS SsSS S lP ,sS
S login :........................ S
Ss, pass :....................... ,sS
SSs,. phone :.............. .,sSS
colour kindred login template add the codes later.. another one...
t h i s i s k i n d r e d
y o u r o p e r a t o r i s i x n a y login :.................
s s y o u a r e o n n o d e 1
. . . , + , + , , , , , pass :.................. s s
, . . , + , + phone :.................
l o g i n b u b b l e s b y l i g h t n i n g k n i g h t
kindred logo revisited... yet another thing for kindred...
: : :: :: :: :: i :: :: :: i
ii ii i i i i ili i ,sSs, i s,s i ili
lil lil ili ili ili iliSsSS ili SS ilisLK iliSsSS
k i n d r e d SS
SS affils go in here
+o ixnay S affils go in here
affils go in here
numbergoeshere affils go in here
kindred logo revisited... colour version for use with kindred
: : :: :: :: :: i :: :: :: i
ii ii i i i i ili i ,sSs, i s,s i ili
lil lil ili ili ili iliSsSS ili SS ilisLK iliSsSS
k i n d r e d SS
SS affils go in here
+o ixnay S affils go in here
affils go in here
numbergoeshere affils go in here
prompts for use with the kindred menu templates one coloured, one uncoloured
,sSSs, time : ,sSSs, time : area :
sSSs menu : sSSs menu : conference :
sSLKSs your command sSLKSs your command
,sSSSs, time : ,sSSs, time : area :
sSSSSs menu : sSSSs menu : conference :
sSLKSs your command sSLKSs your command
greets, crap, bitching and more stuff from lightning knight..
hey all...
well after doing all that I have little else to say.. other than I
am still short of work.. the whole cluster its no fucken cluster its a
colly, but fuckit.. can be bothered to change the sauce.. anyway.. yeh..
request more shit... at : lightningknight@hotmail.com - or -
lightning knight on any bbs carrying forcenet..
what else.. yeah ok.. I also release stuff with this other group called
d0pe, so if you requested some stuff and you dont see it in this pack
then check their latest releases... oh well.. greets..
people greets
lk would like to greet : kuru - pack?? packs!!!
harddisk - where the fuck are you?
klear distortion - the board is yours soon
goblin - thanks for all the help
rooster - we *will* get together and jam again
krisis - more mods follow...
legend - enjoy the warhammer logo..
lk would like to send a big fuck you to :
rythem - learn to fucking draw...dumb bitch..
group greets
lk would like to greet : fORCE, fUSiON, MAiDEN, XPRESS, the 5th..,
ACiD, iCE hafta.., CiA, FiRE, BLACK MAiDEN,
d0pe, LAZARUS.... cant think of anyone else
all groups who I support...!
C ya for this pack
- lightning knight
end of cluster - 560 lines of ascii all for one board called kindred
* all work produced above is the result of some work by an individual known
as lightning knight, pain was taken to ensure originality.. if you believe
some of this maybe a rip of something you have produced, state your claim
or keep quiet.. any ripping of the above work will result in substantial
beating of the ripper by members of the 5th.. *
log in to add a comment.