this image contains text
. p r e s e n t s .
Imphobia Issue 12
- Keeping you informed -
Released at The Summer Party 96
The files included in IMPHOB12.ZIP should be as follows:
imphob12.exe Run this one to load the mag.
data .001 Data file
data .002 Data file
data .003 Data file
data .004 Data file
nfo12 .dat Data file
fileid .diz File description for bbss
imphobia.nfo This .nfo file
imphobia.frm Voting form for Imphobia 13
imp12ex.zip Example files
Organising, Main EditorDarkness
CodingThe Wizard
Graphics DesignP.L.
Soundblaster RoutinesThe Wizard Numerus
GUS ReplayRobban/Cda
Additional GUS Replay CodeThe Wizard
Cover PictureP.L.
Background Tune 1Shad/Pulse Live
Background Tune 2Clawz/Oxygene
Background Tune 3Dune/Orange
Background Tune 4Void/Reality
Original Nfofile logoZed
Original Fileid.dizBeastie/ACiD
You can contact us by mail: Darkness/Imphobia
Jeff Van Audenhove
118 Av. Du Roi Soldat
1070 Bruxelles
or by phone only weekend: +32-02-5240648
Ask for Jeff - Darkness
or by Data/IMPHOBIA WHQ: GENESiS bbs
+32-02-2453498 6 Nodes Rinddown v34+
+32-02-2481420 2 ISDN Nodes 64000/x75
Log in GENESiS using as handle : IMPHOBIA
as password: IMPHOBIA
to enter the special Imphobia conference.
Note: Genesis bbs is curently temporaly down due to a hardware problem
but it will be back online in the very near future.
or by internet E-Mail Jeff Van Audenhove Darkness/Imphobia
This material is *not* freeware. You are allowed to copy it
without restrictions for non-commercial use. No payment of any
kind may be charged for this product or any combination of
products or services including this product without our
authorization and officially written license. Commercial use,
especially the industrial manufacturing on *any* data storage
media which includes cdroms and their distribution without our
expressed permission is *strictly* prohibited. This program or the
data files contained therein may not be altered or modified
without our written permission. You take full responsibility for
the operation of this software and *any* consequences thereof. We,
the creators, can not accept liability for damages or failures
arising from the use of this software.
Current Releases
I m p h o b i a R e l e a s e s
Noname Intro Intro ??. ??? 91 Noname .zip 19k
Imphobia 1 Diskmag 23. Feb 92 Imphob1.zip 142k
Imphobia 2 Diskmag 18. Apr 92 Imphob2.zip 227k
Imphobia 3 Diskmag 29. Jul 92 Imphob3.zip 307k
X-Mas Mix Module MOD 23. Dec 92 Impmix .zip 228k
Imphobia 4 Diskmag 28. Dec 92 Imphob4.zip 376k
Imphobia 5 Diskmag 03. Apr 93 Imphob5.zip 556K
Far From Earth Module MOD 05. Jul 93 Impfar .zip 214k
Imphobia 6 Diskmag 22. Aug 93 Imphob6.zip 466k
Imp6 -Bugfix- Bugfix 25. Aug 93 Imph6fix.zip 17k
Imphobia 7 Diskmag 29. Dec 93 Imphob7.zip 989k
Strawbery Gfx 31. Dec 93 Strawbry.zip 24k
IC Wall Animation 27. May 94 ICwall .zip 277k
Imphobia 8 Diskmag 14. Oct 94 Imphob8.zip 1139k
