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PAiN - da Swiss Lamer Intrigues Monthly - 05/98 - 5th year
Release Date: 12-May-1998 Release Time: 43:34
This time we got a completly new reason for our delay: we got too many
last minute articles and contributions ! ..this is what i call a joke.
No changes on the engine this time as it worked just fine except on some
outdated soundcards and for sloooow windows users.
However, the obviouSS SSecret key to SSave an unneceSSary article to the
diSSk iSS SStill implemented.
Have fun, and dont forget to flood pain@space.ch with ALL news, votes,
hints, articles, potatoes and TITLE ANSIS !
Support the ODD swiss scene magazines !!!
Release Date: 12-May-1998 Release Time: 43:34
This time we got a completly new reason for our delay: we got too many
last minute articles and contributions ! ..this is what i call a joke.
No changes on the engine this time as it worked just fine except on some
outdated soundcards and for sloooow windows users.
However, the obviouSS SSecret key to SSave an unneceSSary article to the
diSSk iSS SStill implemented.
Have fun, and dont forget to flood pain@space.ch with ALL news, votes,
hints, articles, potatoes and TITLE ANSIS !
Support the ODD swiss scene magazines !!!
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