this image contains text
::s c e n e::
A new emag/newsletter will see in the future what is exactly :
released from apam! its called Splat! and you can get it at:
::s o f t w a r e::
g00r00 is back in developing mystic bbs and nuskooler is on fire
making updates for enigma 1/2... ahhh... thats the spirit... :
many new features and bug fixes...
i released xansiviewer, which is a quick and dirty, ansi viewer. i
built it mainly because in linux we dont have many almost none
ansi viewer apps. give it a try at http://github.com/xqtr/xansiviewer
not so great and for sure i will give it more work when i got the time,
but it does the job, for now.
::g r o u p s::
Phenom http://www.phenomprod.com/index.html keeps doing stuff.
great job! they are developing mods for various systems and also some
new door games. some snapshots of game screens are awesome!
i was busy the last months doing some bbs/scene stuff... so i made the
snippet project, which is a revive of the old SWAG project
swag.delphidabbler.com/. its a way to store and look offline for source code.
you can use the snippet project to store info and source code for various
things, like programming languages, scripts, raspberry pi solutions, linux tips
and even more. you can find it here: https://github.com/xqtr/snippet
the xbbslist is another project of mine. its a way for bbses to provide info
to users and also keep a 100 correct, list of available/live bbses. each bbs
sends a data packet, which is being collected from the main program and tracks
the bbs info. you can get it here: https://github.com/xqtr/xBBSList
it can be used with multiple networks. this way all bbses from various nets can
be listed.
at last, i made a rewrite i suppose of an idea originally g00r00 had and
implemented in netrunner. i made a crt unit, which uses sdl2 graphics. this way
we can build ansi/ascii related apps, without the need of a terminal that
supports the cp437 codepage, which is very rare lately.
::w w w::
have you seen these?
::r e t r o s t u f f::
portal for c64
PS classic hacked.
Wifi on a 1992 Apple Mac BBS fun Tech Nibble
Amiga 1500 Trash To Treasure
Make a modern modem with RPi to connect old computers to the Net
::i n t e r e s t i n g::
Hacking Competition in Zhengzhou China
Lets hack a BBS... sort of...
Amstrad CPC 6128 - RS-232 Communications
Amiga 500 on the Internet via Null Modem Cable and Raspberry Pi
Saturday Morning Cartoons Arent Gone, You Just Have to Know Where to Look
::p a r t i e s::
High Coast Hack 2019 Winter - 3rd - 6th January 2019
Harnosands Kommun, Vasternorrland, Sweden
MAGFest Demoparty 2019 - 3rd - 6th January 2019
National Harbor, Prince Georges County, Maryland, United States
DiHalt 2019 Lite - 4th - 6th January 2019
Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizjnij Novgorod, Russia
SynchroNY 2019 - 11th - 12th January 2019
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
ExCeSs Meeting 2019 - 18th - 20th January 2019
Landkreis Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany
Demobit 2019 - 1st - 3rd February 2019
Bratislavsky kraj, Bratislavsky, Slovakia
Gerp 2019 - 1st - 3rd February 2019
Skovde Kommun, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
KozMOS 2019 - 1st - 3rd February 2019
BCC Party 2019 - 22nd - 24th February 2019
Land Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Instanssi 2019 - 28th February - 3rd March 2019
Jyvaskyla, Central Finland, Finland
Fjalldata 2019 - 1st - 3rd March 2019
Ostersunds Kommun, Jamtland, Sweden
Forever 2019 - 15th - 17th March 2019
Horna Suca, Nitriansky, Slovakia
Revision 2019 - 19th - 22nd April 2019
Regionalverband Saarbrucken, Saarland, Germany
JagNES Fest 2019 - 27th April - 4th May 2019
Mermet, Powiat starogardzki, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland
Moonshine Dragons 2019 - 17th - 19th May 2019
Wojewodztwo Opolskie, Opole Voivodeship, Poland
...more at: https://demozoo.org/parties/
m a g a z i n e
A new emag/newsletter will see in the future what is exactly :
released from apam! its called Splat! and you can get it at:
::s o f t w a r e::
g00r00 is back in developing mystic bbs and nuskooler is on fire
making updates for enigma 1/2... ahhh... thats the spirit... :
many new features and bug fixes...
i released xansiviewer, which is a quick and dirty, ansi viewer. i
built it mainly because in linux we dont have many almost none
ansi viewer apps. give it a try at http://github.com/xqtr/xansiviewer
not so great and for sure i will give it more work when i got the time,
but it does the job, for now.
