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c r i m e 9 4
- p r e s e n t s -
PAiN - da Swiss Lamer Intrigues Monthly - 01/94
Release Date: 10.jan.1994 Release Time: 04.12 am
Here it is, the firstnonly swiss scene mag! And it is kind of too late!
If you encounter strange phenomenas and are in possesion of a SB, then
just throw out your EMM/QEMM or buy a GUS.
Not much more to say, excepct that you know how you can reach us and that
wed appreciate feedback for your attention: I didnt make any jokes
about letter-bombs etc.
Support the GOOD swiss scene magazines !!!
i n
c r i m e 9 4
- p r e s e n t s -
PAiN - da Swiss Lamer Intrigues Monthly - 01/94
Release Date: 10.jan.1994 Release Time: 04.12 am
Here it is, the firstnonly swiss scene mag! And it is kind of too late!
If you encounter strange phenomenas and are in possesion of a SB, then
just throw out your EMM/QEMM or buy a GUS.
Not much more to say, excepct that you know how you can reach us and that
wed appreciate feedback for your attention: I didnt make any jokes
about letter-bombs etc.
Support the GOOD swiss scene magazines !!!
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