Imp8 -Bugfix- Bugfix 30. Oct 94 Imp8fix .zip 77k
Ambiance Module MOD 30. Oct 94 ICambia.zip 69k
Infomaniak Demonstration 06. Nov 94 -Commercial- 650k
Imphobia 9 Diskmag 11. Feb 95 Imphob9.zip 1442k
NHP WMs Mods 1 Modules 03. Mar 95 Wmmods1.zip 1264K
NHP WMs Mods 2 Modules 03. Mar 95 Wmmods2.zip 705K
Genesis Ads Intro 19. Mar 95 Impgen!.zip 54k
Cant f. the Funk Module S3M 30. Apr 95 Impcfunk.zip 579k
Imphobia 10 Diskmag 13. Jun 95 Imphob10.zip 1451k
Genesis Ambience Intro 20. Jul 95 Impgena.zip 27k
Wolfs Asm95 pic Gfx 15. Aug 95 Impwolf.zip 78k
Wired95 invit. Invtro 08. Oct 95 Impwir95.zip 375k
Imphobia 11 Diskmag 24. Dec 95 Imphob11.zip 1226k
Cyborg Gfx 31. Mar 96 Impcybor.zip 82k
Cybowoman Gfx 07. Mar 96 Impwoman.zip 33k
Imphobia 12 Diskmag 12. Jul 96 Imphob12.zip 1388k
no order
Impact Studios, Zuul Design, Acme, Speed, Legend Design,
Surprise! Productions, Cascada, Infiny, Psychosquads, Tfa,
Triton, Majic 12, Doomsday Productions, Dust, Witan, Nooon,
Gollum, CodeBlasters, Hemoroids, Admire, Hornet, Extreme,
Xography, Tran, Anarchy, Bonzai, Sorcerers, Complex, Skull,
DCE, Orange, Black Design, Frontline Design, Purge, Sonic,
Twilight Zone, Avalanche, Yodel, Subnormals, EMF, Silents,
Renaissance, New Age, Inertia, Extreme, Grif, Absolute! Pc,
The Black Rain, @, Titanic,TET, ACiD,iCE, KLF,KFMF, Iguana,
Cybernetic Dreams, Flash Prod., Mental Design, Nostalgia,
Prime, Logic Design, Epical, Hypnosis, Scoopex, Isch Crew,
Sirius Cyb., Crypton, Capacala, Core, Exalt, Arkham, Deus,
Diffusion, Distorsion, TFL-TDV, Hypernova, The Natives,
React, pa, Future Crew, Virtual Visions, Antares, Phantom
Design, Adrar Design, X-Ess, Pure, Valhalla, Live, Amable,
Proxima, Inferiors, Realm, Hirmu, Domi*nation, Fascination,
Neutron, Massive, Pure Resistance, Reality, Cosmopoliz,
SuccesS, Tlotb, Purple, Weird Magic, Amable, Pulse.
Darkness personal greetings are going to : Walken, Sigfrid Claws
Impact Studios, Pfusuus Ron Psd, Zodiak Cda, Erik, Thomas,
Reebok, Unreal, Chicken Silent Mode Surprise! Production, Hell-
raiser, Robban Mirage Cascada Vr, Kroc, LCA Gandalf Infiny,
Alex, Bart Jendrik Witan, Zeb Zuul DesING, Aap, Vic Laser-
dance Acme, Shadowman Codeblasters, The Rew NTG, Nothingface
Samsman Ground Zero , Patte Stephan Xography , Black Label,
Double C, DGM the other coder Hemoroids, Brian legend design,
Access Csurfer Antares Lets make an even better party together
next year!, Stone Tyrone Dust, Kapsu Epical, Leviathan, MPS
Extreme, Ohara, Doom, Fear @, Zebig Speed, Ukko, Syntax Error
Tikal, Zeb, Jobbo,... Zuul DesINg!, Loot Triton, The Hit Man,
Holy Water, Tasmaniac, Sharp Hannibal Lecter ACiD, The Bogeyman
Twilight Zone, Daredevil, Ryan Cramer CCCatch RNS, Ghor Isch
Crew, Snowman Dan Wright Hornet, CP, Barti Karl Nooon,
John Smith Advanced Gravis, Felix React, Spinal, Slash, Moebius
Subnormals, Dush React, Jcab, Jare and Captain Bit Iguana,
Rd-d Purge, Faramir , Cyberdancer Phantom Design , MacGarret
