this image contains text
n u l l m a g a z i n e
::d o w n l o a d::
you can download or view the magazine from:
another droid bbs / andr01d.zapto.org:9999
...or affiliate networks fsxnet, araknet, dorenet and more.
::c o n t a c t::
send comments, art, articles, angry messages at xqtr@gmx.com. i will ignore
everything except art and articles :p all complaints will be under great
consideration and disgarded it.
::t e a m::
.. xqtr
.. wanna join? send a msg and you are in... there are plenty of free positions
ggg ggg
eea,. ,, ,.
--- --- ---.oo ---.oo
aaaS a.a a.a
ggg , ggg .o
,,eee aaa aaa,,,a ,oP ggggggee,. ,,aaa ,,aaa
--- ggg --- --o - - --- ---
--- ggg--- --- - - --- 4
a.a aaaS aaaS .. .SP
::d o w n l o a d::
you can download or view the magazine from:
another droid bbs / andr01d.zapto.org:9999
...or affiliate networks fsxnet, araknet, dorenet and more.
::c o n t a c t::
send comments, art, articles, angry messages at xqtr@gmx.com. i will ignore
everything except art and articles :p all complaints will be under great
consideration and disgarded it.
::t e a m::
.. xqtr
.. wanna join? send a msg and you are in... there are plenty of free positions
ggg ggg
eea,. ,, ,.
--- --- ---.oo ---.oo
aaaS a.a a.a
ggg , ggg .o
,,eee aaa aaa,,,a ,oP ggggggee,. ,,aaa ,,aaa
--- ggg --- --o - - --- ---
--- ggg--- --- - - --- 4
a.a aaaS aaaS .. .SP
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