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StockServ v3.0 Beta Build 008 by nobody - Da Old Shit built 25-2-97
Da Old Shit.
run by NS from EVERYWHERE.
I was designed to bring back the best of old warez. keeping in mind the
new groups today bring back the memories of yesterday. Groups like Dead
Pirates Society and OldWarez, Inc. are what keep me going.
Thanks to the oldwarez crew for getting me going. I really appreciate
it. The more files I get, the more I can offer. :
If there are any other OLDWAREZ groups that I am missing, please /MSG NS
on EFnet IRC to see about getting them added.
BTW, Please try not to take more than 2 slots at a time, if you disregard
this rule you may find yourself banned from using OldShit!
+- get the index: **NEW!** /msg OldShit index this bypasses the queue
+-- to search : /msg OldShit search: simpsons
+--- to leech : /msg OldShit XDCC SEND xxx
+---- to add : dcc send a file to NS, and tell him what it is.
FTP Browser 1.55 433k
InterStream MPEG Player171k
CmdHere 1.01 70k
Process Commander 1353k
WaveSynth Upgrade 7158k For OEM Creative Labs cards only!
Spy vs Spy 53k
Toobin 176k
Space Quest I 350k
Super Jeopardy 443k
Outrun 253k
--- -- - 8088 State - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
2 2400 AD 126k
3 Ace of Aces 74k
4 All Points Bulliten 111k
5 Altered Beast 578k
6 Alternate Reality 240k
7 Arctic Fox 81k
8 Arkanoid 1 85k
9 Armor Alley 287k
10 Autoduel 231k
11 Bards Tale 1 508k
12 Bards Tale 2 502k
13 Bards Tale 3 833k
14 Beetlejuice 159k
15 Capone 238k
16 Carrier Command 159k
17 Castle Adventure 42k
18 Castlevania 332k
19 Colonels bequest 2550k
20 Command HQ 251k
21 Commando 44k
22 Creepers 854k
23 Crime and Punishment 21k
24 D/Generation 983k
25 Das Boot 421k
26 Defender of the Crown 187k
27 Deja Vu 2 460k
28 Dungeon Master 874k
29 Elite Plus 244k
30 Elite 53k
31 Eye of the Beholder II 1924k
32 Flashback 1437k
33 Hard Hat Mack 21k
34 Hyperspeed 1767k
35 Ironmans Super Off-Roa295k
36 Jordan vs Bird 280k
37 Jumpman Lives! 126k
38 Keef the Thief 850k
39 Kingd Bounty 677k
40 LHX Attack Chopper 487k
41 Lamers 236k
42 Last Ninja 2 319k
43 Leather Goddesses of Ph135k
44 Loom 1202k
45 Low Blow 711k
46 MS Flight Simulator v2.202k
47 Manhunter: New York 503k
48 Manhunter: San Francisc1440k
49 Maniac Mansion 198k
50 Marble Madness 213k
51 Metal Gear 241k
52 Might Magic 1 247k
53 Might Magic 2 547k
54 Moebius 260k
55 Monty Pythons Flying Ci198k
56 Neuromancer 629k
57 Nightmare on Elm Street318k
58 Nuclear War 556k
59 Outrun 258k
60 Phantasie One 193k
61 Phantasie Three 175k
62 Pole Position I 75k
63 Populous 389k
64 Prince of Persia 1 350k
65 Rampart 898k
66 Rastan 1227k
67 Realms 315k
68 Return of Medusa 614k
69 Rogue 57k
70 Shadowgate 398k
71 Shinobi 244k
72 Sinbad 622k
73 Soko-Ban 115k
74 Star Control II 4317k
75 Star Control 568k
76 Sub Battle Simulator 90k
77 Tass Times in Toontown 254k
78 Telenguard 85k
