this image contains text
: beginning :
phorce y0lk 23 - citrus fruits for sale
: end :
----------------------------------------------------------: article time!:---
more y0lk. what more could you POSSIBLY ask for? i, personally,
cant think of anything more... worthwhile than y0lk. life-enriching
experiences. maybe not YOURS, but mine.. im sure that when i apply for a
job, someones going to say, You used to write for Y0LK?! I know you!@!
-------------------------------------------------------------: yah, rite :---
no, really and truly.. i mean, think about it. in the future, were
gonna rule the world! the dial-kinder of today will be the ruff-and-tuff
corporate leaders of tomorrow! millions of ex-dork-now-a-millionaire bill
gates types will run the world of tomorrow!
----------------------------------------------------------: ack!@ gates! :---
yeah, sorry bout that reference, for all of you microsoft-hating
kill-gates boyz out there.. i wont say it again if it means that much to
--------------------------------------------------: old.guyz.wit.beardz :---
i *ALWAYS* get opz in there.
------------------------------------------------: what about that title? :---
oh yeah.. citrus fruit. wanna buy some citrus fruit? cmon, buy
two fifths of a bushel and help me out. im gettin a new shipment from my
connections down south and ive got some prime grapefruitz and navel oranges
that i need to sell.. my beeper num. is 201-this-got-old-real-fast
-----------------------------------------: wow, right-justified dividers :---
yeah, in honor of all things jewish, im trying to put things on the
the right side.
--------------------------------------: siht ekil eb dluohs ti ,yllautca :---
i know, i know.. but that just took me two minutes to type and i
dont have the patience.
----------------------------------------------------------: poetry time! :---
by clarence
ugly guys with
chase me down the stairs
what pain
one must
-----------------------------------------------------------: that sucked :---
yeah, but the last verse looks kinda like a squirrels tail.
time for some hp. i havent had any of that in a long time.
--c:yap!vigvig-pois.txt------------------------: ITS A REAL FILE!! :---
The art of PoiSoN
ViGiLaNTe iNC.
1. Get a liquid medicine bottle such as Robitussin R, Empty half of the
Bottle and then put Bleach in the bottle, and then when someone trys
to take the medicine! Theyre dead.
2. Get some rat poison and put it into a pepper container in a resturant or
any other place, and then when someone trys to put it on there food, DEAD!
3. This way to poison reqiures a HOT day and someone who likes to TAN alot!
Get a bottle of there favorite sun block or whatever and dillute it with
water, After they fall asleep or anything in the sun thinking that they will
control the burn! They are going to get sun poison!
-If you are thinking about joining or having your bbs distro for ViGiLaNTe
iNC. call Interactive BBS 201340-21XX and leave a message on the matrix
to the sysop reguarding Vi and Look for the apps, hopefully by then
we will have you be able to download the apps from the matrix
----------------------------------------------------: waznt that GREAT? :---
that individuals handle has been changed to protect his privacy..
i dont think that the individual who wrote that file would like to admit to
his lame past.
yes, i liked the sun poison part too.
--c:yap!vigvigfun.txt------------------------------: MORE?! Z0WIE! :---
How to have some fun
Written For:
Written By: ylggiW elcnU
Now, this is my plans to make a bomb from butwipe paper.
Here it is!
a used, clean toilet paper roll
some toilet paper, unuser
some plastic coated playing cards
1. Go outside, unless you have really
extensive home insurance
2. Make sure toilet paper roll is clean has no toilet paper on it.
3. Rip four playing cards It will not
work if theyre not plastic-coated
4. Stuff shredded cards inside middle oftoilet paper roll
5. Shred a little toilet paper
6. Place toilet paper equally on both
sides in roll
7. Light toilet paper inside roll
8. Run
Note: of course, this will work better
if you have soaked cards in gasoline.
This is not necessary, but it will blow
up better!
----------------------------------------------------------: WOW!@!@!@!@! :---
-------------------------------------------------------------: surprise! :---
i used to be a member of that group.
not surprised?
oh well. i didnt write anything, anyway.. i think i was on senior
staff, or something. i was gonna write.
one more? okay. then i go to sleep.
