this image contains text
m e m b e r
lis t
. 3o3 . .
. . p r Od u c t i O n s 9 7 . .
Beldin ascii
Big Yellow Man ansi haddock-@geocities.com
Crash Test Dummy ansi/ascii dbo@hem1.passagen.se
Da Bonehead vga dbn@hotmail.com
Deezack ascii/vga
Drax ascii draxfood@hotmail.com
Hyperion vga david.holm@mbox300.swipnet.se
Pestilence ansi/ascii mis@swipnet.se
Photo-X vga zenga@hotmail.com/photox@hem1.passagen.se
Psychic ansi
Red ascii red.sector7@hedemora.mail.telia.com
Renegade ansi renegade@hem.passagen.se
Undertaker ansi johan.soderberg@gotland.mail.telia.com
musicdivisiOn.. .
Dj Booman mod/xm/s3m
Jebe mod/xm/s3m
Nibc mp3 s96nibc@student.adb.gu.se
Photo-X mod/xm..zenga@hotmail.com/photox@hem1.passagen.se
Silverspoon mp3 phlare@swipnet.se
Spiritseeker mod/xm/s3m psydelia@hotmail.com
codingdivisiOn.. .
Dr. Lector ???
Hyperion pascal/c/c++ david.holm@mbox300.swipnet.se
Mayte ???
Probe pascal martin.egri@swipnet.se
htmldivisiOn.. .
Astrogirl design johanna@tripnet.se
Disobay design lime.limenet@goteborg.mail.telia.com
courieringdivisiOn.. .
Euphoric ... rudeboy@algonet.se
The white color indicates the leaders of each division..
affiliated bOards.. .
board... op.. . number.. . status.. .
Claustrophobic Dimension Nibc +46-31-447649 World hq
Bliss Empathy +817-472-5708 US hq
ModemLand Hiro +1-306-652-4359 Canadian hq
??? Ramirez +41-62-7731741 Swiss hq
The Prodigy Silence +31-75-6177886 Dutch hq
Psychic Confusion Mastermind +32-56-348534 Belgium hq
Funkiest Hash +358-9-8552774 Finnish hq
Spunk!crized Blutz +972-3-9792270 Israeli hq
Unknown Area Vibrate +48-22-6653501 Polish hq
Beyond Insanity ??? +385-1-326-357 Croatian hq
Hackers Lair Hyperion +46-31-926224 Memberboard
Blue Room Beldin +46-300-21982 Memberboard
Wu-tang Bym +46-31-910904 Memberboard
Phare Side Pestilence +46-40-xxxxxx Memberboard
Refusal Psychic +46-340-661846 Memberboard
Elastic Skylord +46-31-525787 Distsite
The Core Raider +46-31-soon Distsite
. ..c 303 Productions 1997.. .
m e m b e r
lis t
. 3o3 . .
. . p r Od u c t i O n s 9 7 . .
Beldin ascii
Big Yellow Man ansi haddock-@geocities.com
Crash Test Dummy ansi/ascii dbo@hem1.passagen.se
Da Bonehead vga dbn@hotmail.com
Deezack ascii/vga
Drax ascii draxfood@hotmail.com
Hyperion vga david.holm@mbox300.swipnet.se
Pestilence ansi/ascii mis@swipnet.se
Photo-X vga zenga@hotmail.com/photox@hem1.passagen.se
Psychic ansi
Red ascii red.sector7@hedemora.mail.telia.com
Renegade ansi renegade@hem.passagen.se
Undertaker ansi johan.soderberg@gotland.mail.telia.com
musicdivisiOn.. .
Dj Booman mod/xm/s3m
Jebe mod/xm/s3m
Nibc mp3 s96nibc@student.adb.gu.se
Photo-X mod/xm..zenga@hotmail.com/photox@hem1.passagen.se
Silverspoon mp3 phlare@swipnet.se
Spiritseeker mod/xm/s3m psydelia@hotmail.com
codingdivisiOn.. .
Dr. Lector ???
Hyperion pascal/c/c++ david.holm@mbox300.swipnet.se
Mayte ???
Probe pascal martin.egri@swipnet.se
htmldivisiOn.. .
Astrogirl design johanna@tripnet.se
Disobay design lime.limenet@goteborg.mail.telia.com
courieringdivisiOn.. .
Euphoric ... rudeboy@algonet.se
The white color indicates the leaders of each division..
affiliated bOards.. .
board... op.. . number.. . status.. .
Claustrophobic Dimension Nibc +46-31-447649 World hq
Bliss Empathy +817-472-5708 US hq
ModemLand Hiro +1-306-652-4359 Canadian hq
??? Ramirez +41-62-7731741 Swiss hq
The Prodigy Silence +31-75-6177886 Dutch hq
Psychic Confusion Mastermind +32-56-348534 Belgium hq
Funkiest Hash +358-9-8552774 Finnish hq
Spunk!crized Blutz +972-3-9792270 Israeli hq
Unknown Area Vibrate +48-22-6653501 Polish hq
Beyond Insanity ??? +385-1-326-357 Croatian hq
Hackers Lair Hyperion +46-31-926224 Memberboard
Blue Room Beldin +46-300-21982 Memberboard
Wu-tang Bym +46-31-910904 Memberboard
Phare Side Pestilence +46-40-xxxxxx Memberboard
Refusal Psychic +46-340-661846 Memberboard
Elastic Skylord +46-31-525787 Distsite
The Core Raider +46-31-soon Distsite
. ..c 303 Productions 1997.. .
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