this image contains text
uhm. just to clear up one thing ninjascii and vofF!ascii is the
exact same group. yeah. nfff.
............................: : ,i:....:......:..:..........
........:.....: ::,x@i: :
- --:---:-- we were born to draw -- -:...
..: : ,i:.....:.................
: :,x@i:: :
-:-- ---:--- it was our mission -- -:......................----:....
....................:.......:.......: ,i:.......:.............:...
: :,x@i: :
: - --:---:--- it was our purpouse --- -:
:.: : ,i:.....:.....................
: :,x@i:: :
-:-- ---:--- but something went wrong - -:..................
............................. : : :..,i:....:......:..:.............
: :.......:::,x@i : :
: : - --:---:--- so terribly wrong ... - -:..:
the spirit was lost,
the meaning was gone,
there was nothing.
until ...
: :i:
l . .,d: .,:: ,.
,:: iP :Y:S: ::.
... ,l lYS:YYP :
--- l: sP .sb, ::: /-----
:: :Yyb :Sl l: dY: :P .,db. YY:::...
: i :T,PyP ds, YT,
l l: ,:Y::s :i
:l i i,d: Y::
. ::: :: ::Y d:Y:l l:Y ::
::: S.:,l: P:Yi li! dPd: ::.
.ai:Il : ll P l
s.S i :7 ,:.lP:YmdY ::
sl l: Y: .s@SbS@s.YS., Y l..
:: :s ::l 7,dY: llYa, b :Yb, YP,Y:
:.:.: .,dP. Y : i.: d :bs,.,d
l l:dP d:: l: Y:: Y :.
, : :l b.YYl :l .,YP ,dY: :::
i: P d,b.,y dyP,dP:::::
. .l ! db,?: P .,dsY:
:: : dSb P:l .,dP. :ll ::
: l P .,yd @S P l:i :
. !b, d ,syP s@S : , .
:::::b,...,y@Ssl d l ll :, ::
isY:: YPP :: l : l b.
. . Yl. dS l:P lyl l :l j: sS@s,.
:: b, b, b.,P:: :l :: : ldl 7
b. y, . @l
.:: ib,.,d:, Y, lPy: :sl :
---/:lPi, . i :slll:-----
: ,i.,.S,T7:: j: . .
: :S :Syyydl l: :Sl:l i:Y: ..: spud
. SbSy, :l,dl: lY: .
:Y: ,7:P ,dP ll :s: :::
Sli:Y: :: .,d:::s: l
:YY:: ::sSP :l Y ll :PST
,s .vOFF!aSSKEE. :: lSP:
l::keeping the spirit alive l :
hesten min
lft opp halen din
og slipp solen inn
.:--------// introshitgreetsandeverythingyourlocalserial----:
spdvrm// / / / // / /
--- vOFF!sKE
/ introshit
voff!ascii is the name, desecration is the game? well, probably. anyhow,
voff!ascii is a group me vermin, duh and spud started because we wanted
to have a norwegian asciigroup that was real, no fake friendship bullshit
like all the other bullshit groups. if you draw ascii 250 times better than
discyple, but take the scene seriously, or support the kind of groups that
are governed by some ego-inflated fuckup who does nothing but bitch on the
artists about how much their work sucks, while at the same time kissing the
asshole good artists asses to keep them in the group, you can simply, go
fuck yourself with a broomstick, all the way up. fuck you. we dont play that
shit. voff!ascii is a group that runs itself. we dont need no fucking
fearless leader to guide us through the darkness. we dont need no seniors,
no prez, no nothing. we are artists, nothing more. we respect eachother
for what we are, not what we create. we are also somewhat all friends, as
the norwegian eR337 artscene is so pathetically small everyone just about
knows everyone else, so were not some 7958 member fucking remorse clone where
everyone is just another fucking member, and noone knows any of the other
members. thats complete bullshit. fuck that. ascii is supposed to be fun, not
something you take so fucking seriously you try your ass off to get the
best artists to join your group just so you can inflate your ego by braggin
about your member list. fuck society.
damn, im on the verge of an anally stimulated orgasm! i wanna join you!
so you wanna voff? well, if so, make sure youre norwegian, make sure you
can draw ascii, and make sure you know any of us. if you can do that, go
fill the form, 01voff.app, and send or give or telepathize it to some
voff monkey, and it will be ignored, and sooner or later, deleted. phear.
--------- bOREDZ! wow, we even made a header, aint we nice? -------------
well, when it comes to hqs, dists, and that sorta thing, fuck it. we dont
want that shit. the only way to get our packs, is from us, ftp, or any damn
so-called memberboard, or simply some other board. the only boards officially
affiliated with voff!ascii/ninjascii are the memberboards, who function as
voff hq. nothing more. unf. so dont BOTHER applying for some fucking hq
or dist, cause then well have to kill you.
/---/ / / - -- ---/ / / /spdvrm
/.----- greets and shit -----------.
greets, respect, lies, hypocrisy, and fake friendship to the following
so get on your gnees and open up
- - ---i: credits thingamajiggy thing. yES! :-------- -- - - -
written by spud and vermin in the summertime of 97
ascii, and that 282-line intro-thingamajigg by spud
fixup, most text and hidden ascii porn by vermin
spiritual guidance and weekly sodomization by fonize
religious and political indoctrination by yitzhaq
produced by the rust brothers of inevitable doomtm
mixed by mitch-jesus reagan at no studios, bergen
overall design by vermin // spud
poor is the man whose happiness depends
on the permission of others
. 450
exact same group. yeah. nfff.
