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p r o j e c t / 3 o i
hey there. thanks for downloading the january pack. this month has
been a complete roller coaster. earlier this month, we merged with a
vga group called pharc to for p301 vga. however, they broke up and the
seniors quit. sooo... the vga department is no more. however, red death
seemed compelled to do 2 jpgs anyways : in addition to that, illogic
left after only 2 months in the group to join his friends in girl. best
wishes to him. on the bright side, p301 had 3 additions: wishbringer,
plastic, and abnormal x. welcome aboard kids! january has been a farily
unproductive month for yours truly. with exams and college application
deadlines, ive had little time to doodle. thank you grind king for
asking to do a joint : oh yeah.. i almost forgot. mel farr won 2
blender compos this month! woo. anyways, here i am, days away from
being a second semester senior releasing the pack as promised. i had
some trouble getting in contact with some of the members, but what WAS
submitted was great stuff. we even have 2 guest artist this month. ize
and dfuse. thanks guys! hope you enjoy it. either this month or next,
p301 plans to be touring with mistigris. i hope someone will contact me
about that hint hint. itll be great. oh yeah, were still in need of
artists/coders .. hell, even a mascot! if youre interested in joining
the p301 crew, go fill out the application 301-app.exe and give it to
a p301 member on p301 or a bbs. well get back to you promptly. as for
the distros, DONT EMAIL ME ASKING FOR THEM. ill sort that out later.
well, i guess that about wraps it up. see you next month@!
p301 leader guy
p r o j e c t / 3 o i
hey there. thanks for downloading the january pack. this month has
been a complete roller coaster. earlier this month, we merged with a
vga group called pharc to for p301 vga. however, they broke up and the
seniors quit. sooo... the vga department is no more. however, red death
seemed compelled to do 2 jpgs anyways : in addition to that, illogic
left after only 2 months in the group to join his friends in girl. best
wishes to him. on the bright side, p301 had 3 additions: wishbringer,
plastic, and abnormal x. welcome aboard kids! january has been a farily
unproductive month for yours truly. with exams and college application
deadlines, ive had little time to doodle. thank you grind king for
asking to do a joint : oh yeah.. i almost forgot. mel farr won 2
blender compos this month! woo. anyways, here i am, days away from
being a second semester senior releasing the pack as promised. i had
some trouble getting in contact with some of the members, but what WAS
submitted was great stuff. we even have 2 guest artist this month. ize
and dfuse. thanks guys! hope you enjoy it. either this month or next,
p301 plans to be touring with mistigris. i hope someone will contact me
about that hint hint. itll be great. oh yeah, were still in need of
artists/coders .. hell, even a mascot! if youre interested in joining
the p301 crew, go fill out the application 301-app.exe and give it to
a p301 member on p301 or a bbs. well get back to you promptly. as for
the distros, DONT EMAIL ME ASKING FOR THEM. ill sort that out later.
well, i guess that about wraps it up. see you next month@!
p301 leader guy
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