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: H/Q Another Droid BBS - andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
Amiga emulator...
lets install fs-uae emulator for amiga!
first install these packages: fs-uae and fs-uae-launcher with...
sudo apt-get install fs-uae fs-uae-launcher
while downloading and installing the app, go grab some roms! yeah!
i found many of them at:
or whdload versions here:
here is a list of some of the best games on amiga!
1943 - The Battle of Midway
Aladdin AGA
Alien 3
Alien Breed - Tower Assault v1.1 OCS, AGA
Amazing Spider-Man, The and Captain America in Dr. Dooms Revenge!
Amazing Spider-Man, The En,Fr,De,Es,It
Another World
Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
Banshee En,Fr,De,Da AGA
Bards Tale II, The - The Destiny Knight
Bionic Commando
Bomb Jack
Bubble Bobble
Cannon Fodder 2
Cannon Fodder
Chaos Engine 2, The
Chaos Engine, The
Chase H.Q.
Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigation
Civilization v855e.01 AGA
Crazy Cars 3
Deluxe Strip Poker
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf
Deuteros - The Next Millennium v2.0
Double Dragon v2.16
Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone
Double Dragon II - The Revenge v4.01 OCS, ECS
Dyna Blaster
Elite v2.0
Final Fight Compilation - Super Fighter
Flashback 1993-04-22
Fury of the Furries En,Fr,De,Es,It
Golden Axe
Hunt for Red October, The
Ikari Warriors
Jungle Strike
Kick Off 2
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
Lost Vikings, The
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
Lotus III - The Ultimate Challenge
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2
Micro Machines
Nightbreed - The Action Game
Nitro Boost Challenge
Oh No! More Lemmings
Operation Wolf
OutRun Europa
Pinball Dreams
Pinball Fantasies
Pipe Mania
Prince of Persia
Protector Paradox
Rainbow Islands
Rick Dangerous
Sensible World of Soccer 96-97
Shadow of the Beast III
Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe
Strip Poker II+ Data Disk 1
Super Cars
Super Cars II
Syndicate En,Fr,It
UFO - Enemy Unknown
U.N. Squadron
Wacky Races
Wing Commander
Wipe Out
Wiz n Liz
more apps here:
after the install finishes, run: fs-uae-launcher
its time for customization of the program. click the left top icon and
make sure to enter the correct directories for rom files and bios files.
you have to get some bios/kickstart files or else you want be able to
boot the system.
so, go to settings file database and enter the correct paths. after that
press update file database for the program to find all files. make sure
that the bios/kickstart files are not inside archives/zip or else the
program may not find them. extract them to be sure.
in the first tab you should be able to choose the system you want to
emulate. an amiga 4000 is not always the best selection! if some
games/apps crash on an amiga 4000 try an amiga 500 or amiga 1200.
testing... is the key word! some games play with an a500, others with
a1200... other games need some expansion card etc. you should try to run
the game with an a500 as default and if you get problems then upgrade to
a higher system.
if you downloaded games that their files are .ipf and not .adf you need to
get the ipf plugin from the fs-uae site:
download the file and unzip the .so file under Documents/FS-UAE/Plugins
from the first tab of the uae-launcher, you can choose the virtual game
disks to load into the system. from what i know, because some games need
multiple disks, you cant execute them with the .zip file. if the game
has only one disk, you can point to the zip file and it will run. but if
the .zip contains multiple disk files, you have to extract them. i use
patool under linux, which will extract multiple zip files and also create
directories and put the extracted files in there, so every game has its
own directory and all is organized. games that have only one disk, will
be etracted in the same directory.
to load games with multiple disks, under the disk tab, use the multi-select
button and select all disk files. increase the number of drives if you need.
and its not all that! fs-uae and running amiga games is not so simple. i
didnt cover up about whdload games and registering to oagd.net and getting
profiles... watch the video below to learn about:
. - . . 8 888888 8
/ 8888888888
DoNt Be aNoTHeR DrOiD fOR tHe SySteM 88 8888 88
/: HaM RaDiO /: ANSi ARt! /: MySTiC MoDS /: DooRS 8888
/: NeWS /: WeATheR /: FiLEs /: SPooKNet 8888
/: GaMeS /: TeXtFiLeS /: PrEPardNeSS /: FsxNet 88
/: TuTors /: bOOkS/PdFs /: SuRVaViLiSM /: ArakNet 8 8 88888888888
888 8888888
TeLNeT : andr01d.zapto.org:9999 UTC 11:00 - 20:00 8 88888888888
SySoP : xqtr eMAiL: xqtr@gmx.com 8 8888..888
DoNaTe : https://paypal.me/xqtr 8 888888888
Amiga emulator...
lets install fs-uae emulator for amiga!
first install these packages: fs-uae and fs-uae-launcher with...
sudo apt-get install fs-uae fs-uae-launcher
while downloading and installing the app, go grab some roms! yeah!
i found many of them at:
or whdload versions here:
here is a list of some of the best games on amiga!
