this image contains text
t e m p o r a l
+o your name here
your affiliations down here in as many lines as you need
by lightning knight of the 5th.. in the year nineteen hundred and ninety seven
- this logo was done really quickly by me coz I was bored.. if you run a
system called temporal stasis, tell me and Ill do you a few more logos and
stuff.. btw.. check the font out in VGA mode Alt-V in ACiDDraw.. looks pretty smooth huh?? totally unintentional... remember.. I need requests to work from
request your ascii or ansi if u can wait a while for the ansi.. at:
+o your name here
your affiliations down here in as many lines as you need
by lightning knight of the 5th.. in the year nineteen hundred and ninety seven
- this logo was done really quickly by me coz I was bored.. if you run a
system called temporal stasis, tell me and Ill do you a few more logos and
stuff.. btw.. check the font out in VGA mode Alt-V in ACiDDraw.. looks pretty smooth huh?? totally unintentional... remember.. I need requests to work from
request your ascii or ansi if u can wait a while for the ansi.. at:
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