this image contains text
Hiya folks!
Theres another poll series coming up. Sweeper wants do do some stats
on about the swiss scene and therefore requires your help. As we all
how easy it is to get answers on voting forms do we?, Sweepers sheet
got included in that PAiN package.
So why dont you stop gaming quake wont raise your level, anyway and
do something more useful?
l8er, Furball
-- CUT HERE -----------------------------------------------------------------
Well, first of all, I hope this file gets to EVERY Swiss scener around,
because Id like to make this Stats as representative as possible.
Ill use this stats for either for Pain, or Trip, you may vote where you
whish to read em, but youll see later on.
It isnt forbidden to give some funny answers, cuz it has to be funny :!!
You dont have to answer to all questions, but please do so
When youve finished send this File back to me.
My E-Mail is Nacht@dial.eunet.ch
- Sweeper
Ok now, here we go..
First of all, what is your Handle?
Do you want to tell us your real Name?
Yes - - No - -
If yes, enter it here
How old are you?
Where do you live eg. which City
Do you have a Girlfriend? If yes, whats her Name, Age, Adress, Phone Number?
What music do you listen to? You got a favourite band? Or are you just
listening to the Radio?
What is your Connex Speed?
How long are you online a month?
Now to the serious stuff
How long have you been in the scene, and how did you get involved with it?
What are you doing? Are you a Graphician Ansi, Ascii, VGA...., Composer,
Coder, Trader, Site-Op, BBS-Op, Leecher
And which proggies do you use, what language do you code and so on...
Are you currently in a group? If yes, name which, and how you got into it
To which FTPs/BBses do you login regulary?
Now some non-person related questions
I know, this question is boring, but what do YOU think of the Swiss Scene?
And what should change to make it better?
What do you think of absolute beginners aka Lamers like me ?
Please Name your Favourite E-Mags.
And now give us a brief description of you and your life, if you got one
Last but not least, in which E-Mag would you like to see these stats?
- - Pain Trip! - -
Well, the very last question, would you agree if Id publish this poll
in a local newspaper and on their website, see www.kurier.ch?
Phew, now youve done all your homework, now you may go out and play :
Please pass this file to everyone you know, who not already filled it out.
I hope everyone who gets this file fills it out, and sends it back to me.
Well, thanx again for your time and hopefully c ya at BuenZli 5
Theres another poll series coming up. Sweeper wants do do some stats
on about the swiss scene and therefore requires your help. As we all
how easy it is to get answers on voting forms do we?, Sweepers sheet
got included in that PAiN package.
So why dont you stop gaming quake wont raise your level, anyway and
do something more useful?
l8er, Furball
-- CUT HERE -----------------------------------------------------------------
Well, first of all, I hope this file gets to EVERY Swiss scener around,
because Id like to make this Stats as representative as possible.
Ill use this stats for either for Pain, or Trip, you may vote where you
whish to read em, but youll see later on.
It isnt forbidden to give some funny answers, cuz it has to be funny :!!
You dont have to answer to all questions, but please do so
When youve finished send this File back to me.
My E-Mail is Nacht@dial.eunet.ch
- Sweeper
Ok now, here we go..
First of all, what is your Handle?
Do you want to tell us your real Name?
Yes - - No - -
If yes, enter it here
How old are you?
Where do you live eg. which City
Do you have a Girlfriend? If yes, whats her Name, Age, Adress, Phone Number?
What music do you listen to? You got a favourite band? Or are you just
listening to the Radio?
What is your Connex Speed?
How long are you online a month?
Now to the serious stuff
How long have you been in the scene, and how did you get involved with it?
What are you doing? Are you a Graphician Ansi, Ascii, VGA...., Composer,
Coder, Trader, Site-Op, BBS-Op, Leecher
And which proggies do you use, what language do you code and so on...
Are you currently in a group? If yes, name which, and how you got into it
To which FTPs/BBses do you login regulary?
Now some non-person related questions
I know, this question is boring, but what do YOU think of the Swiss Scene?
And what should change to make it better?
What do you think of absolute beginners aka Lamers like me ?
Please Name your Favourite E-Mags.
And now give us a brief description of you and your life, if you got one
Last but not least, in which E-Mag would you like to see these stats?
- - Pain Trip! - -
Well, the very last question, would you agree if Id publish this poll
in a local newspaper and on their website, see www.kurier.ch?
Phew, now youve done all your homework, now you may go out and play :
Please pass this file to everyone you know, who not already filled it out.
I hope everyone who gets this file fills it out, and sends it back to me.
Well, thanx again for your time and hopefully c ya at BuenZli 5
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