this image contains text
.. Intro ..
Network 97 is a planned competition for the text-based art scene. Please
take the time to read this info file. I really hope to make this a big event,
and that can only happen with YOUR participation.
Im Dieznyik, the organizer for this particular thing. This is not a throwaway
idea that wont materialize in a few months. Im making a commitment, and all
I ask is that you read this info file and throw in a submission or two.
If you have any questions, just write me.
.. History of Compos ..
This is the history of the compo as I know it. Perhaps people have done this
kind of thing before, and surely in some form on local BBSes.
Some time in 1996, Fractal thought up the entire compo thing. He held an
ascii compo which later became known as Infra. I got in on the deal and
created Nectar. Other well-done compos were held in the next few weeks.
Unfortunatly, the entire concept of a compo took a nose-dive when enterprising
individuals took it upon themselves to pervert compos into nothing more than
an ansi grabbing scheme.
Network 97 is an attempt to create a well-organized LARGE competition for
1997. Personally, I have doubts about the scenes future, and would really
like to see one event in my lifetime in the scene that really brings everyone
together. Awards 96, run by Fractal, was really quite close in terms of a
bigtime event, but unfortunatly, the immaturity of many scene individuals
caused Awards 96 to not be so fun fun happy. Well, just as I have followed in
Fractals footsteps in the past, I intend to do so now.
What I really hope for is a submissions from every nobody, every somebody, and
every has-been thats in the art scene. There are no rules on what you have to
draw for, no rules on who you have to give it to. All you have to do is send
an entry into one or both of the categories. Thats IT.
I hope people find this to be a motivationary force, leading them to create the
best work of their scene career. Spend some time on whatever you submit, please.Make this event memorable.
And of course, go ahead and release it in whatever form you wish, anywhere you
like. Duh. Basically, all youre doing is pointing to some recent work of yours,and saying thats the one I feel best represents me. Of course, its preferable
that you sit down and start from scratch with the idea that whatever piece you
are creating will be the pinnacle of your career, but hey, thats not necessary.
As long as its relatively recent, Im happy.
So hey, just send something over, from now until the submission deadline on
April 11th. And at the very least, thanks for considering.
Send your submission to:
IRC: Dieznyik
Email: erasmus2@hotmail.com
netzach@idirect.com preferable
.. Categories ..
Text-mode graphics ONLY.
Pictures - No restrictions. Short or long, whatever you feel best captures
whatever youre drawing.
Logos - No restrictions. Go nuts.
Let us know about any viewing recommendations. 80x25, 80x50, etc. We will
not grade your piece on its VGA appearance.
Only one submission per category.
We will nuke any joke submissions.
.. Judging ..
Judging will take place from April 11th to April 18th.
Im gonna make my best attempt to recruit judges from a variety of backgrounds,
whether its Old School, New School, Ascii, Music, and prolly some traditional
Artists and such.
Judges will be asked to grade each entered piece and to provide a small comment
if they so desire.
If youd like to be a judge, leave me a short message or talk to me on the IRC.
Id like to know your history credentials, if I dont know, and if its
Judges can enter. We got enough so that one missing mark wont make much of
a difference.
I am aiming for a total of 25 judges, and owing to the fact that a bunch are
most likely gonna wimp out by April, this is prolly a good number.
Again, my info:
IRC: Dieznyik
Email: erasmus2@hotmail.com preferable for comments and messages
netzach@idirect.com preferable for submission attachments
.. Grading ..
Submissions will be graded on the following scale by the selected panel of
judges. Each aspect will be graded out of one hundred 100.
The technical aspect of a piece is the vehicle for the aesthetic sense. The
message of a piece cannot be recieved without good technical skills, just the
same way you cant take a good picture with a dirty lens.
Shapes - Quality of shaping. Are the shapes innovative?
Shades - Quality of shading. Does the piece flow? Does the shading capture the
best aspect of the object being shaded? Is the light source correctly
Creativity - The innovation put into the creation. Is there a message?
Originality - How original the piece is. Is the piece fresh? Have you seen this
kind of stuff before? Is the piece inspirational?
Overall Impression - The impression the piece makes. Does every aspect of the
piece fit together? Is it large enough to convey all the
elements without scrunching them down? Does it make your
heart skip a beat?
The total will be out of 500.
Results from the judges will be averaged, or maybe totalled. Whatever is neat.
.. Timeline ..
February - Release of the initial infofile.
April 11th - Final date for Submissions and Judge selection. Judging begins.
April 18th - Final date for judging.
April 19th - Release of the final archive. Probably in network97 on the IRC,
but that will be subject to change.
.. Contact Info .. again
IRC: Dieznyik
Email: erasmus2@hotmail.com preferable for comments and messages
netzach@idirect.com preferable for submission attachments
.. Outro ..
Well, thanks for at least reading all this. Remember, it takes almost no time
out of your schedule, and is potentially very rewarding. Please help make this
a monumental art scene event. Its too bad I cant rent a building, get a bunch
of old keyboards to throw around, and all that, but hey, we work with what we
got. I hope itll be good.
