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this is way too serious.
jizz -
outkasts little nifty board!
help me!@ i am possessed by the evil spirit of
woot. yet another ansi from eerie-kun of samsar
a. this month was a pretty
big month for the group, even though its only our 2nd pac
k in existence. id
like to greet all of our members, old or new not like the
res that much of a
difference : of course you, the viewer, for diggin us.
this ansi was totally original. freaky, huh? c
ould you tell that ive been
looking at that iodines id4sucks pack lately?@!
jizz -
outkasts little nifty board!
help me!@ i am possessed by the evil spirit of
woot. yet another ansi from eerie-kun of samsar
a. this month was a pretty
big month for the group, even though its only our 2nd pac
k in existence. id
like to greet all of our members, old or new not like the
res that much of a
difference : of course you, the viewer, for diggin us.
this ansi was totally original. freaky, huh? c
ould you tell that ive been
looking at that iodines id4sucks pack lately?@!
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