this image contains text
27inch 1Infofile
Love Diary
27 inch, and your probaly thinking that we have egos the size of
our peniss, and thats probably true.. infact, thats DAMN TRUE!.
I bet right now your wondering why would we call such a group
27 inch, and here are our reasons on why we called ourselves
this proposterous name.
1: enzo has 27 different sex partners, not to mention his deadly
27 diseases.
2: avg is the only person in this group with a 27 inch penis!
avg did not write this! i swear..
3: it only took 27 seconds for spear to undress, have sex, have
a shower and drive home.
4: it took fever 27 times to find the right hole in his inflatable
love doll, also known as betty
5: The number of pages stuck togethor in Enzos Kama Sutra book.
Our memberlist could be easily misunderstood with an U.N. meeting,
considering we have members all around the world... Usa, Australia,
Brazil, Sweden, Uganda, Poland and Uzbekistan.
We have a Small lineup of artists but we make up for it in other ways
but its a tight group tighter than your mommas bunghole
Jivanisevic aka. Avg: War refugee from Croatia keeps a secret
since he was in Glue and made sexual favors to catch22... He sle
eps with a bugs bunny baby doll.
Juan aka. Enzo: A machine, sent from the future to change the
life of one unlucky man spear. 27 stitches later enzo still plays
with his bumhole like its a womans clitoris.
Jamal aka. Fever: Brookylin born and raised, this kid thinks hes
a G.I.Joe since he left Twilight to join the National Guard. We cant
blame him, where else would you have sex with the sgt. and still be ca-
lled an army man? However, The Creep Fever is the pinnacle of our
ANSi group and we can only hope to GOD that we could ever be like him.
I want to take this moment to thank him , thank you. - Not edited by
fever, I promise mother fucker! - fever
John aka. Spear: Half human, half elf and half sasquatch. Thats our
West Virginia representative which owns the groups mascots, two litle
cute pit-bulls that you will be able to choose their names email suges
tions to radman@acid.org - winner gets 1yr of free art
Johan aka. quasar, sven, hans, volvo: Compulsive meatball eater, belong
to some forgoten king dynasty from Denmark, but found happiness directing
swedish pr0n gay movies. If you have a big dick, you can also apply thro
ugh radman@acid.org, a photo would be greatly appreciated.
Julio aka. smooth: Hawaiin god of surfing and pimping. Smoothness is
tricky and hosts a weekly party with 100 strippers all of em as hot
as fevers m0m . Too bad he cant have sex with em since we were all
grammatical obsurdities by - avg and enzo
27inch 1Infofile
ANSi Activity
To address the status of todays ANSi Scene , activity is very low and
steadily decreased since the disappearance of Revival . Not a very big deal.
Art scene activity always changes with the seasons and months. Generally this
activity peaks around May and June and declines slowly into its trough
around December. Theres nothing we can do about this, it happens every year.
All the same. So , my point is, its time to get active again, with Sense and
now 27 were going to see some nice productivity again. So show your passion
and get at it again. You may not feel very inspired but remember how others
inspire you ? Well , you inspire others the same way. Every artist counts in
this underground world. Create and Inspire, its the motto for 2003.
Some ideas to stay active in the scene..
1. BBS, there are plenty of bbss out there.
2. View current and old artpacks that you loved!
3. Read or write something, youre obviously cool if youre reading this.
4. Encourage other ansi artists to create.
5. Chat in ans on EFNET IRC, dont just idle.
6. DRAW! find some source of inspiration and create some artwork!
The most common excuse for not drawing ANSi has ALWAYS been I dont have
time.. We all know that this may shake the current conversation but it
simply isnt true. When I was working 60 hrs. a week , going to school , and
raising a baby boy I still has time to draw and play basketball. Its just
that you have to love ANSi , love it like a baby and hold it in your fucking
arms forever!@
Weve seen several comeback groups since 1998 starting with The Legion after
Twilight died and ending with the most recent groups. ANSI groups come and go
like NOTHING and it means nothing but as long as youre alive youll always b
an artist. Nothing can take that away from you and you will always have the
ability to inspire others with your talents no matter what medium you choose.
