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erebus is trying to bring back the great messaging board it once was. call now
for great posting, great files, and great doors. -201762/1373---------------+-- system information --+ +-- system information --+ +-- system information --+ ---------- ---------- ---------- : running pcb15.21 : : running on a dell p90! : : hd1: 540mb maxtor ide! : highly active messages node1 - dsi scout 28.8 vfc hd2: 425mb caviar ide!
fast-flowing files node2 - usr sportster 28.8 free access to all
: great! doors including : :running under os/2 warp!: :tons of ppes/custom too!: lord/wrestling/BRENet! with a whopping 16mb ram two ringdown nodes +------------------------+ +------------------------+ +------------------------+ -- system information -- -- system information --
: staff include: : n114.4!- 201-762-1373 :
hooch everything n228.8!- 201-762-6813
: preceptor files! : cryptnet/speednet!
halo msgs :y0lk whq! call and read!:
for great posting, great files, and great doors. -201762/1373---------------+-- system information --+ +-- system information --+ +-- system information --+ ---------- ---------- ---------- : running pcb15.21 : : running on a dell p90! : : hd1: 540mb maxtor ide! : highly active messages node1 - dsi scout 28.8 vfc hd2: 425mb caviar ide!
fast-flowing files node2 - usr sportster 28.8 free access to all
: great! doors including : :running under os/2 warp!: :tons of ppes/custom too!: lord/wrestling/BRENet! with a whopping 16mb ram two ringdown nodes +------------------------+ +------------------------+ +------------------------+ -- system information -- -- system information --
: staff include: : n114.4!- 201-762-1373 :
hooch everything n228.8!- 201-762-6813
: preceptor files! : cryptnet/speednet!
halo msgs :y0lk whq! call and read!:
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