this image contains text
!@y0lk !@
!@ y0lk 26 !@
!@ catering to the warez eleet !@
!@curly phorce!@
*** phorcetI sphrog@nexxus.novasys.com has joined channel warez7
*** Topic for warez7: Welcome to warez - Where the men are men and the sheep
are nervous
*** Topic for warez7 set by SoftLord on Nov 12 09:56:35
*** Users on warez7: phorcetI innosent shawnf Geom Salacious LifeBlind
Ctalkobt pSionIk Visual g00n Sniper eleMENTAL Luckyy FL Cognac DJ-Pain
zY danol fatcat spidey Zombie AlexOak Robocod Hondo olympia spiget
Saurian gNeWdUdE Rz Fi Jhamp fawkU Etr1gan RanMan Verm WhiteStph din
curious Prezz TheGoVner gh0st jondo Autohaze chxie arley Sup3rFly skyhigh
Tiprofen ed Th0r Pft steelrat GuySt systek @ASM M8DCC2 @Respect7
WiCkEd @DOSEme FarGO spl @head-- fleish jovial warez deluzion RUsmokin
SuRe Rubic @NetGoblin @Ashiana @CAiNE @LaVaLamp ReAnimatr @DooRMaT @iNSANE
@FonZie @BadBreath @AeGiS @IsItIn
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@
olympia ne1 have tasm 4.o????
systek Ne1 have a FIX for Demolition Derby? /msg me
E/X Sending 1 to Prezz wsaq@ic.net
*** DCC SEND connection to Prezz152.160.101.1,2288 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to Prezz completed 1.353 kb/sec
E/X Sending 1 to WhiteStph stuph@superlink.net
*** DCC SEND connection to WhiteStph204.97.220.9,2717 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to WhiteStph completed 1.587 kb/sec
*** GRiMTdS gabriel@ppp8.flex.net has joined channel warez7
*** phorcetI sphrog@nexxus.novasys.com has joined channel warez8
*** Topic for warez8: Upload to: l: spx pass: warez
*** Topic for warez8 set by SuB on Nov 12 11:11:25
*** Users on warez8: phorcetI DD Choc pnOt HHHH mer1in Autohaze Saurian
RUiNER isrw Deathm Verm Rz ElliSD Cognac din Prezz RanMan @SuB
jnash Moe data don1 skyhigh fawkU LJ ed curious DrDemEntO
@nuromancr Pft steelrat GuySt Th0r @SuB @LotuS GhostRdr WiCkEd
@DaBitcH @ViGiL-1
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@
*** phorcetI sphrog@nexxus.novasys.com has joined channel warez9
*** Topic for warez9: Join warez950!
*** Topic for warez9 set by Drce on Nov 12 03:58:38
*** Users on warez9: phorcetI jnash hilbylag Saurian RUiNER din Prezz
don1 MEDIAKILL curious Pft GuySt GhostRdr ATX9 Liquid
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@
*** sisko JMDority@ix-sar-fl1-09.ix.netcom.com has joined channel warez8
*** Mode change +b *!*@*.ix.netcom.com on channel warez8 by TeRRoRIII
*** sisko has been kicked off channel warez8 by TeRRoRIII banned: The AOL of
the Inet 3
* warez8 nuromancr becomes bored with sisko, cranks some tunes.
* warez8 nuromancr takes a dancing flower and shoves it up siskos ass!
* warez8 nuromancr watches as sisko goes through several interesting
*** tut kev@ has joined channel warez7
*** You are now talking to channel warez7
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@P
E/X Sending 1 to tut kev@171.196.3!!
*** DCC SEND connection to tut199.171.196.3,1203 established!!
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to tut completed 6.35 kb/sec
E/X Sending 1 to ed hod@bgu.ac.il
*** DCC SEND connection to ed132.72.140.64,2989 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to ed completed 0.7937 kb/sec
GRiMTdS HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@! 4LL N3W!@
GRiMTdS Hehehe
GRiMTdS Thats hilarious!!!!!!!!
E/X Sending 1 to din lib@maricopa.edu
*** DCC SEND connection to din140.198.64.13,1764 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to din completed 2.117 kb/sec
*** phorcetI sphrog@nexxus.novasys.com has joined channel warez666
*** Topic for warez666: ------ elcome to arez 666 ------
*** Topic for warez666 set by TrYpTaMiN on Nov 12 02:16:15
*** Users on warez666: phorcetI Kramer EnchanteR Janxter greek MRI-DCC
ViolateR mrisys madmac Sandman Haviar RUiNER @WeaVeR Kapone kron2
-WhYrD- @hilbylag becky X NeMeSyS GoRGon ZZoom Pyg Stank-E
AIRMAN DoOm Ftpman Diverdown Buck aBySS- Fuzz arko Robocod SuRfEr
eternal hockey66 BeerWolfe @CyAnIdE Thats-Me STaSiS fs DnaStrand
Falcon Cyberepix Esteban Malicai DaBlur @SaVaGe Deathm @enigma
tricord @Traveler kel SuRe fleish @TrYpBoT @K33pEr SiXPaCK
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI GET THIS!@
Kramer:skurka@law.miami.edu what kidn of shit is this? is it easy to install?