::g r o u p s::
Phenom http://www.phenomprod.com/index.html keeps doing stuff.
great job! they are developing mods for various systems and also some
new door games. some snapshots of game screens are awesome!
i was busy the last months doing some bbs/scene stuff... so i made the
snippet project, which is a revive of the old SWAG project
swag.delphidabbler.com/. its a way to store and look offline for source code.
you can use the snippet project to store info and source code for various
things, like programming languages, scripts, raspberry pi solutions, linux tips
and even more. you can find it here: https://github.com/xqtr/snippet
the xbbslist is another project of mine. its a way for bbses to provide info
to users and also keep a 100 correct, list of available/live bbses. each bbs
sends a data packet, which is being collected from the main program and tracks
the bbs info. you can get it here: https://github.com/xqtr/xBBSList
it can be used with multiple networks. this way all bbses from various nets can
be listed.
at last, i made a rewrite i suppose of an idea originally g00r00 had and
implemented in netrunner. i made a crt unit, which uses sdl2 graphics. this way
we can build ansi/ascii related apps, without the need of a terminal that
supports the cp437 codepage, which is very rare lately.
::w w w::
have you seen these?
::r e t r o s t u f f::
portal for c64
PS classic hacked.
Wifi on a 1992 Apple Mac BBS fun Tech Nibble
Amiga 1500 Trash To Treasure
Make a modern modem with RPi to connect old computers to the Net
::i n t e r e s t i n g::
Hacking Competition in Zhengzhou China
Lets hack a BBS... sort of...
Amstrad CPC 6128 - RS-232 Communications
Amiga 500 on the Internet via Null Modem Cable and Raspberry Pi
Saturday Morning Cartoons Arent Gone, You Just Have to Know Where to Look
::p a r t i e s::
High Coast Hack 2019 Winter - 3rd - 6th January 2019
Harnosands Kommun, Vasternorrland, Sweden
MAGFest Demoparty 2019 - 3rd - 6th January 2019
National Harbor, Prince Georges County, Maryland, United States
DiHalt 2019 Lite - 4th - 6th January 2019
Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizjnij Novgorod, Russia
SynchroNY 2019 - 11th - 12th January 2019
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
ExCeSs Meeting 2019 - 18th - 20th January 2019
Landkreis Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany
Demobit 2019 - 1st - 3rd February 2019
Bratislavsky kraj, Bratislavsky, Slovakia
Gerp 2019 - 1st - 3rd February 2019
Skovde Kommun, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
KozMOS 2019 - 1st - 3rd February 2019
BCC Party 2019 - 22nd - 24th February 2019
Land Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Instanssi 2019 - 28th February - 3rd March 2019
Jyvaskyla, Central Finland, Finland
Fjalldata 2019 - 1st - 3rd March 2019
Ostersunds Kommun, Jamtland, Sweden
Forever 2019 - 15th - 17th March 2019
Horna Suca, Nitriansky, Slovakia
Revision 2019 - 19th - 22nd April 2019
Regionalverband Saarbrucken, Saarland, Germany
JagNES Fest 2019 - 27th April - 4th May 2019
Mermet, Powiat starogardzki, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland
Moonshine Dragons 2019 - 17th - 19th May 2019
Wojewodztwo Opolskie, Opole Voivodeship, Poland
...more at: https://demozoo.org/parties/
m a g a z i n e
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