- Dieznyik
Network 97 is a planned competition for the text-based art scene. Please
take the time to read this info file. I really hope to make this a big event,
and that can only happen with YOUR participation.
Im Dieznyik, the organizer for this particular thing. This is not a throwaway
idea that wont materialize in a few months. Im making a commitment, and all
I ask is that you read this info file and throw in a submission or two.
If you have any questions, just write me.
.. History of Compos ..
This is the history of the compo as I know it. Perhaps people have done this
kind of thing before, and surely in some form on local BBSes.
Some time in 1996, Fractal thought up the entire compo thing. He held an
ascii compo which later became known as Infra. I got in on the deal and
created Nectar. Other well-done compos were held in the next few weeks.
Unfortunatly, the entire concept of a compo took a nose-dive when enterprising
individuals took it upon themselves to pervert compos into nothing more than
an ansi grabbing scheme.
Network 97 is an attempt to create a well-organized LARGE competition for
1997. Personally, I have doubts about the scenes future, and would really
like to see one event in my lifetime in the scene that really brings everyone
together. Awards 96, run by Fractal, was really quite close in terms of a
bigtime event, but unfortunatly, the immaturity of many scene individuals
caused Awards 96 to not be so fun fun happy. Well, just as I have followed in
Fractals footsteps in the past, I intend to do so now.
What I really hope for is a submissions from every nobody, every somebody, and
every has-been thats in the art scene. There are no rules on what you have to
draw for, no rules on who you have to give it to. All you have to do is send
an entry into one or both of the categories. Thats IT.
I hope people find this to be a motivationary force, leading them to create the
best work of their scene career. Spend some time on whatever you submit, please.Make this event memorable.
And of course, go ahead and release it in whatever form you wish, anywhere you
like. Duh. Basically, all youre doing is pointing to some recent work of yours,and saying thats the one I feel best represents me. Of course, its preferable
that you sit down and start from scratch with the idea that whatever piece you
are creating will be the pinnacle of your career, but hey, thats not necessary.
As long as its relatively recent, Im happy.
So hey, just send something over, from now until the submission deadline on
April 11th. And at the very least, thanks for considering.
Send your submission to:
IRC: Dieznyik
Email: erasmus2@hotmail.com
netzach@idirect.com preferable
.. Categories ..
Text-mode graphics ONLY.
Pictures - No restrictions. Short or long, whatever you feel best captures
whatever youre drawing.
Logos - No restrictions. Go nuts.
Let us know about any viewing recommendations. 80x25, 80x50, etc. We will
not grade your piece on its VGA appearance.
Only one submission per category.
We will nuke any joke submissions.
.. Judging ..
Judging will take place from April 11th to April 18th.
Im gonna make my best attempt to recruit judges from a variety of backgrounds,
whether its Old School, New School, Ascii, Music, and prolly some traditional
Artists and such.
Judges will be asked to grade each entered piece and to provide a small comment
if they so desire.
If youd like to be a judge, leave me a short message or talk to me on the IRC.
Id like to know your history credentials, if I dont know, and if its
Judges can enter. We got enough so that one missing mark wont make much of
a difference.
I am aiming for a total of 25 judges, and owing to the fact that a bunch are
most likely gonna wimp out by April, this is prolly a good number.
Again, my info:
IRC: Dieznyik
Email: erasmus2@hotmail.com preferable for comments and messages
netzach@idirect.com preferable for submission attachments
.. Grading ..
Submissions will be graded on the following scale by the selected panel of
judges. Each aspect will be graded out of one hundred 100.
The technical aspect of a piece is the vehicle for the aesthetic sense. The
message of a piece cannot be recieved without good technical skills, just the
same way you cant take a good picture with a dirty lens.
Shapes - Quality of shaping. Are the shapes innovative?
Shades - Quality of shading. Does the piece flow? Does the shading capture the
best aspect of the object being shaded? Is the light source correctly
Creativity - The innovation put into the creation. Is there a message?
Originality - How original the piece is. Is the piece fresh? Have you seen this
kind of stuff before? Is the piece inspirational?
Overall Impression - The impression the piece makes. Does every aspect of the
piece fit together? Is it large enough to convey all the
elements without scrunching them down? Does it make your
heart skip a beat?
The total will be out of 500.
Results from the judges will be averaged, or maybe totalled. Whatever is neat.
.. Timeline ..
February - Release of the initial infofile.
April 11th - Final date for Submissions and Judge selection. Judging begins.
April 18th - Final date for judging.
April 19th - Release of the final archive. Probably in network97 on the IRC,
but that will be subject to change.
.. Contact Info .. again
IRC: Dieznyik
Email: erasmus2@hotmail.com preferable for comments and messages
netzach@idirect.com preferable for submission attachments
.. Outro ..
Well, thanks for at least reading all this. Remember, it takes almost no time
out of your schedule, and is potentially very rewarding. Please help make this
a monumental art scene event. Its too bad I cant rent a building, get a bunch
of old keyboards to throw around, and all that, but hey, we work with what we
got. I hope itll be good.
- Dieznyik
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