this image contains text
fuck all polish/ukranian/russian ansi/ascii artist
fuck all elite blockascii makers ferrex co
fuck chemical reaction!
fuck superior art creations!
fuck shareenjoy!
fuck oldskool artists!
fuck thelo0p,galza,spiral!
fuck you all who is reading this!
please, shine on me, baby!
here are no secret messages...
drugs are bad ... dont do drugs
unseen fate
i cant sing and i cant dance, but still
i know how to clap my hands! there is
something strange in my head, there must
be mushrooms in my head!!@/
mushrooms in my head kingston wall1991
u3 ,
this trip will never end, in mirrorland
for zeus21 new artkru
decicated to enzo. i your toons
remember all: life is trip, enjoy it. and dont do drugs, mmmkay:
greets to prst and not for any else!
fuck all elite blockascii makers ferrex co
fuck chemical reaction!
fuck superior art creations!
fuck shareenjoy!
fuck oldskool artists!
fuck thelo0p,galza,spiral!
fuck you all who is reading this!
please, shine on me, baby!
here are no secret messages...
drugs are bad ... dont do drugs
unseen fate
i cant sing and i cant dance, but still
i know how to clap my hands! there is
something strange in my head, there must
be mushrooms in my head!!@/
mushrooms in my head kingston wall1991
u3 ,
this trip will never end, in mirrorland
for zeus21 new artkru
decicated to enzo. i your toons
remember all: life is trip, enjoy it. and dont do drugs, mmmkay:
greets to prst and not for any else!
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