79 Test Drive III 809k
80 The Amazing Spiderman 114k
81 The Dark Heart of Uukru437k
82 The Jetsons 108k
83 The Three Stooges 574k
84 Times of Lore 268k
85 Tongue of the Fatman 578k
86 Toobin 145k
87 Tower Toppler 51k
88 Tunnels of Armageddon 278k
89 Ultima IV 342k
90 Ultima V 688k
91 Up Periscope! 96k
92 Vette! 437k
93 WWF Wrestling 570k
94 War of the Lance 191k
95 Wind Walker 529k
96 Wizards Crown 140k
97 Wizball 84k
98 X-mas Lemmings 201k
99 Zany Golf 410k
--- -- - Dead Pirates Society - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
100 3D Pitfall 104k
101 3D World Boxing 373k
102 4D Boxing 517k
103 Airborne Ranger 284k
104 Alteared Beast 555k
105 Arkanoid 1 84k
106 Autoduel 242k
107 Bubble Bobble 351k
108 Circuits Edge 602k
109 Coaster 912k
110 Dead Pirates Society Ap32k
111 Deja Vu 2 462k
112 Escape From Hell 374k
113 Lemmings 1 644k
114 Railroad Tycoon 744k
115 Rampage 125k
116 Rockstar 207k
117 The Simpsons 1037k
--- -- - Knife - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
118 Budokan 703k
119 The Simpsons 1052k
--- -- - OS/2 Files - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
120 CmdHere 1.01 70k
121 FTP Browser 1.55 433k
122 InterStream MPEG Player171k
123 Process Commander 1353k
--- -- - Unknown Files - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
124 Commodore 64 Emu? 862k
125 Conflict? 127k
126 Gauntlet II 266k
127 Mission: Impossible 214k
128 Spy vs Spy 53k
129 WaveSynth Upgrade 7158k For OEM Creative Labs cards only!
--- -- - OldWarez, Inc. - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
130 10th Frame Bowling 2 31k
131 Blades of Steel 354k
132 Die Hard 532k
133 Ironmans Super Off-Roa292k
134 Jetsons 139k
135 Mega Man 189k
136 Outrun 253k
137 Risk 448k
138 Space Quest I 350k
139 Super Jeopardy 443k
140 Toobin 176k
. StockServ v3.0 by nobody .
. Have a nice day! .
StockServ v3.0 Beta Build 008 by nobody - Da Old Shit built 25-2-97
Da Old Shit.
run by NS from EVERYWHERE.
I was designed to bring back the best of old warez. keeping in mind the
new groups today bring back the memories of yesterday. Groups like Dead
Pirates Society and OldWarez, Inc. are what keep me going.
Thanks to the oldwarez crew for getting me going. I really appreciate
it. The more files I get, the more I can offer. :
If there are any other OLDWAREZ groups that I am missing, please /MSG NS
on EFnet IRC to see about getting them added.
BTW, Please try not to take more than 2 slots at a time, if you disregard
this rule you may find yourself banned from using OldShit!
+- get the index: **NEW!** /msg OldShit index this bypasses the queue
+-- to search : /msg OldShit search: simpsons
+--- to leech : /msg OldShit XDCC SEND xxx
+---- to add : dcc send a file to NS, and tell him what it is.
FTP Browser 1.55 433k
InterStream MPEG Player171k
CmdHere 1.01 70k
Process Commander 1353k
WaveSynth Upgrade 7158k For OEM Creative Labs cards only!