Madflight Genesis bbs, Killer Pc Distortion, Tone Doc. Bobo
Cybernetic Dreams, Scorpio Sorcerers, Royal T.E.T., Ruskin
Runaway Train The Cellar, Mike Phillips, Sida, D.D.T Accession,
Pallbearer ToxicZombies, Disperin Admire, Taskmaster Gollum,
Sleeping Dog The Natives, Mr.Logic Weird Magic, Mikee X-Ess,
Alexel Dst, Bismark, Type One Fred Tfl/Tdv, Calvin Proxima,
Zeejay Domi*Nation, Dennis Courtis, Necros Legend Design, Nix
Contagion Massive, Doc. Bobo, Fortune Fascination, Pyromaniac
Pure Resistance, Distance Orange, Rogue Reality, Latch Zero
Cosmopoliz, Fingertip Positron, Amber Neutron, Tim SuccesS,
all the Imphobia sysops worldwide,all the users at GENESiS BBS, all
my friends on IRCcoders when available, all diskmags editors and
all others I might have forgotten and of course greetings to *YOU*.
.Thanks you all for contributing in the making of a better scene.
Note that this list is NOT be up-to-date..
So for the people I might have missed: You know who you are.
P.L. personal greetings are going to.....: Zebig/Speed, Sigfrid
Walken/Impact Studios, Ukko/Zuul Desing, Kroc, Zeb Barti/Infiny,
Felix/React, Aap/Acme, MacGarret Madflight/Genesis, Zodiak/Cda,
Pfusuus/Psychosquad and a big hello to all other good pc gfx
artists : Rack Majic12, Peachy Fade One Masque, Maestro
J.O.E. Surprise! Productions, Tyrone Dust, Nik E.M.F., Suny
Speed Impact Studios, OHara @, Alex Movement...
The Wizards Personal greetings: Scorpio, Ghost Yahn, Magic Fred,
Blaze Runner, Bismarck DistObsolete!, Type One, Walken, Zodiak,
all cool boyz on IRC, Missel. To all of you who think that Internet
is now the target of human debility and must be defended.
Numerus personal greetings: Karl, Barti Nooon, Zodiak Cascada!,
Vogue Triton, Chicken Reebok S!P, Pfusuus Psd, Stone Dust
Sam personal greetings are going to: Sky, Pitbull, Brian, Avatar,
Alpha / Legend Design Stone, Vioon, B-Man, Tyrone / DUST r0k,
.max, Baudbandit / KLF Peachy, Fuzzel / Masque Patte, Cekay, Sky
/ Xography Pfusuus, Skylark / Psychosquad Walken / Impact Studios
Zodiak / Cascada Barti! / NoooN BigJim, Sandman / Valhalla Zeb,
Ukko, Tikal, Syntax Error / Zuul Desing Gandalf, Kroc, LCA /Infiny
Zebig, Suny, Performer, Exel / Speed Aap, Vic, others / Acme The
Rew / Nostalgia Unreal / S!P Andy, Nightmare, Cougar/Anarchy Ger.
Equinox / UPG Landru, rest... / Amable Fireworker, NopeDope /
United Artists volkraq, Gredon / Gollum Maxwood / Majic 12 Trap
/ Bonzai Royal / The European Technology Rogue / Reality
Tasmaniac / ACiD / Pure Blue Adonis /Traxx Jazz, xXx, Drf, Melkor
/ Haujobb Mikki, Kapsu / Epical Fat Morgan, DGT / Deus Sleeping
Dog / Natives JD / Implant Eagle, Jinx!, others / The Coexistence
Joker, AEG, Mike D. / Chalice Lightshow, others. / Eclipse Cygnus
X Snowman / Hornet.. All guys in TFL-TDV, like Magic Fred and so
on.. : All people who think they shouldve deserved some greets..
