this image contains text
ggg ggg
eea,. .o, ,.
--- --- ---.oo ---.oo
aaaS a.a a.a
m a g a z i n e
n e w s a r t i c l e s a r t
t u t o r s m o d m u s i c
a n s i v e r s i o n l 3 2
r p i v e r s i o n a s c i i
s u d o d o w n l o a d n o w
::e x e c u t e::
instructions for running a binary file? :? what weve become... anyway... run
it in a linux terminal like this:
the executable supports the following switches:
--help : a help screen... no shit...
--silent : this will bypass the whole sound/music system, in case
you are getting a Init Failed message and/or crash.
::m u s i c / s o u n d p r o b l e m s::
null uses the bassmod library for playing mod files. because its old it
needs a /dev/dsp device to play the music. in newer systems this is not
present, so you will get no sound or even the program will crash. you have
two options. the first is to execute the program with the --silent switch or
install a package to your system to create/emulate a /dev/dsp device. in
a debian system like ubuntu, give this:
sudo apt-get install osspd-alsa
and reboot your system. to check, give:
ls /dev/dsp*
and if you see the dsp device, then its ok. run the diskmag as normal and
hear the devine music that has :
::d o w n l o a d::
you can download or view the magazine from:
another droid bbs / andr01d.zapto.org:9999
...or affiliate networks fsxnet, araknet, dorenet and more.
::c o n t a c t::
send comments, art, articles, angry messages at xqtr@gmx.com. i will ignore
everything except art and articles :p all complaints will be under great
consideration and disgarded.
::t e a m::
.. xqtr
.. smooth
.. wanna join? send a msg and you are in... there are plenty of free positions
ggg ggg
eea,. ,, ,.
--- --- ---.oo ---.oo
aaaS a.a a.a
ggg , ggg .o
,,eee aaa aaa,,,a ,oP ggggggee,. ,,aaa ,,aaa
--- ggg --- --o - - --- ---
--- ggg--- --- - - --- 4
a.a aaaS aaaS .. .SP
eea,. .o, ,.
--- --- ---.oo ---.oo
aaaS a.a a.a
m a g a z i n e
n e w s a r t i c l e s a r t
t u t o r s m o d m u s i c
a n s i v e r s i o n l 3 2
r p i v e r s i o n a s c i i
s u d o d o w n l o a d n o w
::e x e c u t e::
instructions for running a binary file? :? what weve become... anyway... run
it in a linux terminal like this:
the executable supports the following switches:
--help : a help screen... no shit...
--silent : this will bypass the whole sound/music system, in case
you are getting a Init Failed message and/or crash.
::m u s i c / s o u n d p r o b l e m s::
null uses the bassmod library for playing mod files. because its old it
needs a /dev/dsp device to play the music. in newer systems this is not
present, so you will get no sound or even the program will crash. you have
two options. the first is to execute the program with the --silent switch or
install a package to your system to create/emulate a /dev/dsp device. in
a debian system like ubuntu, give this:
sudo apt-get install osspd-alsa
and reboot your system. to check, give:
ls /dev/dsp*
and if you see the dsp device, then its ok. run the diskmag as normal and
hear the devine music that has :
::d o w n l o a d::
you can download or view the magazine from:
another droid bbs / andr01d.zapto.org:9999
...or affiliate networks fsxnet, araknet, dorenet and more.
::c o n t a c t::
send comments, art, articles, angry messages at xqtr@gmx.com. i will ignore
everything except art and articles :p all complaints will be under great
consideration and disgarded.
::t e a m::
.. xqtr
.. smooth
.. wanna join? send a msg and you are in... there are plenty of free positions
ggg ggg
eea,. ,, ,.
--- --- ---.oo ---.oo
aaaS a.a a.a
ggg , ggg .o
,,eee aaa aaa,,,a ,oP ggggggee,. ,,aaa ,,aaa
--- ggg --- --o - - --- ---
--- ggg--- --- - - --- 4
a.a aaaS aaaS .. .SP
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