-kramer- yeah, but not as easy as y0ur m4m4 l4st n1t3!@
*** Whois Information for: Kramer
*** Address : skurka@cobra.law.miami.edu
*** IRCNAME : Skurka Larry
*** On Channels : warez666
*** Server : irc.iastate.edu Where the corn side is crispier
E/X Sending 1 to GaTeKeePR anon@54.10.55
*** DCC SEND connection to GaTeKeePR206.54.10.55,1079 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to GaTeKeePR completed 0.3175 kb/sec
E/X WARNING! CTCP FLOOD DETECTED. From Ctalkobt god@tayco.vnet.net
E/X Auto ignoring *@tayco.vnet.net for 2 minutess.
GRiMTdS Hey, phorce, youre offering NIBBLES?!?!?! HAHAH
phorcetI all new!@
phorcetI 0-day n1bbl3z!@
GRiMTdS That ROX!!
GRiMTdS Thats the BEST game Ive ever played!!!
phorcetI i lOVE the graphix, too!@
* GRiMTdS is laughing his ass off!!!@
phorcetI so GET IT!@
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
GRiMTdS 10 times better than HEXEN or ANYTHING!?!
phorcetI 1000 times better!@
*** Whois Information for: GRiMTdS
*** Address : gabriel@ppp8.flex.net
*** IRCNAME : Gabe
*** On Channels : warez7
*** Server : irc-2.mit.edu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
GRiMTdS Man.. If I had the time to get all 6k of it, I would..
phorcetI i know... tough, huh?
E/X No longer ignoring Ctalkobt god@tayco.vnet.net expired
*** Signoff: Ctalkobt Connection reset by peer
*** Whowas information for: Ctalkobt
*** Address : god@tayco.vnet.net
*** IRCNAME : Allmighty GOD
*** Server : irc.catt.ncsu.edu Sun Nov 12 11:32:17 1995
E/X Sending 1 to FL bcmurphy@syr.edu
*** DCC SEND connection to FL128.230.1.27,1029 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to FL completed 6.35 kb/sec
E/X Sending 1 to JoeBoy Joe@umsl.edu
*** DCC SEND connection to JoeBoy134.124.43.201,1154 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to JoeBoy completed 0.7937 kb/sec
*** Signoff: phorcetI have fun w/ nibbles, y0
wow. that was fun.
i deleted most of the uninteresting chatter.. like you got kool sitez? and
somone gimmie theyre passwd feil!!!!
that kramer guy is funny.
a greet goes out to those boyz at TdS, especially GRiM, who didnt try to
flood me or kill me or something, and, in fact, thought i was funny.
also, if you see Ctalkobt, giveem a piece of your mind and reprimand him for
trying to flood your fave zine writer phorce. his whois info said he was
god@tayco.vnet.net - so go killem.
thanx to Prezz, WhiteStph, tut, ed, din, GaTeKeePR, FL, and JoeBoy.
isnt tut a zines guy? whats he doing in warez?
--------------------------------------------------------A Fun Zine Game!--
can YOU find the names of the four stooges? yes, all FOUR. one of them just
happened to be REAL, and i decided to add the other three in the zine just
for fun. using the Search/Find function counts as cheating.
-----------------------------------------------------------editorz notez--
wow, i just got 3 y0lk issues in a row. now i have to package all of them.
damn. so fuck the shepherds notes, im getting these released. by the way,
y0lk has a new ftp site. look in y0lk.nfo for details.
-----------------------------------------------------shemp-herderz notez--
the shepadd is nought in da haus.
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-leet hax0rs sitting around a campfire and groovin creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
24 group masturbation belial
25 ethereal experiences for perverted pyromaniacs creed
26 catering to the warez eleet phorce
if you see your name on that chart up there, you are a y0lk member, have a
y0lk member board, et cetera.
mindcrime is an official y0lk member.