Fortunately for us , youve found the ansi underground..
- tcf.
27inch 1Infofile
Official irc channel: lesbians Email: radman@acid.org
Below added by tcf...
11/20/97 4:34am
my message to the scene - by maestro
1993.. the year my life changed. it was a warm summer afternoon. i was
sitting in my basement playing on the new computer mom and dad brought
home. i should have been outside taking in the sun with the rest of
the teens but i was the new kid in town and didnt have many friends
yet. a kid i met at the bus stop had told me about bulletin boards and
given me a few numbers, so i decided to use the afternoon to give
them a try and see what they were all about. after all, it was alot
easier to talk to another computer than to talk to another face.
after spending an hour or two trying to get my comm program working, i
finally connected to my first bulletin board. the first thing to catch
my eye was the graphic that slowly displayed on my screen. it was
crude and kind of ugly but at the same time it had a certain charm
to it. it was ansi.
as weeks passed by and i became more familiar with this new realm, i
became more interested in this simple graphic. local artists were
showcasing their poorly drawn pictures all over the message boards, bbs
advertisements were being included in zip archives and online door games
were coming to life in 16 colors. it was obvious that this artform
played a significant role in the bbs world beacause it was everywhere i
connected to. i had pretty much learned all there was to know about being
a bbs user, now it was time to move on to something else. i wanted to learn
more about these images i was seeing all over the place. in early 93 i
downloaded my first ansi pack not knowing what to expect. little did i
know that that pack would have such a dramatic impact on my life.
it was the most amazing thing in the world. i was absoloutely astonished
by what i saw. i couldnt believe the types of things these artists
were doing with these odd sized blocks and limited number of colors. i
downloaded pack after pack, taking in as much as i could, leaving no file
unviewed. i decided that night that i was going to be a part of it. i
was going to draw ansi.
ill never forget the excitement.
do you remember the excitement? do you remember seeing your first ansi?
do you remember downloading your first pack? do you remember proudly
showing off your first pic? where did those days go? whats happened to
the excitement?
its been forgotten.
what has happened to us? we have forgotten what its like to be artists.
we have forgotten what its like to have passion. we have forgotten what
its like to push ourselves to be the best. we have forgotten what its
like to be astonished. ansi is not dead and as long as im still
drawing it will always be alive in my heart, because thats where i draw
from. its not about bulletin boards, its about art. its about
making time to sit down in front of that computer and draw because you
want to and because you love to. the once great computer underground art
scene known to us as the ansi scene has changed because we have changed.
were all guilty and instead of wasting time pointing fingures why dont
we do something about it?
do you understand that we have all helped in one way or another to keep
this legacy alive? thats right.. a legacy. thats what we have created.
a bunch of people, most of us teens, from all over the world have
united with one common love.. ansi. a silly 16 color graphic thats
probably not important to alot of people, but its important to us. i dont
want to see that legacy die. i dont want to see the excitement forgotten.
its time for a new era. its time for a change.
like anything in life, the scene is what you make it. you can make it
great again by bringing back that personal enjoyment you once knew. you
can bring back that level of excellence that once existed by putting
your heart into those blocks and having some pride in the art you release.
all it takes is a little effort.
in the ansi scene, wanting to be one of the best is what makes it so
exciting because that attitude is reflected through the images we all see.
i wanna be the best! i want to outdo you and i want you to try and outdo
me! i want my group to be 1! i want peoples jaws to drop when they
take a look at my pack! and i want my jaw to drop when i take a look
at yours! i want to see some competition damnit! whether youre in my group,
your buddies group or your own group, you can make a difference.
its time to draw.. its time to be the best.. its time to inspire..
join my legion and help me keep this legacy alive..
- maestro egod@berkshire.net
- eof thanks.