--c:yap!vigvig-cid2.txt----------------------------------: one more :---
**** Getting Past Caller-ID!! ****
nomeD .rD
Are you tired of pranking people and then having them call you back
saying something like Ive got your number. Well, big fuckin deal- ive
got yours too. Anyway, back to the point. No more Caller ID to interrupt
your much enjoyed phone pranks!!
Just pick up the phone, and when you get the dial tone, press
*67 If you have a rotary or pulse-dial phone, press 1167, wait for
another dial tone, and dial your call!!
Instead of your showing up on their little caller-ID thing,
instead of your number, it says PRIVATE. Simple Enough!!
Also, IT blocks Call Return *69 so they cant call you back!
Only a few setbacks here:
1. There is now Caller-ID Block BLOCK, where if you try to call someone
using caller-id block, and they have the Caller-ID Block BLOCK, you
get a recording saying the person doesnt accept calls with caller-ID
2. If the person has Call Block, Select Forward, or Ultra Forward, there
are still ways they can get your , but 99 of the people who have it
have no clue how to get your from it, so dont worry.
3. They can always use Call Trace *57 and log your to Ma Bells trace
log. But dont fret, the phone co. requires at least 3 traces before
they can give it to the cops. So dont prank TOO many times!!
Have Fun!!
nomeD .rD
* Caller-ID, Call Block, Select Forward, and Ultra Forward are registered
Service Marks of Bell Atlantic. Big Fuckin Deal!
Vigilante Dist. -Fourth Reich 201337-73XX
ViGiLaNTe WHQ. -Interactive BBS 201340-21XX, NuP: ViGHWQ
-------------------------------------------: nooo!!! too hp for meEEeE!! :---
oh yeah.
--c:yap!vigvigfun.txt---------------------------------: DiSCLaiMeR :---
Look, its not my fault if
you get caught. Its not
my fault if you get hurt.
If you blow your head off
you cant blame it on me!
If you get caught lighting
this thingy, dont look at
--------------------------------------------------------: one more thing :---
dont try to find out who these people are. if you can figure out
who these people are, id be surprised as i did my best to try to protect
their identities. i believe theyve all changed their handles since then.
in fact, i just realized that im probably the only one on the memberlist
that never changed my handle. im forever cursed as being on the ViGiLaNTe
iNCoRPoRaTeD memberlist. ack. i guess thats just another handicap ill
have to conquer on my way to being *MORE* k-rad than i already am.
-------------------------------------------------------------: toot toot :---
oh. and *NO*, LLiK DaoR *ISNT* what radman used to call himself
before he quit hp and started that little art project hes still working on..
whatd he call it? LSD or something? i fergot.. oh well, its not really
important anyway.
---------------------------------------------------------------: shabazz :---
time for me to go beddy-bye. damn. i need a DIZ. ack.. thatll suck.
--------------------------------------------------------: editorz notez :---
that issue rooled!*! write more.
--------------------------------------------------: sheep-herders notes :---
heh.. i know all about that vigilante group. the ROADKILL BBS!@@!@ .. that
board is still up, but under a different name, and the sysop told me he was
going to be turning it into a 10934 node 1-800 elite bbs. werd@!Q@!
note to creed:
i made the index so that us dos-edit readers can read the whole thing. grr..
----------------------------------------------------------------: index! :---
umm... have you thought of putting it with three columns, like number, title,
then AUTHOR? the part of the index that says 1-8 is by creed, 12, 13, 15 by
hooch, is kinda.. ummm.. weird. i dunno.. maybe only put indexes every 5 or
10 issues.. or maybe.. i have no idea what my point is. well, do something
with the index. title: citrus fruit for sale
-----------------------------------------------------: gnite, y0lkf0lks :---
i think i will make a new index... ive been thinking about that -creed
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-elite hax0rs sitting around a campfire and groove creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
phorce y0lk 23 - citrus fruits for sale
: end :
----------------------------------------------------------: article time!:---
more y0lk. what more could you POSSIBLY ask for? i, personally,
cant think of anything more... worthwhile than y0lk. life-enriching
experiences. maybe not YOURS, but mine.. im sure that when i apply for a
job, someones going to say, You used to write for Y0LK?! I know you!@!