---------------------------------------------now go and read the new dto--
--eof-eof-eof-eof-eof-eleet eof marker-eof-eof-eof-eof--
!@y0lk !@
!@ y0lk 26 !@
!@ catering to the warez eleet !@
!@curly phorce!@
*** phorcetI sphrog@nexxus.novasys.com has joined channel warez7
*** Topic for warez7: Welcome to warez - Where the men are men and the sheep
are nervous
*** Topic for warez7 set by SoftLord on Nov 12 09:56:35
*** Users on warez7: phorcetI innosent shawnf Geom Salacious LifeBlind
Ctalkobt pSionIk Visual g00n Sniper eleMENTAL Luckyy FL Cognac DJ-Pain
zY danol fatcat spidey Zombie AlexOak Robocod Hondo olympia spiget
Saurian gNeWdUdE Rz Fi Jhamp fawkU Etr1gan RanMan Verm WhiteStph din
curious Prezz TheGoVner gh0st jondo Autohaze chxie arley Sup3rFly skyhigh
Tiprofen ed Th0r Pft steelrat GuySt systek @ASM M8DCC2 @Respect7
WiCkEd @DOSEme FarGO spl @head-- fleish jovial warez deluzion RUsmokin
SuRe Rubic @NetGoblin @Ashiana @CAiNE @LaVaLamp ReAnimatr @DooRMaT @iNSANE
@FonZie @BadBreath @AeGiS @IsItIn
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@
olympia ne1 have tasm 4.o????
systek Ne1 have a FIX for Demolition Derby? /msg me
E/X Sending 1 to Prezz wsaq@ic.net
*** DCC SEND connection to Prezz152.160.101.1,2288 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to Prezz completed 1.353 kb/sec
E/X Sending 1 to WhiteStph stuph@superlink.net
*** DCC SEND connection to WhiteStph204.97.220.9,2717 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to WhiteStph completed 1.587 kb/sec
*** GRiMTdS gabriel@ppp8.flex.net has joined channel warez7
*** phorcetI sphrog@nexxus.novasys.com has joined channel warez8
*** Topic for warez8: Upload to: l: spx pass: warez
*** Topic for warez8 set by SuB on Nov 12 11:11:25
*** Users on warez8: phorcetI DD Choc pnOt HHHH mer1in Autohaze Saurian
RUiNER isrw Deathm Verm Rz ElliSD Cognac din Prezz RanMan @SuB
jnash Moe data don1 skyhigh fawkU LJ ed curious DrDemEntO
@nuromancr Pft steelrat GuySt Th0r @SuB @LotuS GhostRdr WiCkEd
@DaBitcH @ViGiL-1
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@
*** phorcetI sphrog@nexxus.novasys.com has joined channel warez9
*** Topic for warez9: Join warez950!
*** Topic for warez9 set by Drce on Nov 12 03:58:38
*** Users on warez9: phorcetI jnash hilbylag Saurian RUiNER din Prezz
don1 MEDIAKILL curious Pft GuySt GhostRdr ATX9 Liquid
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@
*** sisko JMDority@ix-sar-fl1-09.ix.netcom.com has joined channel warez8
*** Mode change +b *!*@*.ix.netcom.com on channel warez8 by TeRRoRIII
*** sisko has been kicked off channel warez8 by TeRRoRIII banned: The AOL of
the Inet 3
* warez8 nuromancr becomes bored with sisko, cranks some tunes.
* warez8 nuromancr takes a dancing flower and shoves it up siskos ass!
* warez8 nuromancr watches as sisko goes through several interesting
*** tut kev@ has joined channel warez7
*** You are now talking to channel warez7
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@P
E/X Sending 1 to tut kev@171.196.3!!
*** DCC SEND connection to tut199.171.196.3,1203 established!!
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to tut completed 6.35 kb/sec
E/X Sending 1 to ed hod@bgu.ac.il
*** DCC SEND connection to ed132.72.140.64,2989 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to ed completed 0.7937 kb/sec
GRiMTdS HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI get this!@! 4LL N3W!@
GRiMTdS Hehehe
GRiMTdS Thats hilarious!!!!!!!!
E/X Sending 1 to din lib@maricopa.edu
*** DCC SEND connection to din140.198.64.13,1764 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to din completed 2.117 kb/sec
*** phorcetI sphrog@nexxus.novasys.com has joined channel warez666
*** Topic for warez666: ------ elcome to arez 666 ------
*** Topic for warez666 set by TrYpTaMiN on Nov 12 02:16:15
*** Users on warez666: phorcetI Kramer EnchanteR Janxter greek MRI-DCC
ViolateR mrisys madmac Sandman Haviar RUiNER @WeaVeR Kapone kron2
-WhYrD- @hilbylag becky X NeMeSyS GoRGon ZZoom Pyg Stank-E
AIRMAN DoOm Ftpman Diverdown Buck aBySS- Fuzz arko Robocod SuRfEr
eternal hockey66 BeerWolfe @CyAnIdE Thats-Me STaSiS fs DnaStrand
Falcon Cyberepix Esteban Malicai DaBlur @SaVaGe Deathm @enigma
tricord @Traveler kel SuRe fleish @TrYpBoT @K33pEr SiXPaCK
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
phorcetI GET THIS!@
Kramer:skurka@law.miami.edu what kidn of shit is this? is it easy to install?