27inch 1Infofile
Love Diary
27 inch, and your probaly thinking that we have egos the size of
our peniss, and thats probably true.. infact, thats DAMN TRUE!.
I bet right now your wondering why would we call such a group
27 inch, and here are our reasons on why we called ourselves
this proposterous name.
1: enzo has 27 different sex partners, not to mention his deadly
27 diseases.
2: avg is the only person in this group with a 27 inch penis!
avg did not write this! i swear..
3: it only took 27 seconds for spear to undress, have sex, have
a shower and drive home.
4: it took fever 27 times to find the right hole in his inflatable
love doll, also known as betty
5: The number of pages stuck togethor in Enzos Kama Sutra book.
Our memberlist could be easily misunderstood with an U.N. meeting,
considering we have members all around the world... Usa, Australia,
Brazil, Sweden, Uganda, Poland and Uzbekistan.
We have a Small lineup of artists but we make up for it in other ways
but its a tight group tighter than your mommas bunghole
Jivanisevic aka. Avg: War refugee from Croatia keeps a secret
since he was in Glue and made sexual favors to catch22... He sle
eps with a bugs bunny baby doll.
Juan aka. Enzo: A machine, sent from the future to change the
life of one unlucky man spear. 27 stitches later enzo still plays
with his bumhole like its a womans clitoris.
Jamal aka. Fever: Brookylin born and raised, this kid thinks hes
a G.I.Joe since he left Twilight to join the National Guard. We cant
blame him, where else would you have sex with the sgt. and still be ca-
lled an army man? However, The Creep Fever is the pinnacle of our
ANSi group and we can only hope to GOD that we could ever be like him.
I want to take this moment to thank him , thank you. - Not edited by
fever, I promise mother fucker! - fever
John aka. Spear: Half human, half elf and half sasquatch. Thats our
West Virginia representative which owns the groups mascots, two litle
cute pit-bulls that you will be able to choose their names email suges
tions to radman@acid.org - winner gets 1yr of free art
Johan aka. quasar, sven, hans, volvo: Compulsive meatball eater, belong
to some forgoten king dynasty from Denmark, but found happiness directing
swedish pr0n gay movies. If you have a big dick, you can also apply thro
ugh radman@acid.org, a photo would be greatly appreciated.
Julio aka. smooth: Hawaiin god of surfing and pimping. Smoothness is
tricky and hosts a weekly party with 100 strippers all of em as hot
as fevers m0m . Too bad he cant have sex with em since we were all
grammatical obsurdities by - avg and enzo
27inch 1Infofile
ANSi Activity
To address the status of todays ANSi Scene , activity is very low and
steadily decreased since the disappearance of Revival . Not a very big deal.
Art scene activity always changes with the seasons and months. Generally this
activity peaks around May and June and declines slowly into its trough
around December. Theres nothing we can do about this, it happens every year.
All the same. So , my point is, its time to get active again, with Sense and
now 27 were going to see some nice productivity again. So show your passion
and get at it again. You may not feel very inspired but remember how others
inspire you ? Well , you inspire others the same way. Every artist counts in
this underground world. Create and Inspire, its the motto for 2003.
Some ideas to stay active in the scene..
1. BBS, there are plenty of bbss out there.
2. View current and old artpacks that you loved!
3. Read or write something, youre obviously cool if youre reading this.
4. Encourage other ansi artists to create.
5. Chat in ans on EFNET IRC, dont just idle.
6. DRAW! find some source of inspiration and create some artwork!
The most common excuse for not drawing ANSi has ALWAYS been I dont have
time.. We all know that this may shake the current conversation but it
simply isnt true. When I was working 60 hrs. a week , going to school , and
raising a baby boy I still has time to draw and play basketball. Its just
that you have to love ANSi , love it like a baby and hold it in your fucking
arms forever!@
Weve seen several comeback groups since 1998 starting with The Legion after
Twilight died and ending with the most recent groups. ANSI groups come and go
like NOTHING and it means nothing but as long as youre alive youll always b
an artist. Nothing can take that away from you and you will always have the
ability to inspire others with your talents no matter what medium you choose.
