this image contains text
t h e i n a u
g u r a
Welcome to the first compilatio
n of work from the Adment crew
Adment is a r
enewed face of Climax, and we are designed to bri
ng to
the scene art that people want to see, art t
hat advertises us as
well as other
s. I hope you enjoy this pack.
the members
t has very, very few members this month. What do
expect? Small is good sometimes, and good thi
ngs come in small
packages. All a
rtists are welcome to apply, experience or no
experience. I wont be doing this much, but h
ere are the members:
Egoteq, from the 905 area c
ode, has been in the scene for
almost two ye
ars, remembering the age of old groups like Chron
Tribe and Gothic. Formerly of Grip, based i
n the 514 area code, he
draws in ANSI
and RIP. He is the one to speak to about his 286
, a
nd an application to Adment.
The byte-bulk of
the pack will likely be coming from Damned
Mamminal, hailing from 905. A n
ewcomer to the computer art scene,
but a vetera
n in art, he has been dawned with many high-resol
freehand skills from the good ol days on
a 386. Now with a
powerhouse Pentium wit
h CorelDraw! 6.0 and Aldus Photoshop 3.0, his
enhanced skill and taste will bring
you a pleasant long download of
fully-hand drawn imag
es. Watch out, his stuff is pure and without
uch reliance on program-based special effects etc.
Corinthian, also from 905, joined Ad
ment in the early part of
January. He will present you so
me great ANSI art in the days to
come. Inspi
red by many, his attention to detail hehe.. mayb
e too
much. will be a great addition to the n
ew Adment family.
Pyrochemist, again from the
905 area code, became the first
Adment tri
al member. The only reason why he is trial an
d not
full is because he has not yet coded a scene-
related program. When
his work checks out, b
e ready for the Adment Application Generat-
or, Adment
View? He codes in C++, and runs a board, Vest
And THAT about rounds up our member
listing. Apply if you want
and well dec
ide where you belong! muahaahahahahhaaha..
to go where n
o group has gone before
Well, kind of. Yes, I know
that YOU may think its stupid or
whatnot, but
we name our packs, and we like it this way. Thi
s one
is called the Inaugura, commemorating the
first Adment pack. We
hope to bring many mo
re packs of good stuff for the scene to gape
at. ..
Although Id have to admit that it
s quite a tough group to get
into, youre
all welcome to apply, and welcome to greet us in
your ansis from now and forever
. But for sure, no matter if the
pack is 10k
or 10M although I seriously doubt 10k hehe.. uh
the Adment pack will definitely be a th
ing to download.
Out of things
to write about, I think Id better close off.
You can em
ail one of the members by directing it through
admt@io.org, and well get back
to you whenever.
catch us in
adment sometime.
t h e i n a u
g u r a
Welcome to the first compilatio
n of work from the Adment crew
Adment is a r
enewed face of Climax, and we are designed to bri
ng to
the scene art that people want to see, art t
hat advertises us as
well as other
s. I hope you enjoy this pack.
the members
t has very, very few members this month. What do
expect? Small is good sometimes, and good thi
ngs come in small
packages. All a
rtists are welcome to apply, experience or no
experience. I wont be doing this much, but h
ere are the members:
Egoteq, from the 905 area c
ode, has been in the scene for
almost two ye
ars, remembering the age of old groups like Chron
Tribe and Gothic. Formerly of Grip, based i
n the 514 area code, he
draws in ANSI
and RIP. He is the one to speak to about his 286
, a
nd an application to Adment.
The byte-bulk of
the pack will likely be coming from Damned
Mamminal, hailing from 905. A n
ewcomer to the computer art scene,
but a vetera
n in art, he has been dawned with many high-resol
freehand skills from the good ol days on
a 386. Now with a
powerhouse Pentium wit
h CorelDraw! 6.0 and Aldus Photoshop 3.0, his
enhanced skill and taste will bring
you a pleasant long download of
fully-hand drawn imag
es. Watch out, his stuff is pure and without
uch reliance on program-based special effects etc.
Corinthian, also from 905, joined Ad
ment in the early part of
January. He will present you so
me great ANSI art in the days to
come. Inspi
red by many, his attention to detail hehe.. mayb
e too
much. will be a great addition to the n
ew Adment family.
Pyrochemist, again from the
905 area code, became the first
Adment tri
al member. The only reason why he is trial an
d not
full is because he has not yet coded a scene-
related program. When
his work checks out, b
e ready for the Adment Application Generat-
or, Adment
View? He codes in C++, and runs a board, Vest
And THAT about rounds up our member
listing. Apply if you want
and well dec
ide where you belong! muahaahahahahhaaha..
to go where n
o group has gone before
Well, kind of. Yes, I know
that YOU may think its stupid or
whatnot, but
we name our packs, and we like it this way. Thi
s one
is called the Inaugura, commemorating the
first Adment pack. We
hope to bring many mo
re packs of good stuff for the scene to gape
at. ..
Although Id have to admit that it
s quite a tough group to get
into, youre
all welcome to apply, and welcome to greet us in
your ansis from now and forever
. But for sure, no matter if the
pack is 10k
or 10M although I seriously doubt 10k hehe.. uh
the Adment pack will definitely be a th
ing to download.
Out of things
to write about, I think Id better close off.
You can em
ail one of the members by directing it through
admt@io.org, and well get back
to you whenever.
catch us in
adment sometime.
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