-kramer- yeah, but not as easy as y0ur m4m4 l4st n1t3!@
*** Whois Information for: Kramer
*** Address : skurka@cobra.law.miami.edu
*** IRCNAME : Skurka Larry
*** On Channels : warez666
*** Server : irc.iastate.edu Where the corn side is crispier
E/X Sending 1 to GaTeKeePR anon@54.10.55
*** DCC SEND connection to GaTeKeePR206.54.10.55,1079 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to GaTeKeePR completed 0.3175 kb/sec
E/X WARNING! CTCP FLOOD DETECTED. From Ctalkobt god@tayco.vnet.net
E/X Auto ignoring *@tayco.vnet.net for 2 minutess.
GRiMTdS Hey, phorce, youre offering NIBBLES?!?!?! HAHAH
phorcetI all new!@
phorcetI 0-day n1bbl3z!@
GRiMTdS That ROX!!
GRiMTdS Thats the BEST game Ive ever played!!!
phorcetI i lOVE the graphix, too!@
* GRiMTdS is laughing his ass off!!!@
phorcetI so GET IT!@
phorcetI ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG phorcetI XDCC SEND N for autosend pack N
phorcetI 1 N1BBL3Z 0-D4Y!@ bruoght to u by tI 6kb, 1 file
GRiMTdS 10 times better than HEXEN or ANYTHING!?!
phorcetI 1000 times better!@
*** Whois Information for: GRiMTdS
*** Address : gabriel@ppp8.flex.net
*** IRCNAME : Gabe
*** On Channels : warez7
*** Server : irc-2.mit.edu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
GRiMTdS Man.. If I had the time to get all 6k of it, I would..
phorcetI i know... tough, huh?
E/X No longer ignoring Ctalkobt god@tayco.vnet.net expired
*** Signoff: Ctalkobt Connection reset by peer
*** Whowas information for: Ctalkobt
*** Address : god@tayco.vnet.net
*** IRCNAME : Allmighty GOD
*** Server : irc.catt.ncsu.edu Sun Nov 12 11:32:17 1995
E/X Sending 1 to FL bcmurphy@syr.edu
*** DCC SEND connection to FL128.230.1.27,1029 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to FL completed 6.35 kb/sec
E/X Sending 1 to JoeBoy Joe@umsl.edu
*** DCC SEND connection to JoeBoy134.124.43.201,1154 established
*** DCC SEND:/home/sphrog/nibbles.zip to JoeBoy completed 0.7937 kb/sec
*** Signoff: phorcetI have fun w/ nibbles, y0
wow. that was fun.
i deleted most of the uninteresting chatter.. like you got kool sitez? and
somone gimmie theyre passwd feil!!!!
that kramer guy is funny.
a greet goes out to those boyz at TdS, especially GRiM, who didnt try to
flood me or kill me or something, and, in fact, thought i was funny.
also, if you see Ctalkobt, giveem a piece of your mind and reprimand him for
trying to flood your fave zine writer phorce. his whois info said he was
god@tayco.vnet.net - so go killem.
thanx to Prezz, WhiteStph, tut, ed, din, GaTeKeePR, FL, and JoeBoy.
isnt tut a zines guy? whats he doing in warez?
--------------------------------------------------------A Fun Zine Game!--
can YOU find the names of the four stooges? yes, all FOUR. one of them just
happened to be REAL, and i decided to add the other three in the zine just
for fun. using the Search/Find function counts as cheating.
-----------------------------------------------------------editorz notez--
wow, i just got 3 y0lk issues in a row. now i have to package all of them.
damn. so fuck the shepherds notes, im getting these released. by the way,
y0lk has a new ftp site. look in y0lk.nfo for details.
-----------------------------------------------------shemp-herderz notez--
the shepadd is nought in da haus.
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-leet hax0rs sitting around a campfire and groovin creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
24 group masturbation belial
25 ethereal experiences for perverted pyromaniacs creed
26 catering to the warez eleet phorce
if you see your name on that chart up there, you are a y0lk member, have a
y0lk member board, et cetera.
mindcrime is an official y0lk member.
---------------------------------------------now go and read the new dto--
--eof-eof-eof-eof-eof-eleet eof marker-eof-eof-eof-eof--
log in to add a comment.