this image contains text
C h a o s I n C . R h y m e p r e s e n t s . . .
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
overall group status
hokie.. hey all.. its me.. the electric psycho.. aka lightning knight..
sup?? well, not much... first pack is out.. this is hopefully one of several
to come.. hmmmm I look at other groups news files in an effort to find
something worthwhile to put in.. nothing... other than noname died... that
sucks.. fusion is still under someone elses control.. that also sucks..
a 2 dollar whore.. that really sucks.. anyway.. hmmm nuthin really new to
report.. other than we dont have a web space yet.. just mail me on
lightningknight@hotmail.com for more info on anything...
ahh yeh.. ok.. stuff to drawl on about.. got an application from a dutch
bbs joy! but it was in a mac format no joy! so could whoever that was
send me a +text+ copy of the file Ill get back to them right away... namely
I dont own a mac nor have access to one, so I cant decompress it..or
unconvert it or whatever from that format...
hmmm other info... yeh... ok.. small crisis with the mailing system round
here... that was solved in a few hours by hotmail bless em anyway...
no lit in this pack.. it might be deleted by the scripting thats running
the acid artpacks archive...
another ending note... no lit ever to be released in these packs.. maybe
at another time, date, or whatever...but not this release..
good news.. new member : zodiac.. hes with us in the hi-res department..
a new guy, new talent, still working on improving himself in everyway..
a final note.. there may not be a july release since the majority of people
in the group are on holiday during that month.. and cannot contribute.. sound
familiar?? check out the older ACiD and iCE packages...
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
ANSi department news
o u t o f t o u c h - n o n e w s h e r e
* LKs note - all accounts at bahrain.com were recently shut down.... *
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
ASCii section status
n o a s c i i h e a d - w e n e e d m o r e a r t i s t s
.,+: memberlist as of june 13 1997 :+,.
overlord : kuru
founder : lightning knight
ansi head : klear distortion
ascii head : o p e n
hi-res head : o p e n
ans asc vga rip email
artists : lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com
klear distortion u n k n o w n
* zodiac u n k n o w n
* other talents unknown/status unknown..
* new members
affiliated boards :
the electric cube - whq - 9 7 3 - 7 4 o 6 1 1
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8 7
associated networks : electronet
web presence : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar
.,+: applying for membership to the 5th.. :+,.
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods
mail application form to me on :
lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work
call the the 5th.. world hq on +973 740 611
email lightning knight and attach the app and some work
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
.,+: logo and info file by lightning knight of the 5th.. :+,.
- t h e n e w d i v i s i o n
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
overall group status
hokie.. hey all.. its me.. the electric psycho.. aka lightning knight..
sup?? well, not much... first pack is out.. this is hopefully one of several
to come.. hmmmm I look at other groups news files in an effort to find
something worthwhile to put in.. nothing... other than noname died... that
sucks.. fusion is still under someone elses control.. that also sucks..
a 2 dollar whore.. that really sucks.. anyway.. hmmm nuthin really new to
report.. other than we dont have a web space yet.. just mail me on
lightningknight@hotmail.com for more info on anything...
ahh yeh.. ok.. stuff to drawl on about.. got an application from a dutch
bbs joy! but it was in a mac format no joy! so could whoever that was
send me a +text+ copy of the file Ill get back to them right away... namely
I dont own a mac nor have access to one, so I cant decompress it..or
unconvert it or whatever from that format...
hmmm other info... yeh... ok.. small crisis with the mailing system round
here... that was solved in a few hours by hotmail bless em anyway...
no lit in this pack.. it might be deleted by the scripting thats running
the acid artpacks archive...
another ending note... no lit ever to be released in these packs.. maybe
at another time, date, or whatever...but not this release..
good news.. new member : zodiac.. hes with us in the hi-res department..
a new guy, new talent, still working on improving himself in everyway..
a final note.. there may not be a july release since the majority of people
in the group are on holiday during that month.. and cannot contribute.. sound
familiar?? check out the older ACiD and iCE packages...
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
ANSi department news
o u t o f t o u c h - n o n e w s h e r e
* LKs note - all accounts at bahrain.com were recently shut down.... *
.,+: info on the current status :+,.
ASCii section status
n o a s c i i h e a d - w e n e e d m o r e a r t i s t s
.,+: memberlist as of june 13 1997 :+,.
overlord : kuru
founder : lightning knight
ansi head : klear distortion
ascii head : o p e n
hi-res head : o p e n
ans asc vga rip email
artists : lightning knight lightningknight@hotmail.com
klear distortion u n k n o w n
* zodiac u n k n o w n
* other talents unknown/status unknown..
* new members
affiliated boards :
the electric cube - whq - 9 7 3 - 7 4 o 6 1 1
iridium - german hq - 4 9 - o 6 1 1 - 5 1 1 8 7
associated networks : electronet
web presence : ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/5th-*.rar
.,+: applying for membership to the 5th.. :+,.
simpler than it seems?.. ok.. one of several common methods
mail application form to me on :
lightningknight@hotmail.com and attach some samples of your work
call the the 5th.. world hq on +973 740 611
email lightning knight and attach the app and some work
* for all interested, please send me .ZIP or .RAR no other formats accepted *
* or straight up text for the best result.. the reason is that I will not *
* convert the following to pc format : mac, unix or anything else! send *
* only pc readable files.. *
.,+: logo and info file by lightning knight of the 5th.. :+,.
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