this image contains text
two seven inch
:T T:
27272727272727 P*Q 27 *SQl 7272727272727
I7.S.4 ,ss*.Qk
yyyyy QQQ*.k :b X*.,n,
: ll .,*S: Tl,.,Sl l
l lQ*:P lSS7 j
..,sb .Y7 4QP* lP.jP
7NNNNQT l7.S7 .sSl.NP
*. l* Q7. d7 . l .N
..,sQ .P d7 ,I
P.AP j :l
QP.dl.j :l l/
I l d.Q l@s. lk. Yl l
: : :b..Y .j :: : :
:. Y: .A* AK 7l . . ... .
-- Yl - llyjP.7 ---- ll l --
lN.*****. :: -- :***.dl
spearHED abz: 1998 chevy s10 blazer sport the little two door model with
the 4.31 high output v6 with a 5 speed
spearHED it gets up and moves like a bitch
spearHED I drive it like a sports car
spearHED :
spearHED but it gots 27 tires on it
diehard 27 fan club.
:T T:
27272727272727 P*Q 27 *SQl 7272727272727
I7.S.4 ,ss*.Qk
yyyyy QQQ*.k :b X*.,n,
: ll .,*S: Tl,.,Sl l
l lQ*:P lSS7 j
..,sb .Y7 4QP* lP.jP
7NNNNQT l7.S7 .sSl.NP
*. l* Q7. d7 . l .N
..,sQ .P d7 ,I
P.AP j :l
QP.dl.j :l l/
I l d.Q l@s. lk. Yl l
: : :b..Y .j :: : :
:. Y: .A* AK 7l . . ... .
-- Yl - llyjP.7 ---- ll l --
lN.*****. :: -- :***.dl
spearHED abz: 1998 chevy s10 blazer sport the little two door model with
the 4.31 high output v6 with a 5 speed
spearHED it gets up and moves like a bitch
spearHED I drive it like a sports car
spearHED :
spearHED but it gots 27 tires on it
diehard 27 fan club.
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