-------------------------------------------------------------: yah, rite :---
no, really and truly.. i mean, think about it. in the future, were
gonna rule the world! the dial-kinder of today will be the ruff-and-tuff
corporate leaders of tomorrow! millions of ex-dork-now-a-millionaire bill
gates types will run the world of tomorrow!
----------------------------------------------------------: ack!@ gates! :---
yeah, sorry bout that reference, for all of you microsoft-hating
kill-gates boyz out there.. i wont say it again if it means that much to
--------------------------------------------------: old.guyz.wit.beardz :---
i *ALWAYS* get opz in there.
------------------------------------------------: what about that title? :---
oh yeah.. citrus fruit. wanna buy some citrus fruit? cmon, buy
two fifths of a bushel and help me out. im gettin a new shipment from my
connections down south and ive got some prime grapefruitz and navel oranges
that i need to sell.. my beeper num. is 201-this-got-old-real-fast
-----------------------------------------: wow, right-justified dividers :---
yeah, in honor of all things jewish, im trying to put things on the
the right side.
--------------------------------------: siht ekil eb dluohs ti ,yllautca :---
i know, i know.. but that just took me two minutes to type and i
dont have the patience.
----------------------------------------------------------: poetry time! :---
by clarence
ugly guys with
chase me down the stairs
what pain
one must
-----------------------------------------------------------: that sucked :---
yeah, but the last verse looks kinda like a squirrels tail.
time for some hp. i havent had any of that in a long time.
--c:yap!vigvig-pois.txt------------------------: ITS A REAL FILE!! :---
The art of PoiSoN
ViGiLaNTe iNC.
1. Get a liquid medicine bottle such as Robitussin R, Empty half of the
Bottle and then put Bleach in the bottle, and then when someone trys
to take the medicine! Theyre dead.
2. Get some rat poison and put it into a pepper container in a resturant or
any other place, and then when someone trys to put it on there food, DEAD!
3. This way to poison reqiures a HOT day and someone who likes to TAN alot!
Get a bottle of there favorite sun block or whatever and dillute it with
water, After they fall asleep or anything in the sun thinking that they will
control the burn! They are going to get sun poison!
-If you are thinking about joining or having your bbs distro for ViGiLaNTe
iNC. call Interactive BBS 201340-21XX and leave a message on the matrix
to the sysop reguarding Vi and Look for the apps, hopefully by then
we will have you be able to download the apps from the matrix
----------------------------------------------------: waznt that GREAT? :---
that individuals handle has been changed to protect his privacy..
i dont think that the individual who wrote that file would like to admit to
his lame past.
yes, i liked the sun poison part too.
--c:yap!vigvigfun.txt------------------------------: MORE?! Z0WIE! :---
How to have some fun
Written For:
Written By: ylggiW elcnU
Now, this is my plans to make a bomb from butwipe paper.
Here it is!
a used, clean toilet paper roll
some toilet paper, unuser
some plastic coated playing cards
1. Go outside, unless you have really
extensive home insurance
2. Make sure toilet paper roll is clean has no toilet paper on it.
3. Rip four playing cards It will not
work if theyre not plastic-coated
4. Stuff shredded cards inside middle oftoilet paper roll
5. Shred a little toilet paper
6. Place toilet paper equally on both
sides in roll
7. Light toilet paper inside roll
8. Run
Note: of course, this will work better
if you have soaked cards in gasoline.
This is not necessary, but it will blow
up better!
----------------------------------------------------------: WOW!@!@!@!@! :---
-------------------------------------------------------------: surprise! :---
i used to be a member of that group.
not surprised?
oh well. i didnt write anything, anyway.. i think i was on senior
staff, or something. i was gonna write.
one more? okay. then i go to sleep.
--c:yap!vigvig-cid2.txt----------------------------------: one more :---
**** Getting Past Caller-ID!! ****
nomeD .rD
Are you tired of pranking people and then having them call you back
saying something like Ive got your number. Well, big fuckin deal- ive
got yours too. Anyway, back to the point. No more Caller ID to interrupt
your much enjoyed phone pranks!!
