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-------y0lk number forty-two---------------------------------------------
id just like to clear up a few things first after reading dto number six
a y0lk releases, oh, about every week. if that
b y0lk does suck.
c dto is fucking awesome.
just thought id like to clear that up. ive never really read any dtos
until about a week ago. i read them all in one night, and god, they were
fucking awesome.
highlights: that cheeze dudes in the ghetto story
eeries editorials
that leeza talk show episode
those are the best dto moments, no question about it.
does anybody out there read fidonet? you should. it can be, sometimes, very
amusing. i read the bbscarnival echo quite often bbs software discussion.
there are basically two things discussed.
1 telegard vs. renegade
2 why 3l1t3 H4qU0RZ SuQ@!
it gets sickening. i never realized how stupid people that had never really
been exposed to any scene besides the pd scene were about everything outside
of it. the people are so fucking ignorant.
anybody that is running obv/2 is a fucking elite dork.
i couldnt believe it!@ obv/2 is a COMMERCIAL PRODUCT, and the people think
that because lots of art boards run it, its only for elite people. however,
they have no argument for why so many elite boards run pcboard.
grr.. idiots.
i recently got an internet hookup to my board so to speak. it is
obviously not full internet, nor a direct connection, but nonetheless, it is
still very cool.
what it is: unlimited newsgroups, and user@erebus.magsystems.com internet
email addresss for all the users on my board.
why this is cool: newsgroups are really cool. i love alt.ascii-art i think
thats what its called.. and alt.fan.howard.stern. there are thousands of
newsgroups that you can request. very cool. its also cool because you can
have, hypothetically, as many internet email addresss as you want.. i can
just make a new user on my board, say DOODIE-HEAD. if somebody sends internet
email to DOODIE-HEAD@erebus.magsystems.com, it goes into his mailbox. i think
its pretty cool to be able to make an internet address whenever you want
not that i do... heh. its also cool because the email is FAST.
well, enough about the internet. btw, if you want any more info on this,
send email to hooch@erebus.magsystems.com..
grr. i tried to install win95 on my server last week, and it didnt work.
grrr!! i got lantastic working, but for some fucking reason, the chipset that
was shipped with the dell p90s when i got them is slightly incompatible with
win95. what does that mean, you might ask? well, it means, basically, that
a modem will not work properly under dos applications under win95. that means
- you guessed it - my mailer wont initialize, and neither will terminate.
ugh!! i wanna play games!@@
oh well, warp is stable. and i like it, too. i just got object desktop for
it, hopefully that will be cool. but i still wanna play games. sniff, sniff
yall should join y0lknet. its a small net, but very quality. trip and
misfits board pOo!@ is in it, as is mindcrimes alderAAn and belials
avalon. the whq is erebus.. to join y0lknet, call erebus at 201-762-1373,
or email hooch@erebus.magsystems.com. join! join!
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-leet hax0rs sittin around a campfire and groovin creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
24 group masturbation belial
25 ethereal experiences for perverted pyromaniacs creed
26 catering for the warez eleet phorce
27 brief mental pause belial
28 the army day camp belial
29 the geek theory, hickies, and another long day creed
30 nets, zines, and that chick from wings hooch
31 mentos! the freedom giver! mercuri
32 ramblings of a poseur bedlam
33 sitcoms, stereotypes, and satan creed
34 fuck you - a note to all yall on zines hooch
35 apples, oranges, and pears phorce
36 the little cultist that couldnt creed
37 careening through hyperspace at a slug-like rate creed
38 snowday phorce
39 creed is g0d creed
40 big hurt is ruler of the earth bighurt
41 dead people, nasty thoughts, and colored glue bighurt
42 bbs softwares/internet hooch
if you see your name on that chart, you are a y0lk member, whether you
like it or not. if you are a y0lk member, you have a y0lk member board, et
cetera. woog.
mindcrime is an official y0lk member.
id just like to clear up a few things first after reading dto number six
a y0lk releases, oh, about every week. if that
b y0lk does suck.
c dto is fucking awesome.
just thought id like to clear that up. ive never really read any dtos
until about a week ago. i read them all in one night, and god, they were
fucking awesome.
highlights: that cheeze dudes in the ghetto story
eeries editorials
that leeza talk show episode
those are the best dto moments, no question about it.
does anybody out there read fidonet? you should. it can be, sometimes, very
amusing. i read the bbscarnival echo quite often bbs software discussion.
there are basically two things discussed.
1 telegard vs. renegade
2 why 3l1t3 H4qU0RZ SuQ@!
it gets sickening. i never realized how stupid people that had never really
been exposed to any scene besides the pd scene were about everything outside
of it. the people are so fucking ignorant.
anybody that is running obv/2 is a fucking elite dork.
i couldnt believe it!@ obv/2 is a COMMERCIAL PRODUCT, and the people think
that because lots of art boards run it, its only for elite people. however,
they have no argument for why so many elite boards run pcboard.
grr.. idiots.
i recently got an internet hookup to my board so to speak. it is
obviously not full internet, nor a direct connection, but nonetheless, it is
still very cool.
what it is: unlimited newsgroups, and user@erebus.magsystems.com internet
email addresss for all the users on my board.
why this is cool: newsgroups are really cool. i love alt.ascii-art i think
thats what its called.. and alt.fan.howard.stern. there are thousands of
newsgroups that you can request. very cool. its also cool because you can
have, hypothetically, as many internet email addresss as you want.. i can
just make a new user on my board, say DOODIE-HEAD. if somebody sends internet
email to DOODIE-HEAD@erebus.magsystems.com, it goes into his mailbox. i think
its pretty cool to be able to make an internet address whenever you want
not that i do... heh. its also cool because the email is FAST.
well, enough about the internet. btw, if you want any more info on this,
send email to hooch@erebus.magsystems.com..
grr. i tried to install win95 on my server last week, and it didnt work.
grrr!! i got lantastic working, but for some fucking reason, the chipset that
was shipped with the dell p90s when i got them is slightly incompatible with
win95. what does that mean, you might ask? well, it means, basically, that
a modem will not work properly under dos applications under win95. that means
- you guessed it - my mailer wont initialize, and neither will terminate.
ugh!! i wanna play games!@@
oh well, warp is stable. and i like it, too. i just got object desktop for
it, hopefully that will be cool. but i still wanna play games. sniff, sniff
yall should join y0lknet. its a small net, but very quality. trip and
misfits board pOo!@ is in it, as is mindcrimes alderAAn and belials
avalon. the whq is erebus.. to join y0lknet, call erebus at 201-762-1373,
or email hooch@erebus.magsystems.com. join! join!
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-leet hax0rs sittin around a campfire and groovin creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
24 group masturbation belial
25 ethereal experiences for perverted pyromaniacs creed
26 catering for the warez eleet phorce
27 brief mental pause belial
28 the army day camp belial
29 the geek theory, hickies, and another long day creed
30 nets, zines, and that chick from wings hooch
31 mentos! the freedom giver! mercuri
32 ramblings of a poseur bedlam
33 sitcoms, stereotypes, and satan creed
34 fuck you - a note to all yall on zines hooch
35 apples, oranges, and pears phorce
36 the little cultist that couldnt creed
37 careening through hyperspace at a slug-like rate creed
38 snowday phorce
39 creed is g0d creed
40 big hurt is ruler of the earth bighurt
41 dead people, nasty thoughts, and colored glue bighurt
42 bbs softwares/internet hooch
if you see your name on that chart, you are a y0lk member, whether you
like it or not. if you are a y0lk member, you have a y0lk member board, et
cetera. woog.
mindcrime is an official y0lk member.
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