this image contains text
y0lk number 39: creed is g0d, part one
SETTING: it is 2046. creed, now ruler of the earth, is being interviewed by a
very old-looking connie chung. he is sitting in a directors chair,
looking cool, wearing a t-shirt that says i phear m0gel.
chung: so... creed. you are the most affluent man alive, and you are loved by
all. the world regards you as a god. how do you feel about your
creed: well connie, i kinda like it. being a living god is pretty cool. but
you would know that yourself, wouldnt you connie?
chung: how did you acquire the title creed? is it your given name?
creed: well, no. actually, i used to be a member of the late twentieth
centurys computer underground, now dead because of the
communications decency act, passed in 2014. when i heard the feds
were using lethal force to destroy the undergrounds, i dropped out
of that scene, like many others. but i lost a lot of friends in that
chung: so you are actually an ex-criminal?
creed: well, not by my terms. i just published little computer magazines.
chung: hmm... and this is about when you started your music thing, correct?
creed: yeah, when i figured the computer thing was about over for me, i
decided that i needed a new hobby, i guess. so, i did what anyone
in my situation would have done. i started a rock band. y0lk.
chung: yes, y0lk. you released seven albums with them. how did you come up
with such an unusual name?
creed: uhm, y0lk was my little computer zine. and that was dead then, and
i liked the name, so i kept using it.
chung: and then came your famed enlightenment. how did this come about?
creed: well, after the seventh album, the rap album, i became tired of
y0lk... and i was just disgusted at where it had taken me. so i
took out a hand-written compilation of my old computer zines, 400
of them, and started adding to them. i had this urge... i was
driven to continue releasing my old zines.
chung: how long did that last?
creed: well, i wrote 600 more issues by hand, and closed the book with
number 1000.
chung: the 1000 verses! you mean the modern worlds bible is nothing
but a compilation of magazine articles... from the now-deceased
computer underground?!
creed: well, yeah... sorta. i mean, i didnt WANT it to be a bible... i just
published it as a stupid book-- i called it creedisms ...and after a
few years, creedism became a worldly religion... i didnt mean for
it to happen that way!
chung: THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!@ get this moron out of my studio! youve made a
BIG MISTAKE, buster! revolution is at hand! prepare to be overthrown,
and die, by the hands of the people!
creed: huh?
shouting and rioting is heard from outside
creed: what the hell?! all i said was that--
creed is carried away by a mob of people, chanting y0lk sucks! and waving
banners of all sorts
T0 B3 C0N7!NU3D if i really feel like it
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-leet hax0rs sittin around a campfire and groovin creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
24 group masturbation belial
25 ethereal experiences for perverted pyromaniacs creed
26 catering for the warez eleet phorce
27 brief mental pause belial
28 the army day camp belial
29 the geek theory, hickies, and another long day creed
30 nets, zines, and that chick from wings hooch
31 mentos! the freedom giver! mercuri
32 ramblings of a poseur bedlam
33 sitcoms, stereotypes, and satan creed
34 fuck you - a note to all yall on zines hooch
35 apples, oranges, and pears phorce
36 the little cultist that couldnt creed
37 careening through hyperspace at a slug-like rate creed
38 snowday phorce
39 creed is g0d creed
if you see your name on that chart, you are a y0lk member, whether you
like it or not. if you are a y0lk member, you have a y0lk member board, et
cetera. woog.
mindcrime is an official y0lk member.
y0lk number 39: creed is g0d, part one
SETTING: it is 2046. creed, now ruler of the earth, is being interviewed by a
very old-looking connie chung. he is sitting in a directors chair,
looking cool, wearing a t-shirt that says i phear m0gel.
chung: so... creed. you are the most affluent man alive, and you are loved by
all. the world regards you as a god. how do you feel about your
creed: well connie, i kinda like it. being a living god is pretty cool. but
you would know that yourself, wouldnt you connie?
chung: how did you acquire the title creed? is it your given name?
creed: well, no. actually, i used to be a member of the late twentieth
centurys computer underground, now dead because of the
communications decency act, passed in 2014. when i heard the feds
were using lethal force to destroy the undergrounds, i dropped out
of that scene, like many others. but i lost a lot of friends in that
chung: so you are actually an ex-criminal?
creed: well, not by my terms. i just published little computer magazines.
chung: hmm... and this is about when you started your music thing, correct?
creed: yeah, when i figured the computer thing was about over for me, i
decided that i needed a new hobby, i guess. so, i did what anyone
in my situation would have done. i started a rock band. y0lk.
chung: yes, y0lk. you released seven albums with them. how did you come up
with such an unusual name?
creed: uhm, y0lk was my little computer zine. and that was dead then, and
i liked the name, so i kept using it.
chung: and then came your famed enlightenment. how did this come about?
creed: well, after the seventh album, the rap album, i became tired of
y0lk... and i was just disgusted at where it had taken me. so i
took out a hand-written compilation of my old computer zines, 400
of them, and started adding to them. i had this urge... i was
driven to continue releasing my old zines.
chung: how long did that last?
creed: well, i wrote 600 more issues by hand, and closed the book with
number 1000.
chung: the 1000 verses! you mean the modern worlds bible is nothing
but a compilation of magazine articles... from the now-deceased
computer underground?!
creed: well, yeah... sorta. i mean, i didnt WANT it to be a bible... i just
published it as a stupid book-- i called it creedisms ...and after a
few years, creedism became a worldly religion... i didnt mean for
it to happen that way!
chung: THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!@ get this moron out of my studio! youve made a
BIG MISTAKE, buster! revolution is at hand! prepare to be overthrown,
and die, by the hands of the people!
creed: huh?
shouting and rioting is heard from outside
creed: what the hell?! all i said was that--
creed is carried away by a mob of people, chanting y0lk sucks! and waving
banners of all sorts
T0 B3 C0N7!NU3D if i really feel like it
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-leet hax0rs sittin around a campfire and groovin creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
24 group masturbation belial
25 ethereal experiences for perverted pyromaniacs creed
26 catering for the warez eleet phorce
27 brief mental pause belial
28 the army day camp belial
29 the geek theory, hickies, and another long day creed
30 nets, zines, and that chick from wings hooch
31 mentos! the freedom giver! mercuri
32 ramblings of a poseur bedlam
33 sitcoms, stereotypes, and satan creed
34 fuck you - a note to all yall on zines hooch
35 apples, oranges, and pears phorce
36 the little cultist that couldnt creed
37 careening through hyperspace at a slug-like rate creed
38 snowday phorce
39 creed is g0d creed
if you see your name on that chart, you are a y0lk member, whether you
like it or not. if you are a y0lk member, you have a y0lk member board, et
cetera. woog.
mindcrime is an official y0lk member.
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