Imphobia Boards
M a i n B o a r d s
G E N E S i S !... +32-2-245-3498 Mad, McGarret. 8 WORLD HQ.....
Hst Vf 28.8K Darkness.... - .............
The Cellar.......... 401 739-2946 Ruskin........ 3 US HQ........
H e a d q u a r t e r s
Dead Zone +43-316-426127 Hurricane..... 2 AUSTRIAN...HQ
Carrier Of Belief... +32-50-340-428 Dr. Shinto.... 1 BELGIAN....HQ
Perpetual Motion.... 416 267-6139 Swindler...... 1 CANADIAN...HQ
Eclipse............. +385-51-242472 Goon.......... 1 CROATIAN...HQ
Kilroy.............. +45-45-833-298 Party Crasher. 1 DANISH.....HQ
Planet Earth........ +31-20-6995913 Aap........... 1 DUTCH......HQ
Triplex............. +358-0-5062277 Royal......... 2 FINNISH....HQ
A . C . E .......... +33-1-45887548 Gandalf....... 4 FRENCH.....HQ
The Firm............ +49-40-6482146 Doc Bobo...... 1 GERMAN.....HQ
Megaverse........... +30-HAS-CLOSED DGT........... 1 GREEK......HQ
Dune II............. +36-62-341-850 Cyberdanc.Atx 1 HUNGARIAN..HQ
Atari Blues......... +972-9-984-193 Cooly......... 1 ISRAELISH..HQ
Side Effect......... +39-75-5724644 Killer Loop... 1 ITALIAN....HQ
Spacebar............ +47-46-933-499 Hybris........ 1 NORVEGIAN..HQ
Lost In Time........ +7-095-9526570 Steelrat...... 1 RUSSIAN....HQ
Ecstasy............. +381-22-53-884 Dragon........ 2 SERBIAN....HQ
Blastersound........ +34-58-293-583 Mikel......... 1 SPANISH....HQ
A Touch of Eternity. +46-18-240-037 Drain......... 1 SWEDISH...1HQ
The Portal.......... +46-26-196-363 Coyote........ 2 SWEDISH...2HQ
The Underworld...... +41-22-9600621 Synoptic...... 3 SWISS......HQ
D i s t r i b u t i o n
Neo Tokyo........... +32-50-620-112 Tasmaniac..... 2 BELGIAN..SITE
Einstein............ +32-3-385-1594 Sleeping Dog.. 1 BELGIAN..SITE
Infinite Dreams..... 604 733-6432 Norman Yen.... 1 CANADIAN.SITE
Downstairs.......... +45-98-188-132 Ztell......... 1 DANISH...SITE
Zero Level.......... +39-6-8109-934 The Mouse..... 1 ITALIAN..SITE
Dracker 1.......... +34-3-385-3393 Gvyt.......... 2 SPANISH..SITE
Dracker 2.......... +34-3-466-1604 Gvyt.......... 2 SPANISH..SITE
End Of Time......... 803 855-0783 Holy WaterHit 1 U.S.A....SITE
The Dragons Hoard.. 203 292-6211 Dragonmaster.. 1 U.S.A....SITE
The Phunk Palace.... 408 246-0281 Hannibal Lect. 1 U.S.A....SITE
We are still looking for affilates in countries WHICH WE DO NOT
ALREADY COVER. If you have a BBS in a country which is not on the
list above and want to become an Imphobia Headquarter, contact
Darkness at the adress above or mail him in one of our WHQ Genesis
Call those cool FTP sites:
ftp.cdrom.com maintained by Hornet
Scene stuff is located under the /pub/demos directory
maintained by Zodiak/Cascada, Gandalf/Infiny and Lemming/Orange
Scene stuff is located under /demo directory
maintained by Sleeping Dog/The Natives
Scene stuff is located under the /pub/demos directory
Dont forget to fill out the voting form for the Imphobia 13 charts!