1943 - The Battle of Midway
Aladdin AGA
Alien 3
Alien Breed - Tower Assault v1.1 OCS, AGA
Amazing Spider-Man, The and Captain America in Dr. Dooms Revenge!
Amazing Spider-Man, The En,Fr,De,Es,It
Another World
Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
Banshee En,Fr,De,Da AGA
Bards Tale II, The - The Destiny Knight
Bionic Commando
Bomb Jack
Bubble Bobble
Cannon Fodder 2
Cannon Fodder
Chaos Engine 2, The
Chaos Engine, The
Chase H.Q.
Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigation
Civilization v855e.01 AGA
Crazy Cars 3
Deluxe Strip Poker
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf
Deuteros - The Next Millennium v2.0
Double Dragon v2.16
Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone
Double Dragon II - The Revenge v4.01 OCS, ECS
Dyna Blaster
Elite v2.0
Final Fight Compilation - Super Fighter
Flashback 1993-04-22
Fury of the Furries En,Fr,De,Es,It
Golden Axe
Hunt for Red October, The
Ikari Warriors
Jungle Strike
Kick Off 2
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
Lost Vikings, The
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
Lotus III - The Ultimate Challenge
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2
Micro Machines
Nightbreed - The Action Game
Nitro Boost Challenge
Oh No! More Lemmings
Operation Wolf
OutRun Europa
Pinball Dreams
Pinball Fantasies
Pipe Mania
Prince of Persia
Protector Paradox
Rainbow Islands
Rick Dangerous
Sensible World of Soccer 96-97
Shadow of the Beast III
Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe
Strip Poker II+ Data Disk 1
Super Cars
Super Cars II
Syndicate En,Fr,It
UFO - Enemy Unknown
U.N. Squadron
Wacky Races
Wing Commander
Wipe Out
Wiz n Liz
more apps here:
after the install finishes, run: fs-uae-launcher
its time for customization of the program. click the left top icon and
make sure to enter the correct directories for rom files and bios files.
you have to get some bios/kickstart files or else you want be able to
boot the system.
so, go to settings file database and enter the correct paths. after that
press update file database for the program to find all files. make sure
that the bios/kickstart files are not inside archives/zip or else the
program may not find them. extract them to be sure.
in the first tab you should be able to choose the system you want to
emulate. an amiga 4000 is not always the best selection! if some
games/apps crash on an amiga 4000 try an amiga 500 or amiga 1200.
testing... is the key word! some games play with an a500, others with
a1200... other games need some expansion card etc. you should try to run
the game with an a500 as default and if you get problems then upgrade to
a higher system.
if you downloaded games that their files are .ipf and not .adf you need to
get the ipf plugin from the fs-uae site:
download the file and unzip the .so file under Documents/FS-UAE/Plugins
from the first tab of the uae-launcher, you can choose the virtual game
disks to load into the system. from what i know, because some games need
multiple disks, you cant execute them with the .zip file. if the game
has only one disk, you can point to the zip file and it will run. but if
the .zip contains multiple disk files, you have to extract them. i use
patool under linux, which will extract multiple zip files and also create
directories and put the extracted files in there, so every game has its
own directory and all is organized. games that have only one disk, will
be etracted in the same directory.
to load games with multiple disks, under the disk tab, use the multi-select
button and select all disk files. increase the number of drives if you need.
and its not all that! fs-uae and running amiga games is not so simple. i
didnt cover up about whdload games and registering to oagd.net and getting
profiles... watch the video below to learn about:
. - . . 8 888888 8
/ 8888888888
DoNt Be aNoTHeR DrOiD fOR tHe SySteM 88 8888 88
/: HaM RaDiO /: ANSi ARt! /: MySTiC MoDS /: DooRS 8888
/: NeWS /: WeATheR /: FiLEs /: SPooKNet 8888
/: GaMeS /: TeXtFiLeS /: PrEPardNeSS /: FsxNet 88
/: TuTors /: bOOkS/PdFs /: SuRVaViLiSM /: ArakNet 8 8 88888888888
888 8888888
TeLNeT : andr01d.zapto.org:9999 UTC 11:00 - 20:00 8 88888888888
SySoP : xqtr eMAiL: xqtr@gmx.com 8 8888..888
DoNaTe : https://paypal.me/xqtr 8 888888888
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