Just pick up the phone, and when you get the dial tone, press
*67 If you have a rotary or pulse-dial phone, press 1167, wait for
another dial tone, and dial your call!!
Instead of your showing up on their little caller-ID thing,
instead of your number, it says PRIVATE. Simple Enough!!
Also, IT blocks Call Return *69 so they cant call you back!
Only a few setbacks here:
1. There is now Caller-ID Block BLOCK, where if you try to call someone
using caller-id block, and they have the Caller-ID Block BLOCK, you
get a recording saying the person doesnt accept calls with caller-ID
2. If the person has Call Block, Select Forward, or Ultra Forward, there
are still ways they can get your , but 99 of the people who have it
have no clue how to get your from it, so dont worry.
3. They can always use Call Trace *57 and log your to Ma Bells trace
log. But dont fret, the phone co. requires at least 3 traces before
they can give it to the cops. So dont prank TOO many times!!
Have Fun!!
nomeD .rD
* Caller-ID, Call Block, Select Forward, and Ultra Forward are registered
Service Marks of Bell Atlantic. Big Fuckin Deal!
Vigilante Dist. -Fourth Reich 201337-73XX
ViGiLaNTe WHQ. -Interactive BBS 201340-21XX, NuP: ViGHWQ
-------------------------------------------: nooo!!! too hp for meEEeE!! :---
oh yeah.
--c:yap!vigvigfun.txt---------------------------------: DiSCLaiMeR :---
Look, its not my fault if
you get caught. Its not
my fault if you get hurt.
If you blow your head off
you cant blame it on me!
If you get caught lighting
this thingy, dont look at
--------------------------------------------------------: one more thing :---
dont try to find out who these people are. if you can figure out
who these people are, id be surprised as i did my best to try to protect
their identities. i believe theyve all changed their handles since then.
in fact, i just realized that im probably the only one on the memberlist
that never changed my handle. im forever cursed as being on the ViGiLaNTe
iNCoRPoRaTeD memberlist. ack. i guess thats just another handicap ill
have to conquer on my way to being *MORE* k-rad than i already am.
-------------------------------------------------------------: toot toot :---
oh. and *NO*, LLiK DaoR *ISNT* what radman used to call himself
before he quit hp and started that little art project hes still working on..
whatd he call it? LSD or something? i fergot.. oh well, its not really
important anyway.
---------------------------------------------------------------: shabazz :---
time for me to go beddy-bye. damn. i need a DIZ. ack.. thatll suck.
--------------------------------------------------------: editorz notez :---
that issue rooled!*! write more.
--------------------------------------------------: sheep-herders notes :---
heh.. i know all about that vigilante group. the ROADKILL BBS!@@!@ .. that
board is still up, but under a different name, and the sysop told me he was
going to be turning it into a 10934 node 1-800 elite bbs. werd@!Q@!
note to creed:
i made the index so that us dos-edit readers can read the whole thing. grr..
----------------------------------------------------------------: index! :---
umm... have you thought of putting it with three columns, like number, title,
then AUTHOR? the part of the index that says 1-8 is by creed, 12, 13, 15 by
hooch, is kinda.. ummm.. weird. i dunno.. maybe only put indexes every 5 or
10 issues.. or maybe.. i have no idea what my point is. well, do something
with the index. title: citrus fruit for sale
-----------------------------------------------------: gnite, y0lkf0lks :---
i think i will make a new index... ive been thinking about that -creed
title author
01 the other white meat creed
02 several k-elite hax0rs sitting around a campfire and groove creed
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. creed
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin creed
05 household uses for afghanistanian food creed
06 pour cement down my anus hooch
07 hail santa! creed
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? hooch
09 lunchables rock. creed
10 t-shirts and toejam bedlam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview hooch
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta hooch
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ hooch
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink phorce
15 bedazzled by the eliteness creed
16 how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina creed
17 i am a warez pup - who are you? hooch
18 lemmings phorce
19 the science of astrology belial
20 the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene cd/h0
21 dUcK 54uc3?!!? phorce
22 top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself creed
23 citrus fruits for sale phorce
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