this image contains text
Right now Im gonna write something that is totally not in the style
of RAD because I feel like writing something different. Something that
dives into my inner soul and reveals my inner psych to the masses, but
looking into my soul I have discovered that I dont have one. Dont get me
wrong I havent sold it to the devil or anything... I think. Oh well maybe
I did but I was probably lacking sleep at the moment. See I did it again,
Ive been masking my true feelings with humor for so long that I dont have
any anymore. At first I was kind of pist but then I realized that my lack
of soul would ultimately aid in my becoming dictator and ruling this ball
of mud we call home.
Eventually though I guess that the realization of me not becoming
dictator will make me go insane or something. Oh well, everyones got to
have a dream. Mine just happens to be the thing that has shaped my life
over the past few years and is ultimately the excuse I use for many of my
unexplainable actions. Not to other people of course but to my self.
Stop it a great world leader wouldnt act like that.
Its good that you dont have anything that actually means something
to you. This way when you become dictator you wont have any
When I was a small child I masked my emotions because I simply wasnt
strong enough to deal with them. I was constantly under the pressure of
having to prove myself no matter what I was doing. Even now I have no
ability whatsoever to actually write about what I feel. Now how the hell am
I supposed to write songs about my angst and be in an alternative band? I
think that Mercuri has also been through a similar situation, but hes even
farther into it than me. Ive never seen him write something that was
actually true to him. Or maybe he isnt like that and I should really speak
for myself. Or maybe Im not making any sense at all and Ill just delete
this like I have every other file Ive ever written during one of my little
emotional spats. The latter is probably the solution as to why Im writing
this piece of crap, well fuck it even though Ive deleted all of the others
Im gonna finish it. Even if I dont delete it its not going into RAD
because its not our style, maybe I should have Merc submit it to another
zine for me. Maybe I just dont feel the meaning anymore afterwords because
I have to write it down just to get it out of my system. Even now Im not
getting out what Im truly feeling, Im just not capable of doing it
anymore. If I ever was. Damn its a good thing I dont write for DTO.
uhm, thanks!@ that was good. lets all thank handle for contributing
some of his genius to this zine. yep.
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-leet hax0rs sittin around a campfire and groovin creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
24 group masturbation belial
25 ethereal experiences for perverted pyromaniacs creed
26 catering for the warez eleet phorce
27 brief mental pause belial
28 the army day camp belial
29 the geek theory, hickies, and another long day creed
30 nets, zines, and that chick from wings hooch
31 mentos! the freedom giver! mercuri
32 ramblings of a poseur bedlam
33 sitcoms, stereotypes, and satan creed
34 fuck you - a note to all yall on zines hooch
35 apples, oranges, and pears phorce
36 the little cultist that couldnt creed
37 careening through hyperspace at a slug-like rate creed
38 snowday phorce
39 creed is g0d creed
40 big hurt is ruler of the earth bighurt
41 dead people, nasty thoughts, and colored glue bighurt
42 bbs softwares/internet hooch
43 abandon thy gods! from yonder cometh y0lk! creed
44 mogels own very special personalized 1 y0lk issue phorce
45 your burro is no jackass! creed
46 rollerskates, indians, eagles and cougars creed
47 outer space, ice cream, streetcars and gophers creed
48 Evan the genius becomes enlightened and melts his face off creed
49 6 insignificant ziners in a bowling microcosm of life creed
50 the best of the worst creed
51 the prince of darkness versus some guy named dave trip
52 ode to my feet creed
53 hopelessly lost poots
54 the schoolhouse r0x! phorce
55 campbells chicken-noodle soup omen of death creed
56 dead cats juke
57 my inner taco handle
if you see your name on that chart, you are a y0lk member, whether you
like it or not. if you are a y0lk member, you have a y0lk member board, et
hooch is the stupendous chief shephard of y0lk.
phorce is the head samurai of y0lk! beware!
mindcrime is an official y0lk member, cuz hes just so damn wacky-ass.
tal meta is one smooth brotha.
email creed@nexxus.novasys.com to contact me. yep.
to get all the rest of the y0lks, ftp to ftp.openix.com /pub/ftp/phorce/y0lk
Right now Im gonna write something that is totally not in the style
of RAD because I feel like writing something different. Something that
dives into my inner soul and reveals my inner psych to the masses, but
looking into my soul I have discovered that I dont have one. Dont get me
wrong I havent sold it to the devil or anything... I think. Oh well maybe
I did but I was probably lacking sleep at the moment. See I did it again,
Ive been masking my true feelings with humor for so long that I dont have
any anymore. At first I was kind of pist but then I realized that my lack
of soul would ultimately aid in my becoming dictator and ruling this ball
of mud we call home.