Imphobia Issue 12
- Keeping you informed -
Released at The Summer Party 96
The files included in IMPHOB12.ZIP should be as follows:
imphob12.exe Run this one to load the mag.
data .001 Data file
data .002 Data file
data .003 Data file
data .004 Data file
nfo12 .dat Data file
fileid .diz File description for bbss
imphobia.nfo This .nfo file
imphobia.frm Voting form for Imphobia 13
imp12ex.zip Example files
Organising, Main EditorDarkness
CodingThe Wizard
Graphics DesignP.L.
Soundblaster RoutinesThe Wizard Numerus
GUS ReplayRobban/Cda
Additional GUS Replay CodeThe Wizard
Cover PictureP.L.
Background Tune 1Shad/Pulse Live
Background Tune 2Clawz/Oxygene
Background Tune 3Dune/Orange
Background Tune 4Void/Reality
Original Nfofile logoZed
Original Fileid.dizBeastie/ACiD
You can contact us by mail: Darkness/Imphobia
Jeff Van Audenhove
118 Av. Du Roi Soldat
1070 Bruxelles
or by phone only weekend: +32-02-5240648
Ask for Jeff - Darkness
or by Data/IMPHOBIA WHQ: GENESiS bbs
+32-02-2453498 6 Nodes Rinddown v34+
+32-02-2481420 2 ISDN Nodes 64000/x75
Log in GENESiS using as handle : IMPHOBIA
as password: IMPHOBIA
to enter the special Imphobia conference.
Note: Genesis bbs is curently temporaly down due to a hardware problem
but it will be back online in the very near future.
or by internet E-Mail Jeff Van Audenhove Darkness/Imphobia
This material is *not* freeware. You are allowed to copy it
without restrictions for non-commercial use. No payment of any
kind may be charged for this product or any combination of
products or services including this product without our
authorization and officially written license. Commercial use,
especially the industrial manufacturing on *any* data storage
media which includes cdroms and their distribution without our
expressed permission is *strictly* prohibited. This program or the
data files contained therein may not be altered or modified
without our written permission. You take full responsibility for
the operation of this software and *any* consequences thereof. We,
the creators, can not accept liability for damages or failures
arising from the use of this software.
Current Releases
I m p h o b i a R e l e a s e s
Noname Intro Intro ??. ??? 91 Noname .zip 19k
Imphobia 1 Diskmag 23. Feb 92 Imphob1.zip 142k
Imphobia 2 Diskmag 18. Apr 92 Imphob2.zip 227k
Imphobia 3 Diskmag 29. Jul 92 Imphob3.zip 307k
X-Mas Mix Module MOD 23. Dec 92 Impmix .zip 228k
Imphobia 4 Diskmag 28. Dec 92 Imphob4.zip 376k
Imphobia 5 Diskmag 03. Apr 93 Imphob5.zip 556K
Far From Earth Module MOD 05. Jul 93 Impfar .zip 214k
Imphobia 6 Diskmag 22. Aug 93 Imphob6.zip 466k
Imp6 -Bugfix- Bugfix 25. Aug 93 Imph6fix.zip 17k
Imphobia 7 Diskmag 29. Dec 93 Imphob7.zip 989k
Strawbery Gfx 31. Dec 93 Strawbry.zip 24k
IC Wall Animation 27. May 94 ICwall .zip 277k
Imphobia 8 Diskmag 14. Oct 94 Imphob8.zip 1139k
Imp8 -Bugfix- Bugfix 30. Oct 94 Imp8fix .zip 77k
