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am i going ahead with this? yayaya..
the voodoo bi-mo
nthly ansi competition
hosted by egoteq
adment for the world
HAVE no clue to how successful this n
ew and potentially
interesting ANSI competetition will turn ou
t to be.
rom what I see from the other few competitions l
Nootropics Nectar, and a
few other rarities, I see
a dismal picture of what a nice and decent ans
i compo can
be. Organization is the key that eac
h of these new and nightly ansi
competitions lack. This is what I hope to
bring into Voodoo, a
different type of ansi competition,
dynamic and flexible.
If success comes, and this bi-monthly compo gat
hers enough people
for a competition not just another
little 7-person ansi showdown,
it is hoped that Voodoo will carry
on both in irc, and in the hearts
of many.
Voodoo will be held bi-monthly, in voodoo
EFNet. The purpose of
a bi-monthly competition is simply because a we
ekly or even monthly
competition can drive people nuts. People would
not want to come to
Voodoo every week. There will be little or
no prizes, just a little
blurb to the scene on how your pic ranked in th
at particular compo.
Prizes are not everything. People are already s
o attached to mater-
ial things, theres no need for another compo t
o encourage that.
Definitely not the first of its kind, Voodoo wi
ll be changing every
other month. One month, we could have a two-hou
r pic competition,
Another month, we could have a one-hour logo co
mpetition and another
month, maybe even a joint pic/log
o in three hours .
I may moderate the competition, but I
dont run the compo. It is the
participants that have to input the ideas and t
he time to perhaps
make this compo worth everyones while. I welco
me other people to
help me in my attempt to bring t
his compo to life.
Well see if this work of the medicine man take
s off.
Qvestions dat may be brott zUp
q How do we rank the pics/logos
a Easy, maestro. Voting. A packet
of all the ansis will be
passed around. The files will be renamed to nu
mbers and
pics will be stripped of
their sigs. The competitors vote
for their three favourite pics/logos and the n
are /msgd to eq. Most favourite gets 3 points
, second 2,
third fave, 1 point. The points are added up a
nd the win-
ner determined by highest score.
We may choose a different method that I have i
n mind
depending on the situation.
q Why is Egoteq doing this?
a I dunno, hes not happy with the
marshmallows in the oven.
q Why is it called Voodoo?
a Because Egoteq is a practiced wi
tch doctor.
Alright, enough of the silly questions,
if you have any
suggestions or ideas, or something to add, plea
se see me in
irc in voodoo, adment, ice, etc..
or email me at admt@io.org.
Happy drawing,
Egoteq no, thats NOT
the voodoo bi-mo
nthly ansi competition
hosted by egoteq
adment for the world
HAVE no clue to how successful this n
ew and potentially
interesting ANSI competetition will turn ou
t to be.
rom what I see from the other few competitions l
Nootropics Nectar, and a
few other rarities, I see
a dismal picture of what a nice and decent ans
i compo can
be. Organization is the key that eac
h of these new and nightly ansi
competitions lack. This is what I hope to
bring into Voodoo, a
different type of ansi competition,
dynamic and flexible.
If success comes, and this bi-monthly compo gat
hers enough people
for a competition not just another
little 7-person ansi showdown,
it is hoped that Voodoo will carry
on both in irc, and in the hearts
of many.
Voodoo will be held bi-monthly, in voodoo
EFNet. The purpose of
a bi-monthly competition is simply because a we
ekly or even monthly
competition can drive people nuts. People would
not want to come to
Voodoo every week. There will be little or
no prizes, just a little
blurb to the scene on how your pic ranked in th
at particular compo.
Prizes are not everything. People are already s
o attached to mater-
ial things, theres no need for another compo t
o encourage that.
Definitely not the first of its kind, Voodoo wi
ll be changing every
other month. One month, we could have a two-hou
r pic competition,
Another month, we could have a one-hour logo co
mpetition and another
month, maybe even a joint pic/log
o in three hours .
I may moderate the competition, but I
dont run the compo. It is the
participants that have to input the ideas and t
he time to perhaps
make this compo worth everyones while. I welco
me other people to
help me in my attempt to bring t
his compo to life.
Well see if this work of the medicine man take
s off.
Qvestions dat may be brott zUp
q How do we rank the pics/logos
a Easy, maestro. Voting. A packet
of all the ansis will be
passed around. The files will be renamed to nu
mbers and
pics will be stripped of
their sigs. The competitors vote
for their three favourite pics/logos and the n
are /msgd to eq. Most favourite gets 3 points
, second 2,
third fave, 1 point. The points are added up a
nd the win-
ner determined by highest score.
We may choose a different method that I have i
n mind
depending on the situation.
q Why is Egoteq doing this?
a I dunno, hes not happy with the
marshmallows in the oven.
q Why is it called Voodoo?
a Because Egoteq is a practiced wi
tch doctor.
Alright, enough of the silly questions,
if you have any
suggestions or ideas, or something to add, plea
se see me in
irc in voodoo, adment, ice, etc..
or email me at admt@io.org.
Happy drawing,
Egoteq no, thats NOT
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