Eventually though I guess that the realization of me not becoming
dictator will make me go insane or something. Oh well, everyones got to
have a dream. Mine just happens to be the thing that has shaped my life
over the past few years and is ultimately the excuse I use for many of my
unexplainable actions. Not to other people of course but to my self.
Stop it a great world leader wouldnt act like that.
Its good that you dont have anything that actually means something
to you. This way when you become dictator you wont have any
When I was a small child I masked my emotions because I simply wasnt
strong enough to deal with them. I was constantly under the pressure of
having to prove myself no matter what I was doing. Even now I have no
ability whatsoever to actually write about what I feel. Now how the hell am
I supposed to write songs about my angst and be in an alternative band? I
think that Mercuri has also been through a similar situation, but hes even
farther into it than me. Ive never seen him write something that was
actually true to him. Or maybe he isnt like that and I should really speak
for myself. Or maybe Im not making any sense at all and Ill just delete
this like I have every other file Ive ever written during one of my little
emotional spats. The latter is probably the solution as to why Im writing
this piece of crap, well fuck it even though Ive deleted all of the others
Im gonna finish it. Even if I dont delete it its not going into RAD
because its not our style, maybe I should have Merc submit it to another
zine for me. Maybe I just dont feel the meaning anymore afterwords because
I have to write it down just to get it out of my system. Even now Im not
getting out what Im truly feeling, Im just not capable of doing it
anymore. If I ever was. Damn its a good thing I dont write for DTO.
uhm, thanks!@ that was good. lets all thank handle for contributing
some of his genius to this zine. yep.
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-leet hax0rs sittin around a campfire and groovin creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
24 group masturbation belial
25 ethereal experiences for perverted pyromaniacs creed
26 catering for the warez eleet phorce
27 brief mental pause belial
28 the army day camp belial
29 the geek theory, hickies, and another long day creed
30 nets, zines, and that chick from wings hooch
31 mentos! the freedom giver! mercuri
32 ramblings of a poseur bedlam
33 sitcoms, stereotypes, and satan creed
34 fuck you - a note to all yall on zines hooch
35 apples, oranges, and pears phorce
36 the little cultist that couldnt creed
37 careening through hyperspace at a slug-like rate creed
38 snowday phorce
39 creed is g0d creed
40 big hurt is ruler of the earth bighurt
41 dead people, nasty thoughts, and colored glue bighurt
42 bbs softwares/internet hooch
43 abandon thy gods! from yonder cometh y0lk! creed
44 mogels own very special personalized 1 y0lk issue phorce
45 your burro is no jackass! creed
46 rollerskates, indians, eagles and cougars creed
47 outer space, ice cream, streetcars and gophers creed
48 Evan the genius becomes enlightened and melts his face off creed
49 6 insignificant ziners in a bowling microcosm of life creed
50 the best of the worst creed
51 the prince of darkness versus some guy named dave trip
52 ode to my feet creed
53 hopelessly lost poots
54 the schoolhouse r0x! phorce
55 campbells chicken-noodle soup omen of death creed
56 dead cats juke
57 my inner taco handle
if you see your name on that chart, you are a y0lk member, whether you
like it or not. if you are a y0lk member, you have a y0lk member board, et
hooch is the stupendous chief shephard of y0lk.
phorce is the head samurai of y0lk! beware!
mindcrime is an official y0lk member, cuz hes just so damn wacky-ass.
tal meta is one smooth brotha.
email creed@nexxus.novasys.com to contact me. yep.
to get all the rest of the y0lks, ftp to ftp.openix.com /pub/ftp/phorce/y0lk
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