Ambiance Module MOD 30. Oct 94 ICambia.zip 69k
Infomaniak Demonstration 06. Nov 94 -Commercial- 650k
Imphobia 9 Diskmag 11. Feb 95 Imphob9.zip 1442k
NHP WMs Mods 1 Modules 03. Mar 95 Wmmods1.zip 1264K
NHP WMs Mods 2 Modules 03. Mar 95 Wmmods2.zip 705K
Genesis Ads Intro 19. Mar 95 Impgen!.zip 54k
Cant f. the Funk Module S3M 30. Apr 95 Impcfunk.zip 579k
Imphobia 10 Diskmag 13. Jun 95 Imphob10.zip 1451k
Genesis Ambience Intro 20. Jul 95 Impgena.zip 27k
Wolfs Asm95 pic Gfx 15. Aug 95 Impwolf.zip 78k
Wired95 invit. Invtro 08. Oct 95 Impwir95.zip 375k
Imphobia 11 Diskmag 24. Dec 95 Imphob11.zip 1226k
Cyborg Gfx 31. Mar 96 Impcybor.zip 82k
Cybowoman Gfx 07. Mar 96 Impwoman.zip 33k
Imphobia 12 Diskmag 12. Jul 96 Imphob12.zip 1388k
no order
Impact Studios, Zuul Design, Acme, Speed, Legend Design,
Surprise! Productions, Cascada, Infiny, Psychosquads, Tfa,
Triton, Majic 12, Doomsday Productions, Dust, Witan, Nooon,
Gollum, CodeBlasters, Hemoroids, Admire, Hornet, Extreme,
Xography, Tran, Anarchy, Bonzai, Sorcerers, Complex, Skull,
DCE, Orange, Black Design, Frontline Design, Purge, Sonic,
Twilight Zone, Avalanche, Yodel, Subnormals, EMF, Silents,
Renaissance, New Age, Inertia, Extreme, Grif, Absolute! Pc,
The Black Rain, @, Titanic,TET, ACiD,iCE, KLF,KFMF, Iguana,
Cybernetic Dreams, Flash Prod., Mental Design, Nostalgia,
Prime, Logic Design, Epical, Hypnosis, Scoopex, Isch Crew,
Sirius Cyb., Crypton, Capacala, Core, Exalt, Arkham, Deus,
Diffusion, Distorsion, TFL-TDV, Hypernova, The Natives,
React, pa, Future Crew, Virtual Visions, Antares, Phantom
Design, Adrar Design, X-Ess, Pure, Valhalla, Live, Amable,
Proxima, Inferiors, Realm, Hirmu, Domi*nation, Fascination,
Neutron, Massive, Pure Resistance, Reality, Cosmopoliz,
SuccesS, Tlotb, Purple, Weird Magic, Amable, Pulse.
Darkness personal greetings are going to : Walken, Sigfrid Claws
Impact Studios, Pfusuus Ron Psd, Zodiak Cda, Erik, Thomas,
Reebok, Unreal, Chicken Silent Mode Surprise! Production, Hell-
raiser, Robban Mirage Cascada Vr, Kroc, LCA Gandalf Infiny,
Alex, Bart Jendrik Witan, Zeb Zuul DesING, Aap, Vic Laser-
dance Acme, Shadowman Codeblasters, The Rew NTG, Nothingface
Samsman Ground Zero , Patte Stephan Xography , Black Label,
Double C, DGM the other coder Hemoroids, Brian legend design,
Access Csurfer Antares Lets make an even better party together
next year!, Stone Tyrone Dust, Kapsu Epical, Leviathan, MPS
Extreme, Ohara, Doom, Fear @, Zebig Speed, Ukko, Syntax Error
Tikal, Zeb, Jobbo,... Zuul DesINg!, Loot Triton, The Hit Man,
Holy Water, Tasmaniac, Sharp Hannibal Lecter ACiD, The Bogeyman
Twilight Zone, Daredevil, Ryan Cramer CCCatch RNS, Ghor Isch
Crew, Snowman Dan Wright Hornet, CP, Barti Karl Nooon,
John Smith Advanced Gravis, Felix React, Spinal, Slash, Moebius
Subnormals, Dush React, Jcab, Jare and Captain Bit Iguana,
Rd-d Purge, Faramir , Cyberdancer Phantom Design , MacGarret
