this image contains text
: 4b
l 4b
l .,qQ. : :l
qyy, : :P. l .P
P4l. :P l 4b. l .P
l . .Pyyq, ,qyy,mmmmm lP
: 4yqqyPPyqqy4 l
,P lP 4 l
.,P l 4b
.4.v!:::::: h u m a n : be b o p ::::::::::: where the mouth just flows ::::4.4l
- cut cut cut ---------------------------------------------------- cut cut cut -human b bop.. uh! feel free to use it, if you got a board
or something named after it. And yes.. i was to lazy to write out b bop.
: 4b
l 4b
l .,qQ. : :l
qyy, : :P. l .P
P4l. :P l 4b. l .P
l . .Pyyq, ,qyy,mmmmm lP
: 4yqqyPPyqqy4 l
,P lP 4 l
.,P l 4b
.4.v!:::::: h u m a n : be b o p ::::::::::: where the mouth just flows ::::4.4l
- cut cut cut ---------------------------------------------------- cut cut cut -human b bop.. uh! feel free to use it, if you got a board
or something named after it. And yes.. i was to lazy to write out b bop.
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