Spy vs Spy 53k
Toobin 176k
Space Quest I 350k
Super Jeopardy 443k
Outrun 253k
--- -- - 8088 State - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
2 2400 AD 126k
3 Ace of Aces 74k
4 All Points Bulliten 111k
5 Altered Beast 578k
6 Alternate Reality 240k
7 Arctic Fox 81k
8 Arkanoid 1 85k
9 Armor Alley 287k
10 Autoduel 231k
11 Bards Tale 1 508k
12 Bards Tale 2 502k
13 Bards Tale 3 833k
14 Beetlejuice 159k
15 Capone 238k
16 Carrier Command 159k
17 Castle Adventure 42k
18 Castlevania 332k
19 Colonels bequest 2550k
20 Command HQ 251k
21 Commando 44k
22 Creepers 854k
23 Crime and Punishment 21k
24 D/Generation 983k
25 Das Boot 421k
26 Defender of the Crown 187k
27 Deja Vu 2 460k
28 Dungeon Master 874k
29 Elite Plus 244k
30 Elite 53k
31 Eye of the Beholder II 1924k
32 Flashback 1437k
33 Hard Hat Mack 21k
34 Hyperspeed 1767k
35 Ironmans Super Off-Roa295k
36 Jordan vs Bird 280k
37 Jumpman Lives! 126k
38 Keef the Thief 850k
39 Kingd Bounty 677k
40 LHX Attack Chopper 487k
41 Lamers 236k
42 Last Ninja 2 319k
43 Leather Goddesses of Ph135k
44 Loom 1202k
45 Low Blow 711k
46 MS Flight Simulator v2.202k
47 Manhunter: New York 503k
48 Manhunter: San Francisc1440k
49 Maniac Mansion 198k
50 Marble Madness 213k
51 Metal Gear 241k
52 Might Magic 1 247k
53 Might Magic 2 547k
54 Moebius 260k
55 Monty Pythons Flying Ci198k
56 Neuromancer 629k
57 Nightmare on Elm Street318k
58 Nuclear War 556k
59 Outrun 258k
60 Phantasie One 193k
61 Phantasie Three 175k
62 Pole Position I 75k
63 Populous 389k
64 Prince of Persia 1 350k
65 Rampart 898k
66 Rastan 1227k
67 Realms 315k
68 Return of Medusa 614k
69 Rogue 57k
70 Shadowgate 398k
71 Shinobi 244k
72 Sinbad 622k
73 Soko-Ban 115k
74 Star Control II 4317k
75 Star Control 568k
76 Sub Battle Simulator 90k
77 Tass Times in Toontown 254k
78 Telenguard 85k
79 Test Drive III 809k
80 The Amazing Spiderman 114k
81 The Dark Heart of Uukru437k
82 The Jetsons 108k
83 The Three Stooges 574k
84 Times of Lore 268k
85 Tongue of the Fatman 578k
86 Toobin 145k
87 Tower Toppler 51k
88 Tunnels of Armageddon 278k
89 Ultima IV 342k
90 Ultima V 688k
91 Up Periscope! 96k
92 Vette! 437k
93 WWF Wrestling 570k
94 War of the Lance 191k
95 Wind Walker 529k
96 Wizards Crown 140k
97 Wizball 84k
98 X-mas Lemmings 201k
99 Zany Golf 410k
--- -- - Dead Pirates Society - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
100 3D Pitfall 104k
101 3D World Boxing 373k
102 4D Boxing 517k
103 Airborne Ranger 284k
104 Alteared Beast 555k
105 Arkanoid 1 84k
106 Autoduel 242k
107 Bubble Bobble 351k
108 Circuits Edge 602k
109 Coaster 912k
110 Dead Pirates Society Ap32k
111 Deja Vu 2 462k
112 Escape From Hell 374k
113 Lemmings 1 644k
114 Railroad Tycoon 744k
115 Rampage 125k
116 Rockstar 207k
117 The Simpsons 1037k
--- -- - Knife - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
118 Budokan 703k
119 The Simpsons 1052k
--- -- - OS/2 Files - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
120 CmdHere 1.01 70k
121 FTP Browser 1.55 433k
122 InterStream MPEG Player171k
123 Process Commander 1353k
--- -- - Unknown Files - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
124 Commodore 64 Emu? 862k
125 Conflict? 127k
126 Gauntlet II 266k
127 Mission: Impossible 214k
128 Spy vs Spy 53k
129 WaveSynth Upgrade 7158k For OEM Creative Labs cards only!
--- -- - OldWarez, Inc. - -- ---
:::: Title ::::::::::: Size :::: Description::::::::::::::::::::::::::
130 10th Frame Bowling 2 31k
131 Blades of Steel 354k
132 Die Hard 532k
133 Ironmans Super Off-Roa292k
134 Jetsons 139k
135 Mega Man 189k
136 Outrun 253k
137 Risk 448k
138 Space Quest I 350k
139 Super Jeopardy 443k
140 Toobin 176k
. StockServ v3.0 by nobody .
. Have a nice day! .
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