Fortunately for us , youve found the ansi underground..
- tcf.
27inch 1Infofile
Official irc channel: lesbians Email: radman@acid.org
Below added by tcf...
11/20/97 4:34am
my message to the scene - by maestro
1993.. the year my life changed. it was a warm summer afternoon. i was
sitting in my basement playing on the new computer mom and dad brought
home. i should have been outside taking in the sun with the rest of
the teens but i was the new kid in town and didnt have many friends
yet. a kid i met at the bus stop had told me about bulletin boards and
given me a few numbers, so i decided to use the afternoon to give
them a try and see what they were all about. after all, it was alot
easier to talk to another computer than to talk to another face.
after spending an hour or two trying to get my comm program working, i
finally connected to my first bulletin board. the first thing to catch
my eye was the graphic that slowly displayed on my screen. it was
crude and kind of ugly but at the same time it had a certain charm
to it. it was ansi.
as weeks passed by and i became more familiar with this new realm, i
became more interested in this simple graphic. local artists were
showcasing their poorly drawn pictures all over the message boards, bbs
advertisements were being included in zip archives and online door games
were coming to life in 16 colors. it was obvious that this artform
played a significant role in the bbs world beacause it was everywhere i
connected to. i had pretty much learned all there was to know about being
a bbs user, now it was time to move on to something else. i wanted to learn
more about these images i was seeing all over the place. in early 93 i
downloaded my first ansi pack not knowing what to expect. little did i
know that that pack would have such a dramatic impact on my life.
it was the most amazing thing in the world. i was absoloutely astonished
by what i saw. i couldnt believe the types of things these artists
were doing with these odd sized blocks and limited number of colors. i
downloaded pack after pack, taking in as much as i could, leaving no file
unviewed. i decided that night that i was going to be a part of it. i
was going to draw ansi.
ill never forget the excitement.
do you remember the excitement? do you remember seeing your first ansi?
do you remember downloading your first pack? do you remember proudly
showing off your first pic? where did those days go? whats happened to
the excitement?
its been forgotten.
what has happened to us? we have forgotten what its like to be artists.
we have forgotten what its like to have passion. we have forgotten what
its like to push ourselves to be the best. we have forgotten what its
like to be astonished. ansi is not dead and as long as im still
drawing it will always be alive in my heart, because thats where i draw
from. its not about bulletin boards, its about art. its about
making time to sit down in front of that computer and draw because you
want to and because you love to. the once great computer underground art
scene known to us as the ansi scene has changed because we have changed.
were all guilty and instead of wasting time pointing fingures why dont
we do something about it?
do you understand that we have all helped in one way or another to keep
this legacy alive? thats right.. a legacy. thats what we have created.
a bunch of people, most of us teens, from all over the world have
united with one common love.. ansi. a silly 16 color graphic thats
probably not important to alot of people, but its important to us. i dont
want to see that legacy die. i dont want to see the excitement forgotten.
its time for a new era. its time for a change.
like anything in life, the scene is what you make it. you can make it
great again by bringing back that personal enjoyment you once knew. you
can bring back that level of excellence that once existed by putting
your heart into those blocks and having some pride in the art you release.
all it takes is a little effort.
in the ansi scene, wanting to be one of the best is what makes it so
exciting because that attitude is reflected through the images we all see.
i wanna be the best! i want to outdo you and i want you to try and outdo
me! i want my group to be 1! i want peoples jaws to drop when they
take a look at my pack! and i want my jaw to drop when i take a look
at yours! i want to see some competition damnit! whether youre in my group,
your buddies group or your own group, you can make a difference.
its time to draw.. its time to be the best.. its time to inspire..
join my legion and help me keep this legacy alive..
- maestro egod@berkshire.net
- eof thanks.
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