Madflight Genesis bbs, Killer Pc Distortion, Tone Doc. Bobo
Cybernetic Dreams, Scorpio Sorcerers, Royal T.E.T., Ruskin
Runaway Train The Cellar, Mike Phillips, Sida, D.D.T Accession,
Pallbearer ToxicZombies, Disperin Admire, Taskmaster Gollum,
Sleeping Dog The Natives, Mr.Logic Weird Magic, Mikee X-Ess,
Alexel Dst, Bismark, Type One Fred Tfl/Tdv, Calvin Proxima,
Zeejay Domi*Nation, Dennis Courtis, Necros Legend Design, Nix
Contagion Massive, Doc. Bobo, Fortune Fascination, Pyromaniac
Pure Resistance, Distance Orange, Rogue Reality, Latch Zero
Cosmopoliz, Fingertip Positron, Amber Neutron, Tim SuccesS,
all the Imphobia sysops worldwide,all the users at GENESiS BBS, all
my friends on IRCcoders when available, all diskmags editors and
all others I might have forgotten and of course greetings to *YOU*.
.Thanks you all for contributing in the making of a better scene.
Note that this list is NOT be up-to-date..
So for the people I might have missed: You know who you are.
P.L. personal greetings are going to.....: Zebig/Speed, Sigfrid
Walken/Impact Studios, Ukko/Zuul Desing, Kroc, Zeb Barti/Infiny,
Felix/React, Aap/Acme, MacGarret Madflight/Genesis, Zodiak/Cda,
Pfusuus/Psychosquad and a big hello to all other good pc gfx
artists : Rack Majic12, Peachy Fade One Masque, Maestro
J.O.E. Surprise! Productions, Tyrone Dust, Nik E.M.F., Suny
Speed Impact Studios, OHara @, Alex Movement...
The Wizards Personal greetings: Scorpio, Ghost Yahn, Magic Fred,
Blaze Runner, Bismarck DistObsolete!, Type One, Walken, Zodiak,
all cool boyz on IRC, Missel. To all of you who think that Internet
is now the target of human debility and must be defended.
Numerus personal greetings: Karl, Barti Nooon, Zodiak Cascada!,
Vogue Triton, Chicken Reebok S!P, Pfusuus Psd, Stone Dust
Sam personal greetings are going to: Sky, Pitbull, Brian, Avatar,
Alpha / Legend Design Stone, Vioon, B-Man, Tyrone / DUST r0k,
.max, Baudbandit / KLF Peachy, Fuzzel / Masque Patte, Cekay, Sky
/ Xography Pfusuus, Skylark / Psychosquad Walken / Impact Studios
Zodiak / Cascada Barti! / NoooN BigJim, Sandman / Valhalla Zeb,
Ukko, Tikal, Syntax Error / Zuul Desing Gandalf, Kroc, LCA /Infiny
Zebig, Suny, Performer, Exel / Speed Aap, Vic, others / Acme The
Rew / Nostalgia Unreal / S!P Andy, Nightmare, Cougar/Anarchy Ger.
Equinox / UPG Landru, rest... / Amable Fireworker, NopeDope /
United Artists volkraq, Gredon / Gollum Maxwood / Majic 12 Trap
/ Bonzai Royal / The European Technology Rogue / Reality
Tasmaniac / ACiD / Pure Blue Adonis /Traxx Jazz, xXx, Drf, Melkor
/ Haujobb Mikki, Kapsu / Epical Fat Morgan, DGT / Deus Sleeping
Dog / Natives JD / Implant Eagle, Jinx!, others / The Coexistence
Joker, AEG, Mike D. / Chalice Lightshow, others. / Eclipse Cygnus
X Snowman / Hornet.. All guys in TFL-TDV, like Magic Fred and so
on.. : All people who think they shouldve deserved some greets..