............................: : ,i:....:......:..:..........
........:.....: ::,x@i: :
- --:---:-- we were born to draw -- -:...
..: : ,i:.....:.................
: :,x@i:: :
-:-- ---:--- it was our mission -- -:......................----:....
....................:.......:.......: ,i:.......:.............:...
: :,x@i: :
: - --:---:--- it was our purpouse --- -:
:.: : ,i:.....:.....................
: :,x@i:: :
-:-- ---:--- but something went wrong - -:..................
............................. : : :..,i:....:......:..:.............
: :.......:::,x@i : :
: : - --:---:--- so terribly wrong ... - -:..:
the spirit was lost,
the meaning was gone,
there was nothing.
until ...
: :i:
l . .,d: .,:: ,.
,:: iP :Y:S: ::.
... ,l lYS:YYP :
--- l: sP .sb, ::: /-----
:: :Yyb :Sl l: dY: :P .,db. YY:::...
: i :T,PyP ds, YT,
l l: ,:Y::s :i
:l i i,d: Y::
. ::: :: ::Y d:Y:l l:Y ::
::: S.:,l: P:Yi li! dPd: ::.
.ai:Il : ll P l
s.S i :7 ,:.lP:YmdY ::
sl l: Y: .s@SbS@s.YS., Y l..
:: :s ::l 7,dY: llYa, b :Yb, YP,Y:
:.:.: .,dP. Y : i.: d :bs,.,d
l l:dP d:: l: Y:: Y :.
, : :l b.YYl :l .,YP ,dY: :::
i: P d,b.,y dyP,dP:::::
. .l ! db,?: P .,dsY:
:: : dSb P:l .,dP. :ll ::
: l P .,yd @S P l:i :
. !b, d ,syP s@S : , .
:::::b,...,y@Ssl d l ll :, ::
isY:: YPP :: l : l b.
. . Yl. dS l:P lyl l :l j: sS@s,.
:: b, b, b.,P:: :l :: : ldl 7
b. y, . @l
.:: ib,.,d:, Y, lPy: :sl :
---/:lPi, . i :slll:-----
: ,i.,.S,T7:: j: . .
: :S :Syyydl l: :Sl:l i:Y: ..: spud
. SbSy, :l,dl: lY: .
:Y: ,7:P ,dP ll :s: :::
Sli:Y: :: .,d:::s: l
:YY:: ::sSP :l Y ll :PST
,s .vOFF!aSSKEE. :: lSP:
l::keeping the spirit alive l :
hesten min
lft opp halen din
og slipp solen inn
.:--------// introshitgreetsandeverythingyourlocalserial----:
spdvrm// / / / // / /
--- vOFF!sKE
/ introshit
voff!ascii is the name, desecration is the game? well, probably. anyhow,
voff!ascii is a group me vermin, duh and spud started because we wanted
to have a norwegian asciigroup that was real, no fake friendship bullshit
like all the other bullshit groups. if you draw ascii 250 times better than
discyple, but take the scene seriously, or support the kind of groups that
are governed by some ego-inflated fuckup who does nothing but bitch on the
artists about how much their work sucks, while at the same time kissing the
asshole good artists asses to keep them in the group, you can simply, go
fuck yourself with a broomstick, all the way up. fuck you. we dont play that
shit. voff!ascii is a group that runs itself. we dont need no fucking
fearless leader to guide us through the darkness. we dont need no seniors,
no prez, no nothing. we are artists, nothing more. we respect eachother
for what we are, not what we create. we are also somewhat all friends, as
the norwegian eR337 artscene is so pathetically small everyone just about
knows everyone else, so were not some 7958 member fucking remorse clone where
everyone is just another fucking member, and noone knows any of the other
members. thats complete bullshit. fuck that. ascii is supposed to be fun, not
something you take so fucking seriously you try your ass off to get the
best artists to join your group just so you can inflate your ego by braggin
about your member list. fuck society.
damn, im on the verge of an anally stimulated orgasm! i wanna join you!
so you wanna voff? well, if so, make sure youre norwegian, make sure you
can draw ascii, and make sure you know any of us. if you can do that, go
fill the form, 01voff.app, and send or give or telepathize it to some
voff monkey, and it will be ignored, and sooner or later, deleted. phear.
--------- bOREDZ! wow, we even made a header, aint we nice? -------------
well, when it comes to hqs, dists, and that sorta thing, fuck it. we dont
want that shit. the only way to get our packs, is from us, ftp, or any damn
so-called memberboard, or simply some other board. the only boards officially
affiliated with voff!ascii/ninjascii are the memberboards, who function as
voff hq. nothing more. unf. so dont BOTHER applying for some fucking hq
or dist, cause then well have to kill you.
/---/ / / - -- ---/ / / /spdvrm
/.----- greets and shit -----------.
greets, respect, lies, hypocrisy, and fake friendship to the following
so get on your gnees and open up
- - ---i: credits thingamajiggy thing. yES! :-------- -- - - -
written by spud and vermin in the summertime of 97
ascii, and that 282-line intro-thingamajigg by spud
fixup, most text and hidden ascii porn by vermin
spiritual guidance and weekly sodomization by fonize
religious and political indoctrination by yitzhaq
produced by the rust brothers of inevitable doomtm
mixed by mitch-jesus reagan at no studios, bergen
overall design by vermin // spud
poor is the man whose happiness depends
on the permission of others
. 450
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