Imphobia Boards
M a i n B o a r d s
G E N E S i S !... +32-2-245-3498 Mad, McGarret. 8 WORLD HQ.....
Hst Vf 28.8K Darkness.... - .............
The Cellar.......... 401 739-2946 Ruskin........ 3 US HQ........
H e a d q u a r t e r s
Dead Zone +43-316-426127 Hurricane..... 2 AUSTRIAN...HQ
Carrier Of Belief... +32-50-340-428 Dr. Shinto.... 1 BELGIAN....HQ
Perpetual Motion.... 416 267-6139 Swindler...... 1 CANADIAN...HQ
Eclipse............. +385-51-242472 Goon.......... 1 CROATIAN...HQ
Kilroy.............. +45-45-833-298 Party Crasher. 1 DANISH.....HQ
Planet Earth........ +31-20-6995913 Aap........... 1 DUTCH......HQ
Triplex............. +358-0-5062277 Royal......... 2 FINNISH....HQ
A . C . E .......... +33-1-45887548 Gandalf....... 4 FRENCH.....HQ
The Firm............ +49-40-6482146 Doc Bobo...... 1 GERMAN.....HQ
Megaverse........... +30-HAS-CLOSED DGT........... 1 GREEK......HQ
Dune II............. +36-62-341-850 Cyberdanc.Atx 1 HUNGARIAN..HQ
Atari Blues......... +972-9-984-193 Cooly......... 1 ISRAELISH..HQ
Side Effect......... +39-75-5724644 Killer Loop... 1 ITALIAN....HQ
Spacebar............ +47-46-933-499 Hybris........ 1 NORVEGIAN..HQ
Lost In Time........ +7-095-9526570 Steelrat...... 1 RUSSIAN....HQ
Ecstasy............. +381-22-53-884 Dragon........ 2 SERBIAN....HQ
Blastersound........ +34-58-293-583 Mikel......... 1 SPANISH....HQ
A Touch of Eternity. +46-18-240-037 Drain......... 1 SWEDISH...1HQ
The Portal.......... +46-26-196-363 Coyote........ 2 SWEDISH...2HQ
The Underworld...... +41-22-9600621 Synoptic...... 3 SWISS......HQ
D i s t r i b u t i o n
Neo Tokyo........... +32-50-620-112 Tasmaniac..... 2 BELGIAN..SITE
Einstein............ +32-3-385-1594 Sleeping Dog.. 1 BELGIAN..SITE
Infinite Dreams..... 604 733-6432 Norman Yen.... 1 CANADIAN.SITE
Downstairs.......... +45-98-188-132 Ztell......... 1 DANISH...SITE
Zero Level.......... +39-6-8109-934 The Mouse..... 1 ITALIAN..SITE
Dracker 1.......... +34-3-385-3393 Gvyt.......... 2 SPANISH..SITE
Dracker 2.......... +34-3-466-1604 Gvyt.......... 2 SPANISH..SITE
End Of Time......... 803 855-0783 Holy WaterHit 1 U.S.A....SITE
The Dragons Hoard.. 203 292-6211 Dragonmaster.. 1 U.S.A....SITE
The Phunk Palace.... 408 246-0281 Hannibal Lect. 1 U.S.A....SITE
We are still looking for affilates in countries WHICH WE DO NOT
ALREADY COVER. If you have a BBS in a country which is not on the
list above and want to become an Imphobia Headquarter, contact
Darkness at the adress above or mail him in one of our WHQ Genesis
Call those cool FTP sites:
ftp.cdrom.com maintained by Hornet
Scene stuff is located under the /pub/demos directory
maintained by Zodiak/Cascada, Gandalf/Infiny and Lemming/Orange
Scene stuff is located under /demo directory
maintained by Sleeping Dog/The Natives
Scene stuff is located under the /pub/demos directory
Dont forget to fill out the voting form for the Imphobia 13 charts!
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